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Law & Ethics - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

Is weed bad for you? It is illegal but several political parties in Canada want 2 make it less illegal and one even wants to legalize it! Also many people go out of their way to get weed so it can't be that bad can it? I smoke weed once and it was amazing! It didn't taste like cigarettes or anything else, it smelled good and left me feelin really good.

2007-08-10 19:13:44 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm white and the other cashier is black. Tonight when I went to lunch, the store get busy. Two bookkeepers and a manager came out and got into the register to help.

When this other cashier went to lunch, we got just as busy and NO ONE wanted to help me! I asked the manager, who is black why they helped her and not me...then he started point to who all could help. I had already asked those people and they were trying to "catch up" in the office.

Mother suggested to me that I was being discriminated against...

What do you think?

2007-08-10 19:10:29 · 13 answers · asked by §♫♪‹(•¿•)›☼»-(¯`v´¯)-»\\ 6

here in Canada British born are having excellent life and so much better from others buy landing easy job in government having good health care and retirement, housing and...at same times so many others Canadian born and new comers having so much hard times working in low pay and dangers job, not good health care and retirement...

2007-08-10 18:58:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know a group of people from my school who take drugs and honestly i tihnk they're mean and they swear all the time and they just definetly look like drugys and today morning i visited the police station on a field trip with a summer camp (im 14) and they were talking about crime stoppers, well i didnt want to bring up the subject cus i was kind of afraid to say anything but what shall i do, shall i tell on them?

2007-08-10 18:45:38 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Model makes custom video for a client who creates the script and pays a modeling fee. video was not copyrighted by model...no model relese was given to buyer...is one needed? if video was put on a public venue...would she have legal recourse?

2007-08-10 18:45:12 · 2 answers · asked by Tom O 1

Not forever, but while they are on welfare.

2007-08-10 18:42:26 · 5 answers · asked by Douglas R 3

I’m accused of terrorism act. I just got a ticket for telecommunications harassment from the police department on August 7, 2007. My cellular phone was messing up and it kept sending text messages to everybody in my phone book and people I didn’t know in the state of Ohio and outside of the state of Ohio but within the U.S.A. My phone would also hang up on people who I was talking to, forward my calls to another number and so on. The police said the ticket could become a F.B.I. matter because it crossed state line and it could be consider a terrorism act for the homeland security. So far there is at least 8 to 10 different police departments involved with this ticket. The police gave me summons to court and complaint – crim. R 3& 4. The police also said I was using the airwaves to induce mantic because somebody was sending text messages saying that I was getting kidnapped and they was going to kill me. On my cellular bill last month, it told me that I have used 13,000 text messages but I don’t used that much in one month. I had to cancel my service with t-mobile because of the problem my phone caused
me. I would like to know what can I do with this mess and would like to fight the ticket in court. I don’t care if this is in the media but I’m not guilty of the charges that the police department
are accusing me of. The other police departments want to talk to me but I know they would like to press charges. My court date in August 30, 2007! The police said it is a violation of section 2917.21 A5. But this all started with a protection order that I filed against a married man. He was sexually harassment me and harassment me in general.

2007-08-10 17:45:10 · 3 answers · asked by ~Katie~ 2

What about sick hours how does that work?

2007-08-10 17:30:13 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

1) Being gay is not natural. REAL Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.

2) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.

3) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.

4) Straight marriage has been around for a long time and hasn't changed at all: women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal. So we can't let it change now.

5) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed - the sanctity of Britney Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.

2007-08-10 17:20:24 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please play along and answer honestly. It is kind of long, but I think you will enjoy the story.

Lets say that I walk into a bank and hand the teller a note. The note tells the teller that I am robbing the bank and demand $1000 dollars. She does what she is trained to do and hands me a $1000 dollars. I leave the bank into the loving arms of law enforcement. I am arrested and sentenced to 30 months in federal prison. When I first enter prison – I find myself being truly sorry. I am truly sorry that I got caught. As time goes by, I realize that I have done wrong and now have a choice of either going down the road of bitterness or down the road of self-improvement. I chose the rode to self-improvement.

2007-08-10 17:11:23 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was thinkin the other day about this. What if there was a cure for cancer,aids,diabetes? What if there was a great leader who could slove all the problem of this great country? What if those people were victums of abortions? And now, we will never slove these problems because we killed the people who would have eventionally sloved them?

2007-08-10 16:46:30 · 15 answers · asked by sandra b 5

Is this Legal? Her Checks come in her 2nd husband last name but every body says she can't do this legally. But she does. So she is honest with them. She remarried 20 years ago. But never lost her widows social security is this right?

2007-08-10 16:40:32 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have no problem with gays but I don't think gays should be allowed to marry.
I have no problem with a gay person being a parent but they should not do it as a couple. They should be a single parent who acts normal ( I'm not trying to be offensive either) just don't be all "fabulous Oh my God" you know.
At least give a kid the chance to grow up and make choices about sexuality on there own when they're old enough. It's not fair the kids will be teased and face abuse from gay bashers and stuff because the parent is so selfish.

Like I said I don't have anything against gays, I'm VERY STRAIGHT and I'd be a gay persons friend, I mean they're GREAT clothing designers, know how to talk to the ladies, what man don't LOVE watch 2 girls go at it!!!, they're better interior designsers and home decorators than most women. But I just say if you're going to be gay just don't be so obvious about and don't force kids to live with that life style.

2007-08-10 15:47:08 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-10 14:52:34 · 6 answers · asked by MIC 1 1

When does an owner know when to put one down? What are the symptoms of when it is best to pull the plug? Please make a list so I can see if it is necessary...yet. When our government was young, it was responsive and obedient, most of the time. Lately, it has been running around with others and has been acting as if it is only feigning devotion to my family. I fear it may turn into a liability before long. If you have had problems with your government and this type of weird bloating syndrome, please share clues, suggestions or other family histories, etc about what they did when theirs became destructive to domestic interests, regardless of how well they fed them.

2007-08-10 14:37:27 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know someone who has been charged with a crime she has no idea about. Because of a propable cause from a warrant, The police found evidence and ended up arresting everyone who was in the home. I need answers. Please Help. Are they only suppose to arrest the person that they think was involved or do they arrest everybody including the innocent?

2007-08-10 14:01:41 · 15 answers · asked by helen 1

If you think that passive smoking in public places will kill you then try living where I did. Let me start by saying that I am a 44 year old smoker who has smoked since the age of 10. I served on British diesel submarines between 1980 and 1989. There were no smoking bans in place apart from the control room at periscope depth and at least 80% of the crew were smokers. So for months on end not only would I be smoking my 40 smokes a day I would partake in passive smoking from 57 other people. Then from 1990 to 1994 I served on Australian submarines but they would not let you smoke in the messes. When you are locked in a 300 foot tube with smokers well you work it out. As for my health last year I had a full medical including lung capacity test well here is the surprise I have the lungs of a 30 year old. I have never had a day off work due to illness I play golf at least 3 times a week and never get short on breath. So according to most answers from none smokers why am I still alive?

2007-08-10 13:59:57 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Keeping people suffering and living a little longer makes the drug industry and others massive profits, as someone pointed out in a previous answer. Is that a good reason for depriving euthanasia to Americans, while some other countries show their compassion for those who are suffering?

2007-08-10 13:54:19 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay ia throwing a party with 2 other people the budget is 600 that means 200 a piece i one person i in charge on something and her portion of the party ends up being free i fell that her 200 should go to some other things we need for the party

2007-08-10 13:53:44 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

after the Recent Supreme Court disision concerning the Ebby Case I want to get a group or attorneys Many attorneys Alot of attorneys to Challange the Supreme court of the state of Michigan. I want my day in court but not only that I want where the criminal activity is not rewarded in this manner. In my case they altered the Records and I just figured it out and can prove it and now the ebby case came up and possibly ruined it for me. 7 years I have been fighting for the Killing of my son at a local Hospital Seven long years Now I must make a differace. I need the attorneys to band together take this case and Make it work I will tell you I can prove the Doctor was 14 miles away when they said he was doing an exam. I have the Bloody shirt where they let him bleed out. but it is so much more than that now It is this system created for the insurance companys Now being used by the doctors to get away with it. and the laws all protect them I want my day in court. Lets take on the State.

2007-08-10 13:40:25 · 2 answers · asked by bobbyljohnson@gmail.com 1

I am doing an essay on the statue of limitations on warrants in Canada and I am having a little trouble finding the information I am looking for, so any help would be apprieciated.

2007-08-10 13:36:45 · 1 answers · asked by LadyRage 1

Just to get it out of the way, I know all ready. I was stupid. Now I would like to know where to go from here. Problem:
I purchased a Louis Vuitton pet carrier from a person on craigslist. They seemed as honest as you can seem for a stranger. I sent a money order to New Jersey for almost $500. The person said they would send it by Priority Mail /signature receipt and would call me with the tracking number. There was no call. After 2 weeks, I started to worry and asked for a copy of the tracking receipt. She said it got lost. I asked for a copy of the original receipt and "it was in the package". I asked for a copy of the report to the post office that the package was lost and communication (by email) stopped.
I called the Union City police and they said it is not for them to deal with.
If you want to criticize, go ahead, but what I really want are some ideas of next steps.

2007-08-10 13:02:43 · 2 answers · asked by ignoramus 7

I am a high school teacher. This past summer, I had a facial piercing (monroe- small beauty mark above lip). When I returned to school this week, the principal asked me to take it out. He said he did not allow any piercings, but ears.
Is this legal? I feel like I am being discriminated against. I thought I was protected by the first amendment.
The dress code does say it is up to your school principal, but does not say piercings aren't allowed. How can one piercing be okay and another not. Can he legally do this?

2007-08-10 12:30:56 · 16 answers · asked by kim3moe 2

The law needs to be changed if it becomes another Tony Martin case, don't you think? My first thought about the burglar was "Serves you right, you ****!" Thieving is a criminal offence for god sake and so is trespass and B&E, so why should the owner be punished for preventing his rightful property from being removed?

2007-08-10 12:30:52 · 19 answers · asked by Pixxxie 4

If you were in a vehicle accident. Struck from behind, you are clearly not at fault, and say your maximum entitlement for insurance is $10,000 . Is it fair for the lawyer to take $3333 from that for their fees? I know life isn't fair but that's rediculous.
Also is there anyway you could have gotten the full $10,000 without the help of a lawyer just by dealing directly with the other persons insurance company?

2007-08-10 12:11:42 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok I just found out I'm really sick and I might not live much longer. I need help though. If I pass my son will have no parent because his dad passed when I was a month pregnant with him and I know who I wanna leave my son with I just need to know were I can get a legal paper to say who I wanna leave him with. I wanna leave him with my best friend cause I trust her and I know he will be properly taken care of. He can't go with my parents because of a mishap a long time ago. I know my daughter will end up going with her dad even though I don't want her too but he is her father. I just hope if anything does happen to me he decides to finally step up and be a man and actually take care of her. I just need to know what I can do to make sure my friend gets custody of my little boy. They are very close already cause he thinks of her as a second mom already. Some body please help me. If it matters we live in Florida

2007-08-10 12:05:49 · 17 answers · asked by Jennifer 3

Alrighty then. So here's an "ethical" question...

What's with all these vegan/vegetarian hippie types ranting on and on about "meat is murder" and harassing the living crap out of people who eat meat, while a lot of the people who claim this are pro-choice? Does anyone get where I'm going with this in regards to a mix up of priorities here?

I'm not saying ALL vegetarians are like this, but in my experience I've known many, and they're all extremely liberal and most are pro-choice...

So "meat is murder," but killing an unborn human being isn't? I just find that really interesting...

2007-08-10 12:00:45 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you can't carry a consealed gun, can you carry it with you like the cops do (hip holster)? Do you have to have it in a case? Does the case have to have a GUN sign on it with six inch letters? What are laws in California?

2007-08-10 11:41:11 · 6 answers · asked by LA TotiJoe 3

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