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Politics - 6 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

2007-08-06 17:10:30 · 18 answers · asked by Nick F 6

Its hard to believe there is actually a woman running for president. This brings new hope to the world especially to the women and children of the world. Hilary is a really smart person with some incredible credentials.

2007-08-06 17:10:04 · 39 answers · asked by ? 2

Some con said we were doing that.

Criminalizing speech means passing LAWS banning certain types of speech or freedom of expression. For example, like what conservatives did during the Red Scare, banning books and political parties, and accusing dissenters of sedition and treason.

Meanwhile, liberal organizations like the ACLU to this day defend the freedom of expression of all Americans including the klan. While I disagree with the right-wing racist views of the klan, I too defend their right to say what they believe in.

Acting on Behalf of KKK and its Opponents, MN ACLU Questions Delay in Rally Permit Applications (8/15/2001

2007-08-06 17:10:02 · 11 answers · asked by trovalta_stinks_2 3

I'm sorry, but I'm completely lost.
I'm Japanese and married to a American guy, and he told me they decided to attack Iraq because they are/were idiots.
Yeah, right.
But I want to know the real reason.
Didn't Bush want people to think that he is a loser??
Weren't that Osama and Al-Qaeda the only enemy after 9/11 though?

Also can anyone tell me where I can find names and pictures of those who lost their lives in war in Iraq?
(I thought I saw them in the Newsweek website, but I can't find it now)

Thank you...

2007-08-06 16:40:31 · 13 answers · asked by AuntieZoey 4

2007-08-06 16:25:02 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Could it be because they have created massive deficits, weakened American prestige abroad, alienated allies, have failed to reduce terrorism (instead it has drastically increased), increased big brother surveillence over the American citizen, and engaged in a culture of corruption, perhaps?

Trends in Political Values and Core Attitudes: 1987-2007

2007-08-06 16:23:09 · 22 answers · asked by trovalta_stinks_2 3

to be the nominal Leader of the Free World, which would you pick?

For those who don't know, a plasmodium slime mold is a type of fungi which feeds on manure and appears as a slimy yellow blob. If you are unsure of the difference between the two options, you're in good company.

2007-08-06 16:21:19 · 24 answers · asked by abram.kelly 4

If not, what are you waiting for? It's a great read:


You have nothing to lose but your chains. And a world to win.

2007-08-06 16:12:34 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sometimes I will see one poster get like 6 or 7 thumbs up and one thumbs down, and yet that poster does not get the "best answer." Instead the "best answer" is sometimes given to a person who didn't even get a single thumbs up or down rating OR got more thumbs down then thumbs up.

How can the voting and the thumbs up/down system be so completely opposite of each other for some posters? You would think they would line up at least somewhat.

2007-08-06 16:10:01 · 12 answers · asked by trovalta_stinks_2 3

After 3 massive Democratic losses in 1980, 1984, and 1988, a moderate Democrat won in 1992 and 1996, a moderate-liberal Democrat *actually* won in 2000, a very liberal Democrat *actually* won in 2004, and the Democrats re-took Congress in 2006.

Why do you think the country has put the Reagan era behind it?

2007-08-06 16:06:04 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

No regulations, no taxation, no import/export controls, no enforced monopolies (like energy companies, U.S. postal Service, etc). Just let pure capitalism reign and allow profit to completely drive the markets.

How would that be? Pure capitalism?

Or...are there social concerns that outweigh concerns over profits? Does capitalism need to be limited by and subservient to those concerns?

2007-08-06 16:05:57 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Zf2nCiBJLo This video is Fahrenheit 9/11 Trailer from youtube.com where it states clearly that after 9/11 all flights were cancelled except chartered plane of osama bin ladin family which flew outwards from US air space when no commercial plane even President's plane was allowed to use the air space of US. And the fact about oil is that it used to be $25/barrel before Iraq war and now it is more than $90/barrel in international market and the fact is that production of oil (due to exploration of Iraq by US) has been increased significantly as Iraq has 3rd biggest oil reserves in the world and most of contracts are won in Iraq by the Bush's top tyre party members. My question is who is benifiting? Iraq, Bush Party or Muslim World? Doesn't it seems dodgy. This is not the only fact which made me think that government was involved but many other facts as well which made me think this. If you want some of them, just email me and I will share them with you.

2007-08-06 15:52:37 · 34 answers · asked by samranelahi 2

I never enslaved anyone
My ancestors died to free them
My ancestors fought to give them equal rights

Should these people who push for it stop trying to be victims?

Dr. Michael Savage has a great debate with a reperations guy here

2007-08-06 15:49:21 · 27 answers · asked by Serpico7 5

Did you know she went to the Daily Kos convention and got booed?

2007-08-06 15:45:17 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm undecided between the two and I'd like to hear other people's opinions.

I am not interested in Republican, third party or Libertarian views, and any such responses will be flagged. Thank you!

2007-08-06 15:44:40 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Gotta love that "ethics" thing Hannity claims to love.

Mark Fuhrman's 10/2/96 Plea Agreement To Felony Perjury

2007-08-06 15:31:28 · 13 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

Sometimes I wonder if the reason liberals call Bush a liar is because Bill Clinton was a liar- thus a bit of Freudian projection is used, and liberals ascribe Clinton's negative traits onto Bush.
Clinton lied, was found guilty and impeached for his lies. Bush didn't lie- he was presnted with intelligence that turned out to be wrong- But there is no evidence he lied...
Pres Bush brought wisdom and integrity to the white house..
Can anyone cite a single example of when Bush lied, and how can you suggest his lies were anywhere near as bad as clinton's?

2007-08-06 15:30:47 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

For some it may be mainstream news stations, newspapers, television, etc... some may also claim certain individuals from past to present.

I'm not going to give a choice of answers since it may inhibit others from answering, but I am curious to know one thing.

What or who has caused you to be of the "political nature" that you are?

Third parties are encouraged to answer, also.

2007-08-06 15:24:50 · 9 answers · asked by Glen B 6

Doesn't this stifle capitalism and a free-market economy? If competition drives prices down and improves service, why is this monopoly allowed to exist?

2007-08-06 15:20:10 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

The University of Maryland maintains the Global Terrorism Database.

Today I looked at those numbers in many different ways and was shocked at what I found? Many of you will call it propaganda and lies. I can't help you, but today was such a 'bad day' in Iraq that the news is reporting about the political crisis where Sunni Iraqi ministers have decided to do their jobs but not attend cabinet meetings.

The numbers are similar news that isn't getting reported. 98-04 demonstrates a worldwide decline in terrorism, with an increase in attacks killing more people at a time and a concentration of attacks against our allies and in the "hot spots."

Don't believe me? I have the link to the databases on my blog. Crunch the numbers yourself and see if you can come up with ANY way to refute the data.

War on Terror Blog: http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-DfkctJU7dK5B7LcNROoyVQ--?cq=1
No politics. Just the groundtruth from a combat veteran of both fronts backed up by independent research

2007-08-06 15:20:04 · 4 answers · asked by John T 6

....or should we all remain blissful?

2007-08-06 15:11:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, we all know that Sadam had nothing to do with Sep. 11
(if you want to know what really happened, see 9/11 Mysteries


(Watch these videos with an open mind and look at the hard
physical evidence proving an "Inside Job" false-flag attack
designed to get Western people to all hate Muslims)


Now comes the big question:

What are US troops DOING in Iraq? Why are they still there
after 4 years?

What does oppressing, subjugating, bombing & TORTURING
people in oil-rich countries have to do with fighting terror?

What did Iraqis do to the US to deserve endless occupation?

Look at the photos





Iraqi body count: 655,000+

US Soldiers dead: 22,000+ dead. (Officially, around 3,400
which is deaths on the field)

2007-08-06 15:10:43 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Could it be considered a form of mental illness? Elaborate, please.

2007-08-06 15:09:53 · 10 answers · asked by Austin W 3

Claim your affiliation to the either party if it applies;

Now, instead of generic answers, what would be 3 points of argument for one partisan or the other to convince the "other" party to denounce affiliation with their current party.

2007-08-06 15:09:10 · 6 answers · asked by Glen B 6

Today, Ann Coulter said among other things in her column : "Most important, Democrats resolutely refuse to tell the poor the secret to not being poor: Keep your knees together until marriage."

I have heard Ann Coulter spew the "save sex until marriage" garbage that right-wingers love before.

So, are we, the public supposed to believe that this corrupt angry woman who teases people like a kindergardener has really never had SEX?

Maybe thats her problem, maybe if she would have sex it would send some blood to her brain somehow lol, look forward to comments.

2007-08-06 15:09:01 · 12 answers · asked by baby.brown_eyes 2

She was a first lady and a senator, but what truly has she done to even be considred as the next leader of the free world. and "because she's a woman is not acceptable." my objection is not sexist it is an issue of merit, and proven ability to be steadfast in your beliefs. So far she has only shown her ability to sway with the current fashion of IN politics, I don't trust her one bit.

2007-08-06 15:03:20 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

WHEN are you people going to wake up?
It's right in line with what so many of us have been saying all along and you refuse to listen!

They are in bed together colluding for corporate interest, big brother police state and the darker, bigger scheme from the top of a one world government and the new world order.

2007-08-06 14:58:03 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it because this inflated economy is funded my deficit spending and the bubble is due to burst?

2007-08-06 14:57:01 · 17 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

Weakening infrastructure. The Minnestoa guv vetoed gas tax increase to fix the bridges. Should he be sued or impeached? Should gas taxes be raised nationwide to fix the 160,000 bridges in disrepair or should we use Iraq war money to fix the infrastructure??

2007-08-06 14:47:03 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

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