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Politics - 2 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Political elites are able to have a disproportionate influence on public issues in the United States for all of the following reasons except
a. they identify many new public issues for action.
b. they define the terms of new public issues.
c. they state the norms by which issues are settled.
d. they define most economic and social problems.
e. A and D.

2007-08-02 10:13:03 · 1 answers · asked by Wootwooty 1


Read about the war critics at the NYT who changed their toon once they accually went to Iraq, unlike most haters in this room.

2007-08-02 10:12:56 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-08-02 10:12:16 · 4 answers · asked by Page 4

It's okay to have fun sometimes but somethings are just crass.

2007-08-02 10:05:47 · 12 answers · asked by egg_sammash 5


Please read.

2007-08-02 10:05:11 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

so he can invade and exploit the soveriegn nation for oil?

2007-08-02 10:01:38 · 10 answers · asked by Honey Girl 3

2007-08-02 09:59:47 · 12 answers · asked by mark p 1

OUR PREDIDENT, GEORGE W. BUSH, any suggestion/s of help, assistance, advise, incouragement, in his administering the day to day happenings ??? I can not think of any, not even one!! I hear a lot of accusations, a lot of hot air, worlds of smoke being blown ON BOTH SIDES, BUT I DO NOT REMEMBER ANYONE MAKING ANY SUGGESTION OF HELP!! AM I A HEAD ON BLIND SUPPORER OF GEORGE W. BUSH??? NO, - NO, - NO, - , BUT I DO BELIEVE THAT HE IS PRIVVY TO INTELLIGENCE MATTERS THAT CAN NOT BE ALLOWED TO BE KNOWN BY THE GENERAL PUBLIC !!!
BTW, TO POINT A FINGER AT ANOTHER, whether physically or verbally, remember this:: The word DUMB rhymes with THUMB !! The pointing person uses the DUMB THUMB to try to hide the 3 fingers that are pointing back at him !!!!! Think about what that pointer's 3 fingers are trying to tell everyone!!!!!!!
Uncle Wil

2007-08-02 09:58:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Question: Who would you sooner have replaced - Brown, Bush or Putin?

"Dull Jon"s Answer: Bush, but only because I haven't paid enough attention to Brown or Putin to comment on them.

Isn't that just like saying, "I'm really to stupid to learn anything, so I'll just hate Bush like they told me too."?

Screen name says it all I guess...

People are so overwhelmingly stupid. Anyone who didn't say Putin can't be taken seriously about anything. Hatred so blind is a mental disorder.

Should they be subjected to forced sterilization?

2007-08-02 09:56:52 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I didn't call him a name or anything remotely close to that. I just simply disagreed with him. How does one expect to find the truth if one is not willing to listen to all sides? Does he just want people to inflate his ego?

2007-08-02 09:50:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


You'd think the be happy......

2007-08-02 09:49:14 · 2 answers · asked by Frank Dileo 3

2007-08-02 09:39:10 · 44 answers · asked by Carol 2

Is it because they are afraid Nancy Pelosi will have to resign? She hired undocumented workers for her business while she was using her government position to keep undocumented workers from being deported. Guess Democrats know the term "obstruction of justice".

"What they did was wash the outside of the cup, but the inside of the cup is still filthy," railed [Republican] Coburn, who said the legislation would present the appearance of reform while still leaving open loopholes. "If you want to fix what's wrong in Congress, you have to make the earmarking process completely transparent. We had a great strong bill in January and they gutted it."

2007-08-02 09:37:50 · 11 answers · asked by a bush family member 7


Will you kindly read this artical before you give your feedback, thanks.

2007-08-02 09:36:25 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

does your bologna have a second name?is it M-a-y-e-r?

2007-08-02 09:30:22 · 14 answers · asked by pot roast 1

2007-08-02 09:27:16 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. Lincoln - Kept the country together/ Freed the Slaves.

2. Washington - Could have been King. Chose Democracy

3. Reagan – The Great Communicator Brought the Soviet Union to it's knees. Created 20 million new jobs.

4. Teddy Roosevelt - the first real free trader and environmentalist.

5. GWB – The Great Liberator Kept America safe from Terrorists Attacks after 9/11. Liberated 50 million hopeless Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq (Soon to be Iran). Brought Honor & Dignity back to the White House. Unemployment a VERY low 4.5%

Bottom 5

1. Woodrow Wilson - WWI was a horrible choice.

2. Andrew Johnson - Impeached

3. Carter – ONE TERMER unlike GWB. Soviets marching everywhere, hostages being taken, long gas lines, high interest rates and unemployment. Basically the worst parts of the Bible.

4. Clinton – The Great Fornicator Brought a 19 year old Chubby Intern to her knees, lied about it and was IMPEACHED. Then he was disbarred.

5. Millard Fillmore

2007-08-02 09:24:02 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who could REALLY run this country well?

2007-08-02 09:22:59 · 8 answers · asked by Not so looney afterall 5

2007-08-02 09:06:49 · 14 answers · asked by Page 4

Personally I'm pulling for evolution but I would like to see where other people stand and why.

I stand for evolution because there is some proof, and a fossil record. After taking a college biology course it becomes impossible to be a rational person and to deny the evidence.

In advance, if you are just going to ramble about how there is no evidence of evolution, you are wrong. I'm usually a master keeping my questions neutral (when I want to) but saying that there is no proof for evolution is just stupid.

I don't care how you feel about the side that you don't agree with. I just want to hear what you believe should be taught in schools and why.

2007-08-02 09:03:11 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Good news in Iraq = "would be a problem for us"?
A problem for who?
For the Democrats:

Monday, July 30, 2007; 6:26 PM

House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) said Monday that a strongly positive report on progress on Iraq by Army Gen. David Petraeus likely would split Democrats in the House and impede his party's efforts to press for a timetable to end the war.

Many Democrats have anticipated that, at best, Petraeus and U.S. ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker would present a mixed analysis of the success of the current troop surge strategy. But of late there have been signs that the commander of U.S. forces might be preparing something more generally positive. Clyburn said that would be "a real big problem for us."


You got that folks? I mean seriously, do you get it? Victory in Iraq is BAD news for the Democrats!

Now can we question their freakin' patriotism?!

2007-08-02 09:01:58 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous

If so? What would you change in it?

2007-08-02 08:58:39 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

He is being made out to be such an incompetint that he shouldn't be able to walk and chew gum at the same time,but he is also being accused of causing everything from Global warming to every other evil thing that can be thought of. If he is so dumb, how could this be happening? Or could he be an evil genius like Dr Evil from all the Austin Powers movies? This isn't meant to be taken too seriously. Just don't accuse him of all sorts of evil acts,then try to say how stupid he really is. It is one way or the other.

2007-08-02 08:56:28 · 15 answers · asked by mntazzy 2

I don't pretend to know whether it's real or not, but I hope it is a hoax. This is an issue that I would be squarely on the fence about if it weren't for one problem:
Who benefits by perpetuating a myth of global warming? It's clear who benefits from disproving it, but what would anybody have to gain from making the world believe it is occurring? It's commonly referred to as an "agenda," but what exactly is the agenda?

And in an effort to dispel any anger, here is a friendly joke:
Two muffins are baking in an oven at 350 degrees. One of them looks at the other and says "Whew! It sure is hot in here!"
And the other one goes "Oh my God! A talking muffin!"

2007-08-02 08:52:57 · 20 answers · asked by Mickey Mouse Spears 7

Obviously with Bush downplaying the strength and abilities of Al Qaeda right now, a terrorist attack on American soil would not be preferential to the Republican party as it would mean that their efforts and the sacrifice of many American soldiers has been completely ineffectual and just a waste of precious American lives and money. If a terrorist act were to occur right now it would not be in the best interest of Republicans to let it be known. That said, couldn't a few well placed small explosives take down a bridge, especially one that is positioned, not only on a major route, but that has also been rated 4 out of 10 by inspectors as far as it's condition is concerned. To me it seems that if terrorists were looking for an easy target that could not only create fear, but also be devastating in sense of American infrastructure and transportation, that this is as good a target as any! Why is there no mention of the possibility of terrorism? Republican cover-up?

2007-08-02 08:52:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

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