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Politics - 2 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Be specific. and, why should congress let Bush get away with this so called privilege when they subpoena people in his office? How does this threaten National security if they are subpoenaed?

2007-08-02 08:45:37 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Which one are you for?

2007-08-02 08:42:06 · 41 answers · asked by . 2

Omertà (or a code of silence) has become the final bond holding the Bush administration together. Honesty is dishonorable; silence is manly; penitence is weakness. Loyalty trumps law. Protecting higher-ups is patriotism. Stonewalling is idealism. Telling the truth is informing. Cooperation with investigators is cowardice; breaking the code is betrayal. Once the code is shattered, however, no one can be trusted and the entire edifice crumbles.
Is this what the 29 percenters are hoping for? No accountability from Gonzales, Meirs, Rove, Bolton or any others

2007-08-02 08:40:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

... so why don't we just skip this campaign and make him the Nominee? The way we do it now, all that matters is donations from a bunch of fat cats. Look who we ended up with in 2000.

2007-08-02 08:40:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Think about it, democracy is by the people for the people. What if the people are stupid? Then you get something that is by the stupid for the stupid. A country (particularly a world superpower) should not be controlled by stupid people.

Keep in mind that the test I am proposing would not have a partisan swing. It would just be something that tests if the person is intelligent enough to understand what is going on in the world. It would also test how well the person understood how the government runs.

This is not some sneaky joke poking fun at the average intelligence of the members of a certain political party, I'm just wondering if anyone else thinks that this is a good idea.

Please, just answer why or why not you would support such a test. No mud slinging, I don't care what you think is wrong with whatever political party you oppose.

Thank you.

2007-08-02 08:34:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous


Instead of you libs giving your opinion all the time, why don't you read this artical to get a little perspective.

2007-08-02 08:34:00 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I keep hearing this rightwing talking point repeated OVER AND OVER AND OVER.


If there was any evidence of this, WOULDN'T BUSH'S GOVERNMENT BE WAVING IT IN OUR FACES?

2007-08-02 08:27:27 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

"Nor has Pelosi been a fan of employer sanctions against the hiring of illegal aliens. In 2003, she accused immigration officers of conducting "terrorizing raids" on Wal-Mart stores that led to the arrest of more than 300 illegal aliens"

"She led the opposition and voted against the Secure Fence Act of 2006 recently signed into law by President Bush to build a 700-mile fence along the U.S.-Mexican border. [Note: Mexico indicated the border fence will work. That is why it is threatening to go to the U.N. to block the fence from being built].

She voted against "against a requirement that businesses use an electronic system to verify whether new hires have the legal right to work in the U.S. "

2007-08-02 08:14:07 · 24 answers · asked by a bush family member 7

i can tell you that other great minds beleived in god such as isaac newton, einstein, even darwin but he lost his daughter to an illness and decided to rebel against the faith and darwanism was born and the nazi's used that idea in the holocaust to breed the perfect race.. but was george washington one of the founding father's of our country a catholic?

2007-08-02 08:10:51 · 13 answers · asked by cardona6969 2

2007-08-02 08:10:19 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous


Instead of you libs giving your opinion all the time, why don't you read this artical to get a little perspective.

2007-08-02 08:10:05 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

When I say 'pro and con' I'm referring to those who believe man is responsible for global warming and those who disagree . 50 -50 .
Let them speak their views . Let them confront and challenge each other .

Let them debate . And let us decide

What do you think ?

2007-08-02 08:06:32 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous

Stop being stingy and SHARE THE WEALTH!

2007-08-02 08:05:58 · 1 answers · asked by SEXIEST AVATAR™ is HERE. 6

2007-08-02 08:05:58 · 22 answers · asked by Page 4

I suspect its Mayberry Machiavellian.

2007-08-02 08:02:59 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-08-02 07:57:08 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

is our children learning?

2007-08-02 07:55:50 · 16 answers · asked by anne_deezoff 6

To save their party?

2007-08-02 07:54:53 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

And, what links Kennedy to Chavez?

hint: Citizens Energy

2007-08-02 07:54:00 · 11 answers · asked by junglejoe 2


2007-08-02 07:51:17 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dislike Bush and his policies as much as the next person but really, the damage has been done. Impeaching him now would achieve nothing and would only further polarize people. If people really wanted Bush impeached they should have started working on it back in about 2004-2005.

Please, conservatives, don't leave obnoxious comments about how I am a "Liberal communist" I am a moderate, moderate is far enough away from right-wing propaganda to tell that Bush may be the worst president in history, there are even some conservatives who agree.

Please, liberals, no comments degrading conservatives, Bush is a bad president but it's not entirely their fault. Everyone who is answering, just try to get along.

Politics doesn't happen when two groups of people take extreme views and scream at each other, that sort of thing causes civil wars. What we all need to do is sit and talk and take each other seriously.

2007-08-02 07:50:55 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Most European democracies have several political parties.

They use something called proportional representation. Instead of electing candidates by district, voters pick a party they like, and seats are alloted according to how much votes each party receives. This reduces the power of the establishment parties and gives smaller parties a voice.

Do you think such a system is good for America? Would it not be an incentive for more people to vote if their votes actually counted?

2007-08-02 07:47:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-02 07:47:04 · 39 answers · asked by Joseph W 2

Do Dems make sense?

If they want more time because Rush points out their weaknesses, they bring up "Fairness Doctrine."

But, when top scientists and other people question the voracity of Global Warming, Dems try to shut them up.

2007-08-02 07:43:40 · 6 answers · asked by Duminos 2

I haven't been watching MSNBC lately, so who exactly are we blaming this one on? Did Bush fire some inspectors, or did global warming cause the rebar in the concrete to weaken?

I want to get up to date with the blame game.

Or is the left giving up on this one? Should I wait for the Republicans to blame it on gay marriage, or Saddam Hussein?

2007-08-02 07:39:48 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

... Clinton's failures?

Can I say it one day later? One month? One year? ... when you complain about Bush.

2007-08-02 07:37:57 · 8 answers · asked by Duminos 2

1.Republicans are the party of the rich and selfish
2.Republicans are the party of warmongers
3.Republicans are the party of Christian jihadist and imperialist
4.White racist in the south who were against civil rights joined the republican party the party of bigots
5.Republicans helped create concentration camps Abhu, Gharib, and Gitmo, Cuba
6.Republicans have a propaganda machine to spread thier vicious lies and treason FOX NEWS
7.Their leader Emperor Bush is so much like Hitler you would think they were related
8.Republicans believe in opression and no equal opportunity for humans
9.Republicans do not believe in workers rights or the right to work in a safe enviroment with great benefits and pay, for employees

2007-08-02 07:37:49 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

It seems to me that Liberals don't mind discussing who is more patriotic if patriotism is defined as redistributing income and funding their beloved Nanny State. Only if patriotism is defined as supporting America do they get testy and drone on about 'McCarthyism.'

2007-08-02 07:37:30 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Joe Kennedy is another hero of Liberals.

Kennedy is buddies with the man who keeps millions of Venezuelans poor and downtrodden.

2007-08-02 07:35:06 · 7 answers · asked by Duminos 2

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