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Law & Ethics - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

I split from my ex in Easter this year, but then he chats to me on the phone or messenger and is all friendly then he runs off to his solicitor with malicious information about me in order to gain custody of our 4 year old daughter.

I stayed at my parents house for a week and because he couldn't get in contact with me he told his solicitor that I had moved house!

He has our daughter over night every Friday and I wasn't going to go against this arrangement, but he said that I was going to prevent him from seeing his daughter. Why is he doing this and what should I do?

2006-11-23 00:25:33 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-23 00:11:37 · 8 answers · asked by peng_870803 1

I once read that proper pain management was essential to the healing process . i think this was the standard theory expressed in the lancet and several other prestigious medical journals about 15 yrs. ago. Could it be that the F.D.A. has infiltrated our drs. offices to th point that it takes a brave one to write for decent pain medication? Who came up with the idea that 30 painkillers a month could be addictive? Why must I suffer from daily pain because some crackpot bureaucrat claims that i must be protected from addiction at all costs? The whole drug war was begun based on the lies of a bigoted racist pig named harry anslinger who lied to congress and began an epidemic that has been eaten hook line and sinker by the american public. i pray that this complete invasion of our privacy and human rights is beginning to subside just as alchahol prohibition slowly vanished without any major legal moves by our beloved representatives . allowing them to get away without any admission that t

2006-11-22 23:49:49 · 6 answers · asked by ancientcityentertainment 2

JFK assassination and revealed an almost UNBELIEVABLE "BIG PICTURE" that was of such interest that I couldn't waste my time in going to sleep; missing such important thought provoking information

Several "witnesses" called in to fill in info that was so revealing, EVEN TO THE GUESTS!!

I'm going to subscribe to their "streamlink" just so that I can review the information presented.

Examples of new info for me:

June 1963--offer made to JFK that he flatly turned down immediately; even firing several who even would suggest it...

New info (for me) regarding General Almejeda(Sp?) of the Castro regime at that same time period.

The public admission re: the assassination by Carlos Marsello(Sp?) in 1993?--fantastic info...

A "coup" date was coming up on Dec 1st, 1963 which "handcuffed" Atty Gen. Robt Kennedy and others...

Several other things that tended to "knock ones' socks off" were revealed on the program.

I'd like to IM with anyone who was similiarly impressed..

2006-11-22 23:30:20 · 2 answers · asked by charly 3

do you mind having your rubbish weighed first then charged ?.. would your neighbour steal your bin to avoid charges?....

2006-11-22 23:14:32 · 14 answers · asked by big bird 3

Chinese takeaway at end of my yard has only one entrance/exit door, kitchen at the back, counter at the front. Should it have a fire exit? It's about the size of a large single garage, but slightly longer.

2006-11-22 23:04:25 · 7 answers · asked by Doobdonk 1

I have a friend whose husband has walked out on her. They have a 3yr old, and he's agreed to pay £300 p/mth for him. Nothing for the missus tho. Says he'll sign over their house(still £40k outstanding and rented at mo) but that that's her lot and she can go see income support for herself, problem is she can't get a mortgage on this and she can't have house without the mortgage(won't take childs money into account). His NET income is approx £3k per month and he's not coming back. Been gone less than a week and wants a divorce and for her to take on half a loan that they took out(but in his name) for 10k.
He's got a good pension AND a large payout due to him in the next 5yrs-she's getting the house on the premise she leaves these alone(and that's ok) BUT surely she's entitled to more than £300 to live on??
They agreed she wouldn't work with this child but for 15yrs she's always contributed a full time wage.
Legally where does she stand-saw solicitor who just said get the house!!!

2006-11-22 22:16:16 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Seriously. Is anything being done to change the law in favour of fathers (and for kids by virtue of eqal access to both their parents)

2006-11-22 22:03:09 · 15 answers · asked by Yeah yeah yeah 5

Article concerns Katrina victims who were GIVEN a home and then turned around and sold it. Should they be prosecuted for fraud? Your thoughts, please.


2006-11-22 21:49:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

what other case aside from libel that might charge you? just an internet access.

2006-11-22 21:47:05 · 2 answers · asked by bebehkoh 1

The Indian Law makers at times pass laws and constitutional amendments much contrary to Public aspirations and the Supreme Court Judgements- as per the whims of the political dispensation in power. Is there a way out? Guess forcing the Government for Referndums may be the last and only option to the People.

2006-11-22 21:23:44 · 1 answers · asked by kapilbansalagra 4

I read a piece in a london paper yesterday regarding a liverpool footballer who was caught driving his hummer with no insurance. His excuse was 'i thought my agent had sorted it'. Is this an acceptable excuse. Personally i feel it is completely unacceptable. Im sure the money wasn't an issue as the guy was paid £20,000 a week (a ridiculous sum of money for kicking a ball around) But it is the sheer arrogance of the modern day footballer who assumes he can do anything. I cant stand it when people say that footballers are role models.

2006-11-22 21:18:10 · 12 answers · asked by jj26 5

Society's role, statutory services, health, education - all disabled people

2006-11-22 21:12:27 · 4 answers · asked by david.rolph8@btopenworld.com 1

2006-11-22 20:43:05 · 3 answers · asked by smells 2

2006-11-22 20:33:09 · 5 answers · asked by smells 2

From what I understand this was decided in the early 1900.


2006-11-22 20:23:09 · 3 answers · asked by propainter25 1

I am a public servant in the supervisory category and i am damn against corruption. At the workplace i have been forced to act as a condom to prevent corruption between contractors and excutive which is against my nature and not able to tolerate. Further, it is all not possible in the existing system of working. I am fed-up with the situation and needs some correct advise.

2006-11-22 20:14:53 · 7 answers · asked by rk 1

Are you now or have you ever been an employee of a psychiatric/mental health hospital? What was your capacity? Have you ever been harassed, discriminated, mistreated, wrongly accused, wrongly dismissed, or wronged by your supervisors/management personnel in any manner?
What did you do about it? What were the consequences of your behavior if any?
You may choose to be anonymous if you wish.
Only real stories please. Remember, the best story gets ten points!

2006-11-22 20:11:59 · 1 answers · asked by ARMCBH 1

I feel Saddam should not have been awarded death sentence. He may be guilty of having done certain crimes during his rule. But we should consider the fact that he was once a president of a mighty nation. He had done enough good for the Iraqi people & was in controll of the situation.
Now that he has lost his power & position and reduced to an ordinary criminal. He has lost all his wealth, his family, his beloved sons and all that he had. I feel he has already being punished enough and he has suffered enough. He should be allowed to realise his mistakes and given a chance to repent and reform.

2006-11-22 20:07:41 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

my boyfriend just turned 18 n im about to turn 17 so my mom has threatened it well we have know eachother since 7th grade and are in the same grade and all so what are exceptions oh and this is arizona we live in so the laws pertaining to it and i guess other states would help

2006-11-22 19:51:10 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

then if a girl is cheat a boy what we do at that situation. is there any possible to complaint on her??

2006-11-22 19:39:43 · 9 answers · asked by atpski 1

i mean euthanasia for people

2006-11-22 18:35:50 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son and I were in a car accident over 2 years ago. Well, the auto insurance wants to settle. It is going to be a "policy limit", but they are not giving my son anything. He was 2 years old when it happened. He was not hurt bad, but was bruised for about a week and scared to go in a car for about 6 months. I had my sciatic nerve pinched and a bulging disk. I am always in pain and all they want to give me is 20,000. But, that is before medical and my lawyers fees. Isnt my son entitled to something? Why is it so low for all the pain I have gone through. One more thing does the lawyer get his fee before or after medical bills are paid?

2006-11-22 18:21:21 · 3 answers · asked by khaymankaj609 1

I honestly think marijuana should at least be legalized in the states cause it's not nearly as bad compared to meth, cocaine or heroin and it's not even as harmful as alcohol in my opinion.

I would rather be around somebody who occassionally smokes pot over somebody who is a heavy duty alcoholic anyday and what it gets to me is that alcohol is legal and marijuana isn't.

Does marijuana make you become violent and beligerent? I don't think so, does marijuana make you go out and steal from other people like the heavy drugs do? I don't think so.

I think that marijuana should be treated like cigarettes and they should be available at the liquor stores, I think they should only sell up to 2 ounces of marijuana per person if they do sell them at the liquor stores.

2006-11-22 18:08:01 · 20 answers · asked by Fell In Love 7

Is it OK for me to steal cable? And once I am caught, is it OK to expect that I continue to get it free with premium channels added, and free pay per view? And if any of the cable subscribers who are suffering from costly cable rate hikes complain, is it OK for me to inform them that I am a protected class of subscriber (even though I never subscribed) , and that I can limit their freedom of speech by suing them? And could I tell them that they are racist for being upset about me getting special treatment? And could I also tell them that I don't care about their rights or that people like me are raising their cable rates, I just care about the free cable that I am allowed to steal?

2006-11-22 17:31:12 · 10 answers · asked by rustyshackleford_sha_sha_sha 2

Couple Sells Home Church Donated After Katrina

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (Nov. 22) - A church that wanted to do something special for Hurricane Katrina victims gave a $75,000 house, free and clear, to a couple who said they were left homeless by the storm. But the couple turned around and sold the place without ever moving in, and went back to New Orleans.

"Take it up with God," an unrepentant Joshua Thompson told a TV reporter after it was learned that he and the woman he identified as his wife had flipped the home for $88,000.

Church members said they feel their generosity was abused by scam artists. They are no longer even sure that the couple were left homeless by Katrina or that they were a couple at all.

"Do I have any legal problems? What do you mean? The house was given to me," she said. "I have the paperwork and everything."

She refused further comment and hung up.

Should criminal/civil action be taken against the couple or should the couple be allowed to leave Memphis?

2006-11-22 17:27:00 · 11 answers · asked by marnefirstinfantry 5

I've always wondered this because I belive when someone goes to jail or prison they have paid they're debt to society. My brother is an ex-con and has been out of jail for 10yrs and never went back. He works,pays his bills, taxes, and basically contributes to society as everyone else. Yet, he's not allowed the freedom to vote as the rest of us, because of a mistake ( that didn't go unpunished) he made years ago?

2006-11-22 17:25:32 · 7 answers · asked by sinai 1

i am a Draftsman working for Central Government of INDIA. As per my legal duties i have to prepare Engineering Drawings / Designs for works. However i have been forced to prepare legal documents like tenders etc., which is not my duty and i don't know how to prepare a legal document neither i have been trained in it. Whreas the in-charge officer is forcing me to do the same against my will and also against my legal duties of preparation of drawings. This is causing lot of mental agony tom. Knidly advise how to solve this problem.

2006-11-22 17:17:56 · 7 answers · asked by rk 1

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