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Politics - 2 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

We don't see the word "moonbat" here very much anymore. :o(

2007-08-02 05:30:38 · 13 answers · asked by Jasmine 5

I hear that a lot from foreign nationals I work and socialize with. Curious as to what you might think.

2007-08-02 05:24:53 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-02 05:17:03 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous


Video: New Al Qaeda web promo warns, “Wait for the Big Surprise”

2007-08-02 05:14:26 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm hearing a lot of discussions about Hilary possibly choosing Obama as her running mate. Do you think that her recent criticism of Obama's foreign policy tactics would hurt her chances of becoming president if she eventually asks Obama to be her running mate????

2007-08-02 05:09:30 · 13 answers · asked by Go Blue 3

1 being the dumbest person in the universe and 10 - a genius

2007-08-02 05:07:48 · 66 answers · asked by GObama 2

There would be statues of the military leaders and the president
set about in public squares.
Military parades so people could affectionately display their love for combat in a public setting.
There would be constant war in the world and the US would
be at the center of every conflict.
Abortion, dissent, public protests would all be punishable by death
homosexuality would outlawed and be an imprisonable crime.
People would be forced to carry guns.
All schools would be Christian schools.
Islam and the belief in it would be illegal.
military conscription would instituted.

2007-08-02 05:00:58 · 16 answers · asked by Eyota Xin 1

Are they all fools? most marriages in the US are done with a Christian minister or priest but that doesn't make marriage Christian. There are billions of Chinese that have non christian
weddings so I suppose that takes away from the sacred part.
They like to use this stupidity when arguing against gay
marriage as if Brittney spears few day old marriage to her friend
was a sacrament. How do they explain Americas astronomically high divorce rate?

2007-08-02 04:53:48 · 19 answers · asked by Eyota Xin 1

And roads and tell me your own town does not need millions in repairs .
That crack houses are abandoned homes in poor neighborhoods that burn down in the winter as the homeless try to stay warm .

We spend billions on military defense and if we spent that money on repairing our nation we would have a country the hole world could respect , admire and emulate .

2007-08-02 04:46:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I believe most of the public can see the irrational hatred for what it is and will retaliate against the Dems with their votes.

What do you think?

2007-08-02 04:43:04 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Everyone seems to think that a Democrat will be the next President and that they will be able to just wave a magic wand and everything will be fixed. I believe we should continue to elect a Republican until they completely run the USA into the ground and then maybe people will learn their lessons and never vote for another Republican ever.

2007-08-02 04:42:20 · 12 answers · asked by Becca 4

I sure don't!

Besides being laughably incredulous coming from him, it is also myopic and reckless. This clown has never served in the military and it shows. Who goes around broadcasting strategic intent to the enemy?

His careless statements, which basically telegraph an intent to violate the national soverignty of an allied nation, undermine a key US ally in President Pervez Musharraf .

August 03, 2007

Senator Obama's tough remarks, which prompted the Pakistani Government to caution presidential candidates against "point-scoring" on crucial security issues, came in a bold speech laying out his anti-terrorism strategy

Pakistani Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Tasnim Aslam said she would not comment as Senator Obama was not president, but added: "These are serious matters and should not be used for point-scoring. Political candidates and commentators should show responsibility."


2007-08-02 04:40:32 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

yu tihnk yer so ahsum, beecus yu can speek inglish, but its dum. in fackt laneguag in geniral is a primmetiv foarm uv cumunicashin.

2007-08-02 04:37:05 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

How many American kids will be scared when they cross bridges?

2007-08-02 04:35:10 · 11 answers · asked by Duminos 2

"I can do what I want as long as I am not harming anyone else." That's what they say... but what they mean is, "As long as i'm not harming anyone IN THE SHORT TERM. Is this perhaps the most shortsighted philosophy of all time? They don't think about years and decades later; the personnel, material and economic strain on the health service; children with parents dying of disease attributable to the excesses of youth...
Could libertarian ideals, in the long term, be a greater threat than those of the radical islamists?

2007-08-02 04:33:58 · 12 answers · asked by Jerusalem Delivered 3

2007-08-02 04:30:17 · 26 answers · asked by faith v 1

2007-08-02 04:29:47 · 5 answers · asked by ladoo 1

In his PDB (President's Daily Briefing) on 08-06-01, CIA Director George Tenet told Dubya about hijacking plans by Al-Qaeda to strike within the U.S.

The title of that PDB was, "Bin Laden Determined To Strike in US".

Dubya still blames CIA/FBI for not warning him ahead of time!

What ELSE did he need? A video of "HOW" it'd actually happen?

2007-08-02 04:24:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

"tragedy in Minneapolis, its part of what we talked about this morning, i'm sending my wife tomorrow."

You think he is thinking of a way to get out of helping at all?
Ill just send laura to wave at them and act sad and maybe
invite a couple of their kids to the white house.

2007-08-02 04:20:07 · 16 answers · asked by Eyota Xin 1

With the bridge collapse tragedy in Minnesota, how long will it be until the blame gets pointed at President Bush? I am guessing some friend of Al Franken or some far gone lefty is out there trying their best to tie the tragedy back to President Bush. Even though the bridge had passed inspections and the deck was being repaired, the finger will be pointed.After all, isn't everything else that goes wrong in this world eventually blamed on Bush? I know some of you may be thinking this is in bad taste, but wasn't blaming 9/11 and the alleged Global warming crisis on President Bush a bit of poor taste as well?

2007-08-02 04:19:21 · 19 answers · asked by mntazzy 2

Closed minded - when anyone disagrees with a liberal.
Compromise - when you do what a liberal wants.
Freedom - when liberals get their way.
Unbiased - when it leans left.

2007-08-02 04:16:14 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was opposed to the invasion from start. I said, 'not in my name'. I do not accept being included in the "us". I don't support Bush now, I never will, I think Bush/Cheney are traitors. The war is doing GREAT harm to the US. I think the ONLY patriotic position is to vehemently oppose the war, calling for withdrawal as fast as is physically possible.

2007-08-02 04:15:58 · 29 answers · asked by amazed we've survived this l 4

What would it be? I know what would I ask, why do I have to watch Bush's crap every day?lol

2007-08-02 04:14:42 · 31 answers · asked by Ivan 2

She seems to have a pretty good chance from the way I see it in the UK!
No silly answers please! I'm just interested to see what people think.

2007-08-02 04:12:16 · 28 answers · asked by Answer Me! 3

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