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Politics - 6 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

OK, I, know the Liberals already know this, but many people on here, myself included, call the media a “Liberal” organization (except for some, such as FOX News, which is more Conservative in nature). However, Liberals vehemently deny this, saying that the news outlets are completely unbiased.

Well, I caught them in the act. The 60 Minutes reporter last night was trying out some of his Liberal left-wing spin out, and he got caught red handed. He was interviewing a member of the Kurds, a minority group in Iraq. The interview went like this:

--Kurd: Our lives are better now that Saddam is out of power
--Reporter: So, you are thankful for the U.S. INVASION OF IRAQ? (CAPS mine)
--Kurd: It was no invasion! It was Liberation! The U.S. saved our people!

These people were being treated so harshly under Saddam, and they are finally free of his murderous rule, thanks to the US, and this stupid reporter has the tenacity to pull some spin on this guy who may in fact owe his LIFE to the US Liberation of Iraq!

How funny, that a foreigner can identify and correct the spin in our left-wing press, but we cannot!

What do you make of this?

2007-08-06 07:10:03 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

and according to Liberals, the world hate or hated us when Republican won the presidency only?

was it world peace in Carter and Clinton Years?! you tell me.

2007-08-06 07:04:32 · 20 answers · asked by Samm 6

Instead of the deliberately misleading pre-constructed conservative opinion peices that they are?

And are they "cool"?

2007-08-06 07:01:10 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-06 06:58:32 · 28 answers · asked by Enigma 6

they expanded the patriot act

2007-08-06 06:54:12 · 21 answers · asked by evilmonk66 2

Of course more people come to the US than leave but the ones leaving are some of the best minds and affluent people in america. I know some here will say dont let the door hit ya but that is irrisponsible and ignoring an alarming fact.
Of course a lot of third world people will come to the US but thats not an indication of greatness as the US is of course better than the third world countries with more opportunity.
People from 1st world industrialized nations are not flocking to the US in droves like those from Mexico and Iraqi refugees which America has a responsibility to provide for.

2007-08-06 06:51:10 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

There's a guy who's posting pictures of children on a website for the 'entertainment' of Pedophiles . And I just watched a debate on the topic(btw debates are cool , and you can find them everyday on FoxNews) . Constitutionally , there's nothing the police can do . However it's clear that his actions will foster terrible thoughts and undoubtedly actions by Pedophiles . Children will be and are in danger .
Now , I see you guys defend the constitution with your lives all the time(many say they'd rather die than lose rights to protect us from terrorists) .

So , Mr. and Mrs. Constitutionalist --- Would you defend this guys right to do what he's doing ?

2007-08-06 06:50:58 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

You are at the edge of a thousand foot cliff and hanging from your right hand is Bush and from your left Is your ex wife . You can only save one so who do you drop .

2007-08-06 06:44:29 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sure, capitalism is great in most circumstances, but do you really want to deal with people who's chief concern is making more money when your life is in danger?
If you ever saw the movie Gangs of New York, you saw what happened with privatized fire fighters. The actually fought over who would put out the fire when the house was burning. Do we really need that?

2007-08-06 06:38:00 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-06 06:35:48 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think it is hpycritical of tree huggers (that want to protect the forest) to live in wood houses?????????

2007-08-06 06:33:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

If I walk into any emergency room in this nation with my hand cut off they will make sure that the bleeding is stopped and I receive an antibiotic to ward off infections saving my life .

Will they re attach the hand maybe not . Seems what people want are miracles .

When you have no insurance the fact is your loved one dies a few weeks and sometimes months before those with money or good insurance do .

The fact is though they are going to die anyhow .
Spending $300,000.00 on keeping them alive for a little bit longer just makes you feel good . It does nothing except delay the inevitable .

Poorer people should get use to the fact that they will always get the most cost effective treatments and that many lives are saved because doctors treat kids and children for little or no money and charge the rich high dollars to keep them going a few more weeks . They use that money to do the most good . Saving a 55 year old unemployed man with no future or insurance is a waste .

2007-08-06 06:28:02 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Global warming, universal healthcare, socialism, appeasement.....

THOSE are the pressing, urgent issues in this post-global cooling world.

Typical cons so concerned about protecting our nation when a tree hasn't been embraced in years.....

2007-08-06 06:26:17 · 22 answers · asked by SEXIEST AVATAR™ is HERE. 6

This is another take on the question asked earlier about President Bush. I'm just wondering if a similar scenario were to play out where you could save one of their lives, but losing yours, would you do it?

2007-08-06 06:23:10 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

How about a moratorium on “reporting” each other for a week? If we don’t like a question/answer, we can just move on to the next. I bet Yahoo would freak and we might even learn a little tolerance at the same time.

If so, what day should the moratorium start??

2007-08-06 06:17:53 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am not talking about being an advocate for the right to bear arms., but rather general facination with guns and things that kill.

2007-08-06 06:15:38 · 15 answers · asked by 6th Finger 2

Would we be more likely to quit our jobs and go to work doing something we like to do, since health insurance wouldn't be an issue anymore.

2007-08-06 06:10:50 · 17 answers · asked by Dan 3

2007-08-06 06:03:36 · 12 answers · asked by Natesan K 1

I don;t like new zealand, it's in a weird place on the map and I can never find old zealand, so my plan is this. Im going to be elected president by getting everyone afraid the terrorist will come get them if they don't vote for me then I'm going to "find" some evidence that Helen Clark was the real master mind of 9/11 and lead the US to war against her, do you think this will work? why or why not?

2007-08-06 06:01:44 · 3 answers · asked by Chuckles 4

every middle eastern country has evil doers being voted into political office. WHY IS THAT?
is this proof that evil and bad is better than good and right?

2007-08-06 06:01:18 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-06 06:00:19 · 14 answers · asked by smpl_B 1

I just find it funny that most debates on the issues in the region usually turn into claims of racism instead of addressing issues. I mean is authors like Norman Finkelstien are accused of being anti-semitic then what next?

2007-08-06 05:56:09 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Islamic Extremist make the "right wing" of America's Republican party look like socialist or leftists. They would execute people for being gay, deny women education, and so much more that we (American's) find offensive or disheartening. So do liberals fear this part of the world's society?

2007-08-06 05:56:05 · 13 answers · asked by netjr 6

Why the dislike towards it, what are the problems? Is the problem that you don't wish to live in a socialist country or the politics itself? I feel the best way to get this answered is to place the question elsewhere so:

Is France correct to be a socialist country or not?

2007-08-06 05:55:32 · 15 answers · asked by clint_slicker 6

It was a legitimate question when considering that granpappy Bush was doing business with the Nazi's well into WWII -- even then, he was forced to stop.

So there I was giving a lengthy explanation of this. After hitting 'submit'. I got a page telling me that the question had been deleted by the great people at Yahoo.

2007-08-06 05:53:19 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there any more gold in the world? I don't know if all the gold we have now is fake.

2007-08-06 05:52:24 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Seems collectively as if they were much wiser when running for office than managing talking poits in office!

2007-08-06 05:51:48 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

If so, who was it? Was Bill Clinton ever questioned about this? If so, what exactly was his answer?

2007-08-06 05:51:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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