Our car was taken to a garage for an estimate only, owner took car out, determined everything that was wrong, especially the brakes. 1-2 days after giving us the estimate, his 17 yr. old employee totals our truck and wrecks into 3 other cars in the process. The seats in back of my truck were flat down like they were hauling something with my truck, he told cops he was just moving our truck off the lot in order to move other vehicles around, but the accident happened several blocks away and he was coming for the other direction. Cop said I probably couldn't get him for unlawful use of vehicle because he was test driving it, the guy keeps changing his story. Guy tolds me accident happened a block and a half away, which was also a lie, and get this, they guy drives our totalled truck back to the service station, then charges us $250 in storage fees for keeping the truck there that HE totalled. In short, do you think I could nail him on unlawful use? would that cost me anything to do?
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