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Military - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Military

I am a soldier in the Active Army and I have been in for about 8 years now and I heard congress considering re-instating the military draft. In my opinion, I think it should stay as a volunteer army. I want to know what you stand for, draft or volunteer, and why?

2006-11-29 18:23:46 · 21 answers · asked by bluefox1025 2

for some reason nobody dares to say that the war in Iraq is a religious war between two muslim factions. this is just like the religious wars in europe centuries ago between the catholics and protestants in which many were slaughtered and it never really ended. They call it sectarian violence and not a "civil war" but it is not a civil war between two political factions trying to take over rhe country. these factions do not fight each other as in a war. they each take turns killing the civilians of the opposite religion. the warring parties never engage in battles.Is it some kind of wierd modern political correctness to not say what it is? A religious war is nothing new. These people do not want to take over the government. They want to eliminate the other type religion but were previously prevented from doing so by the strong arm of dictator Saddan Hussein. Now they are free to fight. I say let them fight. We cannot stop them or control the outcome or protect them from each other.

2006-11-29 17:50:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm no military expert analyst but wouldn't common sense dictate you never announce what you plan to do? And while I'm on this rant didn't we learn anything from Vietnam? ie. don't let the politicians run the war. It seems to me the U.S. military did one hell of a job of kicking butts in the beginning of this war, why did we veer off path?

2006-11-29 17:38:54 · 10 answers · asked by chuck y 2

The way all the enemies out there and elsewhere are going to claim that they "won". Yeah, Im so not looking forward to those retarded flase claims. Either way, when we leave that place theylll claim victory in the narrow minded heads.

2006-11-29 17:37:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

To help fight the insurgents? I vote for Tom Cruise because he has mind powers, although the Governator is a good second choice...

2006-11-29 17:37:38 · 23 answers · asked by Wise1 3

Bush is asking for NATO to use more troops in Afganistan to relieve some of the pressure on the American and British troops deployed in the region, how long will it be before he will ask them to take over the peacekeeping role in Iraq while he slips his troops out of the backdoor? Should the Americans be made to clear up the mess they have made, and not rely on the kindness of NATO?

2006-11-29 17:32:52 · 7 answers · asked by Dumbledore 3

A friend of mine said that when Japan surrendered at the end of WW2 part of the treaty was they could never have a Military or have weapons to the extent to never be a threat to the united states again. is this true?

2006-11-29 17:13:02 · 7 answers · asked by mr_nice_guy 1

Senator Webb is a decorated veteran who thinks the occupation of Iraq is WRONG and he wants the soldiers to come home:

"How's your boy?" the president asked.

Webb responded, "I'd like to get them out of Iraq."

"That's not what I asked you," Mr. Bush answered. "How's your boy?"

Said Webb —"That's between me and my boy, Mr. President."

A source told "The Hill" newspaper— that Webb said he was so angered by the exchange— he was tempted to slug the president.

Should Senator Webb use his soldier son's boots to ask Bush to walk a mile in those shoes?

2006-11-29 16:56:21 · 13 answers · asked by Reba K 6

I understand the definition of brinkmanship is 'art or practice of going to the very edge of a dangerous situation (eg war) before moving back or withdrawing' but I can't quite imagine what good that brings as opposed to, say, attacking without withdrawing or withdrawing without going to the edge. Can anybody clarify this for me?

2006-11-29 16:47:40 · 1 answers · asked by july 2

2006-11-29 16:14:14 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Some say they have the same effect on policy because to prevent an attack, clearance and security need to be jacked up and officiated more. Their motives may be different, but mercenaries don't have the same psyche profile as criminals since they're contracted to fight although they can be incarcerated. How d'u feel about these groups?

2006-11-29 15:53:20 · 8 answers · asked by Mikey C 5

I work for a wonderful elderly couple, in their home. He was in Korea in the 50s, and is wanting to look up some old Army buddies of his...he gave me their names, and last known addresses (from the 50s)...how can I help him find his friends?


2006-11-29 15:47:20 · 2 answers · asked by Midnight Butterfly 4

What do you think about the War in Iraq?
I'm a American JROTC doing a report on War In Iraq. Exclude political reasoning. Do you think we have made progress in war even if we are losing the cause of it? If you are a soldier please reply. I would like positive replies.

2006-11-29 15:27:08 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

We adopted a unit of soldiers in Iraq and have collected a bunch of stuff for them and would like to know if any shippers or carriers offer a discount on shipping costs.

2006-11-29 15:06:09 · 7 answers · asked by dadchin 1

2006-11-29 14:17:25 · 13 answers · asked by diayocem 2


the plan is to outlaw the sale of items that are believed to be favorite 'toys' of the north korean leader- these include ipods, plasma screen tvs, scooters, cognac, dvds (kim jong il loves 'the bodyguard' and Godzilla movies), sports equiptment (the 5'3'' asian leader loves basketball), jet skis, and other items that he enjoys.

2006-11-29 14:08:45 · 9 answers · asked by list 3

I am 13 and I whant to go in both!!!

2006-11-29 14:00:32 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-29 13:44:38 · 9 answers · asked by Red Beret 1

What skills will be useful to me when i'm in the army? There are many diplomas and currently i'm taking diploma in Sports and Exercise. What i study now...will i actually make us of it?

Thanks for the answer...

2006-11-29 13:36:46 · 4 answers · asked by Red Beret 1

during military carrer did 2 eye laser treatment not for eye vision correction but for the retina has a hole if not treat will get my blind eventually, but military didn't get the job done first time so they send me to civilian doctoer did it. so is 2 times, if i get out the service am i qualified for disable venteran and about what %? my vision is a bit worst then the time i came in service. because of the laser treatment i requrie to do eye exam annually but bottom what is the change am i gonna approve for va for disable pay?

2006-11-29 13:28:44 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need to know for a history project please :)

2006-11-29 13:26:33 · 8 answers · asked by Alex G 2

2006-11-29 13:15:18 · 11 answers · asked by Mrs.Prater 1

I want to know what it really like living overseas in the military,Is it risky?

2006-11-29 12:59:57 · 15 answers · asked by pierr295 2

to start? Do they actually think that bulking up the U.S. forces will stop the imminent civil war? Just when it's about to explode now that Al-Sadar is pulling out of the Iraqi government and Al Malki snubbed Bush, they send more troops. I'd love to know what goes through Bush's puny little brain. Mostly air I think.

2006-11-29 12:53:12 · 21 answers · asked by FootballFan1012 6

after the news today will he still stay the course. the PM of Iraq snubbed the pResident in a most important meeting and Ahmadinejad pleads with the American people to ask Bush to pull our troops out of this most unpopular war. Colin Powell states that it is a civil war. the pResident of Iraq is making new plans with Ahmadinejad. things are moving fast over there now and much speculation all over the world. in your opinion are we going to pull out or start world war 3

serious answers please

2006-11-29 12:32:12 · 12 answers · asked by Enigma 6

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