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Law & Ethics - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

the 16th ammendment tells us that we can only be taxed on profits and gains, not wages. Income is not taxable by the federal government. It also states that this can not be ammended. Therefore, why are people going to jail for not filing a 1040, when there is illegal for the government ( oops, disguised as the federal reserve) allowed to tax us? We need to know our rights. If you are ever in a court facing charges for not paying federal income tax- tell the jury to ask the judge for a copy of the law that says you have to pay. You can not be charged.

2006-11-27 10:18:58 · 11 answers · asked by C.C. 2

I am a smoker. I like going to bars having a beer and smoking. Recently we had an issue to vote about smoking. It was suppose to ban smoking in nearly all public places except bars and nightclubs and such....but that was a lie...It was actually a total smoking ban indoors anywhere except your home.

People were saying that big tobacco was lying trying to get you to vote against this when in truth It was this smoke free Ohio group that tricked people just like me to vote for what I thought was a good idea...Man was I fooled....Should always read the fine print????

2006-11-27 10:13:43 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Could he be prosecuted for it, or would his confession be protected by Double Jeopardy?

2006-11-27 10:08:32 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

In a newsrelease about a red cross penalty it was casually mentioned that red cross sells blood to healthcare facilities. Is that right? Something bothers me here - thousands of people go and donate blood willingly. Red cross also ges tons of donations, including corporate donations. And they sell our blood? Something doesn't add up...

2006-11-27 10:01:49 · 7 answers · asked by curious1223 3

2006-11-27 09:47:12 · 4 answers · asked by Gabrielle 2

I am not referring to defensible killings, such as self defense and euthanasia. If the answer is yes, then why is there an insanity plea?

2006-11-27 09:42:31 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you agree that tobacco companies are responsible for the death of millions of people? Can you describe some of the crimes committed by tobacco companies and their executives?

2006-11-27 09:35:27 · 12 answers · asked by AmB19 1

My ex and I have been divorced for 2 years and my 5-year old daughter lives with me. We have joint custody, but I am the primary caregiver and decision maker. I want to move a few states away to be near my serious boyfriend (he is in the military). The problem is, my ex refuses to let me move with our daughter and will not compromise on visitation arrangements (he currently gets her every other weekend).

Has anyone had a similar situation? If I have to go to court, what are the chances that the judge will allow me to move with my daughter?

2006-11-27 09:24:50 · 8 answers · asked by Amanda 3

I need some help witht this topic, so please everyone awnser! What are good things about highering the legal age of smoking? i need lots of pointers.

2006-11-27 09:16:44 · 9 answers · asked by smiles 4

I own a small business in Georgia. They have not served me any papers or sent me any papers yet, but I know that the server visited once and missed me. The court order has to do with child support or bank debt or something like that. Does a business in the state of Georgia have to follow an Oregon court order? My company is an LLC Corporation in Macon, GA.

2006-11-27 09:15:43 · 10 answers · asked by hottotrot1_usa 7

I was listening to the radio and they were advertising the EIC. They said " it is a tax refund for some people even if they didn't pay taxes" If you don't see something wrong with this don't answer the question.

2006-11-27 09:05:18 · 4 answers · asked by uncle frosty 4

Do seatbelts really save lives? Many people have different opinions whether they save lives or take lives. In my opinion, they most definitely save lives more than take them.
The evidence I found is velocity. Velocity includes the speed of an object and the direction of its motion. Most of the time the seatbelts keep you from colliding with objects at high velocity. For example, say you were doing a test run for your vehicle, you drive the car at 30 mph straight into a wall, your body continues forward until it hits the interior of the car. The seatbelt holds you back from going through the window. Also the Forces of the impact in a car accident cause you to go forward.

2006-11-27 08:58:12 · 4 answers · asked by Jack D 1

Ok for more details on my question go to my questions and see the last one I asked and did not receive one answer. I catagorised it under women's health but this time will try politics. I dont believe I can get in trouble with yahoo by using the health term menstrual cycle. Briefly she made two bad decisions. One was appointing a man who has had problems with honesty in the past and the second is taking off the Congressional oversight intelligence committe a highly qualified woman and putting on a man who was fired as a judge for giving police information to criminals. Could she have had severe menstrual symptoms that caused her to make these decisions. I don't have a big problem with that just get a little fussy but no major cramps, dissiness etc. My mom usually gives me more space during those times and is understanding. The difference is Im not making major policy decisions effecting our country.

2006-11-27 08:58:06 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i was accused of stealing, which I didn't, they never told me about it but they told other people. Is that illegal in any way?

2006-11-27 08:56:55 · 12 answers · asked by Destiny 2

All I asked was how long does Probate take. so what is wrong with that question? Its a straightforward clean question!!

2006-11-27 08:38:37 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-27 08:35:45 · 3 answers · asked by net_and_jr 1

If marajuana was leaglized would not that overturn marajuana convicted felonies, so why wasn't they allowed to vote on that issue. Colorado had 44% of the vote in favor of leaglization. Had the laid back pot smoker got off his --- and voted they would have won. But still the convicted felon who was convicted of marajuana related crime should have been given the right to vote on that issue. The old saying United We Stand, Divided We fall The goverment knows this and that is why I think they keep the people divided, and refuse to let some vote. Can't be a fair election when some are afraid to come forward for fear and others are not allowed to. People of Colorado and Nevada I salute your effort, keep up the great work next time you will Win.

2006-11-27 08:35:29 · 6 answers · asked by Justa Countryboy 2

2006-11-27 08:33:52 · 3 answers · asked by 24kk 1

Give me the best answer you got! you dont know how much it would help! i am desperate

2006-11-27 08:28:42 · 3 answers · asked by Jack D 1

Sex offenders who were convicted/sentenced with prison or other form of punishment are being punished again in some States.The second punishment may be unconstitutional if it wasn't written in the initial sentence:The monitoring & harrasment of ex-offenders' registration; the continuos public exposure is "probation for life"; it affects their life wherever they go. In my opinion, the rights of ex-convicted sex offenders are being violated permanently if the regstration is not mandated initially. Those cities & states that mandate the registration are either allienating, or permanently punishing ex-sex ofenders who already served their time. Allienating it's a form of punishment equivalent to deportation or exhile, "in the country of freedom"? The consequent shame, depression, & discrimination causes extreme suffering & stress that trigger antisocial behavior or repeated violations leading to the "count of 3 strikes and they are out for life". Isn't there social forgivness in America?

2006-11-27 08:25:08 · 14 answers · asked by Oscar D 1

Also, which state has the highest sales tax rate and which has the lowest?

2006-11-27 08:17:46 · 4 answers · asked by Flyweesh 2

Today I went to the mall for lunch (as I am able to at my highschool). I took an entrance on one side of the mall...which enters into a store (I wont say which store it is...because that is not fair), and as my friends and I (Five of us in total) were nearly at the front of the store, the manager came up to us and was having a fit. He said, "NO,NO, you guys walk back outside." We asked him why and he said that it will teach us a lesson. He would not let us go to the main atrium of the mall....he even followed us to the exit that we first entered to see us out. My question is: Is this legal? According to some people, two kids in our school made a small mess in the store. Does that give the store clerk/manager a valid reason to kick us out..if we were not causing any havoc at all...is this a case of ageism? Might I also add that we were not doing anything wrong. Please, if anybody has any (Canadian) law/ info...that states that this is unlawful..please help me. Thanks

2006-11-27 08:17:41 · 6 answers · asked by HSR 2

I need some answers, i am doing a debate at school, Give me some winning answers

2006-11-27 08:16:28 · 5 answers · asked by Jack D 1

Someone asked a question about underage drinking that inspired the following question. I am not promoting any age or any message.

If you had to choose one of the three options listed below which one do you think would be best? Why?

1. Lower the drinking age and the age to buy tobacco
to 16 (can acquire driver's license at 16)

2. Lower the drinking age to 18 and raise the age to
acquire your license to 18 (can buy tobacco).


3. Raise the age to acquire license and buy tobacco
to 21 (drinking age).

2006-11-27 08:06:12 · 6 answers · asked by On the rocks 2

The asst. manager at my job has made comments regarding how large my breasts are,and that he loooves them. He asked if I were a 3-way girl. Not knowing what that meant, I walked into an answer I was not expecting. He also told me I had a fat a%$ and and that he would *&#@ the &*%$ out of me as he demonstrated with body movement and facial expressions. I am an African American woman and he is biracial, Caucasion and African American but only embraces his caucasion side. One day the manager wanted to ask me a question and asked the asst. manager if I would know the answer, The asst. manager made the comment, using what I can only discribe as a " slave like" way of saying," watch she going to say I dont know I just come to work for a check, cause thats what we do". These are just a few of the usual comments I hear. There have been no witnesses and its my word against his. It has since stopped and now that I mentioned it to one of our bosses he has turned to picking at my performance.

2006-11-27 08:03:25 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

******"I Love and support Hezbollah and was glad they beat the Israel and thought them a lesson am i a terrorist?
I was so glad when i heard that in 1 day 40 israelie tanks was destroyed by Hizbollah fighters. i actually cried tears of joy, is that bad and if it is, why?"*******

I saw this question earlier, and read all of the negative answers that this person received. I don't support, or agree with this person, but if you believed in the right to abortion would that make you a murderer or even a terrorist? This person did not ask a political question, it was a personal question. You can't help how you feel, but you can help how you act. The action would be political or terrorist. The feeling would be her right.

2006-11-27 08:01:41 · 4 answers · asked by LisaGirl 2

2006-11-27 08:01:34 · 7 answers · asked by melanie b 1

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