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Law & Ethics - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

I have regular visitation with him, i got him in June and haven't heard from her since. She was evicted from her apartment, and she got married to someone that was recently convicted for drugs. She called my mother yesterday, and I called her, she wants me to take him back to her but I dont think he will be safe there, he is 4. The police said if she comes to get him then I have to give him to her since she has custody, and I cannot afford an attorney. I want to keep him, and he wants to stay with me.

2006-08-11 10:15:38 · 18 answers · asked by guyguy54321 1

Hello Moggy (damoggster),

You have received a message from another user!

From: jennifercaluori

Subject: Re: terrorists in the UK

Message: i hope you devlop a devistatingly painful, fatal

2006-08-11 10:08:51 · 31 answers · asked by Moggy 3

Be honest even if your from mexico or whatever and are here illegally.... Don't put a guilt trip on me I just want to know what the U.S. thinks not the illegals cause of course you want to break the law with no consequences...

2006-08-11 10:01:31 · 25 answers · asked by thought 4

If so share your experiences. Were you bullied at work? Passed over for promotion?? Unfairly dismissed??

I just had some good news, I took my ex-employers to court for unfair dismissal and they agreed to settle out of court.

Share your experiences.

2006-08-11 09:54:15 · 2 answers · asked by Chimera's Song 6

2006-08-11 09:37:18 · 14 answers · asked by as_whole 1

About somebody posting my street address on a forum for everybody to see? He posted a picture of a small-area map covering my area followed by coordinates to my house. I was also threatened with anthrax. Who can i report this to? Thanks in advance.

2006-08-11 09:30:37 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

We were a group of people watching news after a recent catastrophe (where many people died).
Then someone suddenly asked, sincerely, why only under certain circumstances, some people get a beautiful memorial ceremony while others don't.
Here is an example:
A middle-class tourist dies in a huge natural disaster. He has been previously unknown for the gerenal public but since many many people died in the same disaster, there is a ceremony held and a respectful silent moment in the airport/harbor/any place relevant. His family gets help and aid from the state.

Similarly, a middle-class person is fixing a television in his house when he dies because of an electrical shock. He also has a family but since he "dies alone" he doesn't get such memorial. Was his life "less worthy"?

If a loved one dies, isn't the situation and sorrow same for both of these families?
I believe there might be an explanation and I would be thankful for any replies. (My Q is not meant to be provoking)

2006-08-11 09:18:32 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

The problem with the body in my back (see previous post) yard will not go away. I decided the best sollution was to remove it. I delegated Anthony to take care of it. He delegated Jesus (new gardener) to take care of it. Jesus, it would appear is a rather lazy fellow, took it upon himself to simply heave it over the wisteria hedge into the neighbors yard. Unfortunatly it landed atop his prize rhododenrons. I dispatched Anthony to reason with the neighbor. After being beaten soundly about the head and shoulders by a 9 iron (could have been a 6 but Anthony was a bit addled) Anthony returned to inform me that the neighbor was going to be coming over to exact his revenge upon me. I had Jesus bring the body back but the rhododendrons seem to be the issue. I offered to have Jesus replant them to no avail. Alerting the authorities is obviously not an option. I suppose I could act proactively, but then I would have another disposal problem. What to do? What to do?

2006-08-11 09:15:05 · 21 answers · asked by Dave B 4

suggested previously;sofar always ignored.

2006-08-11 09:08:07 · 6 answers · asked by spud 2

My brother's ex-wife gave birth to their son eight months ago. In that time she has only allowed him to see his son once. He has always provided child support but she has still denied him access out of spite.
Yesterday he had a court hearing and the judge decided that my brother should be allowed to see his son at a contact centre for one hour every two weeks with his ex-wife present.
Is this a fair judgement?
I now fully understand why 'Fathers 4 Justice' do what they do because at present they are severely let down by the justice system.

2006-08-11 08:54:26 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is the differences between 1st, 2nd, & 3rd degree rape & sexual abuse/sodomy?

2006-08-11 08:48:26 · 10 answers · asked by ..... 1


What do these signs indicate?

Your parent runs so-called errands every day of the week. Most of the time they are gone for hours at a time. Sometimes they leave as early as 5:30 a.m. and don't return until 9:30-10 a.m.
Extreme mood changes; usually angry
Answers the phone "this is smokey", sometimes
When running errands; leaves 3 year old with 14 year old daughter
hides from family and friends; fails to tell phone # or address if moved
Has a big box of old prescriptions in bedroom (@ 10 years old)
Always has cash on hand but claims they never have money
When son tells joke all in house laugh except for Mom; later told same joke she busts up laughing; when asked why she failed to laugh the first time; she states "I was different then"
Has bad and rocky relationships with everyone
Hardly ever has a land phone; usually has cell phone which only is in use for a few months and then disconnected. A new cell phone is purchased; new #
Removed kids from school homeschool high s

2006-08-11 08:46:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

is there ever a justification for inhumane treatment? Knowing that the information that is collected during interragation is useless in a court of law, why do we allow this to happen in our names?

2006-08-11 08:34:48 · 14 answers · asked by sharillo76 2

Democracy is the bes tway but when I read through the answers and questions left on yahoo, I realise how ignorant, uninformed and sometimes unintelligent people are.

Democracy works as a principle when everyone is extremely well informed, logical and intelligent.

but just how informed logical and intelligent is the average person?

then realise half the people are stupider than that!

and you realise how flawed things are.

When you throw into the mix the immense propaganda from the media, politics and hear say how can we ever hope to have a normally functionin society.

I am surprised how ignorant people are!

2006-08-11 08:31:49 · 24 answers · asked by The_sky_is_blue 2

If a person is going to have a competency hearing, what all comes after that...and how long after that is it when the person is actually convicted & sent to prison?? What exactly is a competency hearing?

2006-08-11 08:27:44 · 1 answers · asked by ..... 1

where can i find a power of attorney form for someone who is in jail to sign over power attorney to someone else other than thier spouse while they are incarserated?

2006-08-11 08:15:02 · 1 answers · asked by Hard Core Dance Poles 4

In an apartment lease contract, I find the term "Prorated rent of $0.00 is due for the 1st month." If the term of the lease is July 1st, 2006 thru July 31st, 2007, would this term mean that rent due for July is $0.00 or would this term be superfluous and have no bearing on a contract that begins at the begining of the month? Please give supportive reasons for your answer. Thanks!

2006-08-11 08:03:18 · 6 answers · asked by Chris 2

that was gained from using her credit card. He told her he would pay her back in a week (over a year ago) so she took a cash advance from her credit card . I know this was foolish on her part and she all so knows that. He owes her aprox. $7000.00 plus fee's. He will not pay her back he gives her money like $50, $20 here and there. She has stayed with him thinking she would get repaid but nothing now she is leaving and she wants her money of course. He said to her so take me to court. Come to find out this man has done this over and over to woman.
How dose she do this? She lives in New York state. What should she do? How dose she get all of her money back? Please Help?

2006-08-11 07:47:56 · 21 answers · asked by Kristine B 2

what is a detention hearing when it comes to court?

2006-08-11 07:42:35 · 2 answers · asked by heather_rohlfing 1

restitution is for an criminal accident, payments are ordered as 200.00 a month, but full payment will be made on next court date, but with a new attorney, there's been two others attornies on the case

2006-08-11 07:41:30 · 3 answers · asked by lidad99 2

Yep, there are a bunch of racist intolerant facist bigoted murderous bstrds out there that think I'm a sl@g because I don't cover my hair, and that the blokes are drunkards and we're all going to hell. And I like a lot of you would like anyone who wants Sharia law brought into British law to just please leave.

But saying we should ban them all from flying? Comparing them to the nazis (who by the way, although no one will ever admit it for fear of upsetting the Jews, suffered terribly at the hands of the Russians in POW camps after WWII)? Do you want to end up as bigoted as the arses we're talkin about?

Israel go marching into Lebanon and no one stops them, after occupiing Palestine for however many decades. If anyone critisises them they scream holocaust.

I believe some one should not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character, to quote an amazing human being.

ie, being a muslem doesn't make you bad, being a fooking tw@t makes you bad

2006-08-11 07:27:43 · 16 answers · asked by Moggy 3

What is the required criteria for a land mass region to be considered a country or a sovereign nation? Who makes that distinction?

2006-08-11 07:20:32 · 8 answers · asked by lg304621942 4

Bring back the death penalty for horrendous crime
Proven beyond any shadow of doubt that the person is guilty

Just vote Yes or No
no other words

2006-08-11 07:05:12 · 49 answers · asked by Colin T 3

2006-08-11 07:03:56 · 6 answers · asked by ricanprincess 1


Bloody hypocrites with their propaganda.
The NAZI's of yesteryear did the same thing.

2006-08-11 06:45:25 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous


I live in a residential neighborhood, and my street "T's" with another, (ours is the top of the "T"), and there is this truck with a long trailer with construction equiptment ( the ppl who own the truck run a concrete company i think) and they park on the bottom part of the "T". and when this truck is here they park very close to where my street is, like right at the intersection, and I drive a small car, and when i come around that corner, it is almost impossible to see if there is a car coming around it. I was wondering if it is legal to park there, or how close can they legally park there....let me mention that they live no where near that corner...they live down the street..oh and by the way i live in Texas if that helps.

2006-08-11 06:41:02 · 6 answers · asked by laura222 1

I am looking for an answer to this question in New York state

2006-08-11 06:33:49 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-11 06:30:02 · 25 answers · asked by HiKo73 3

Diogenes would fail in his search for an honest man if he limited his search
to the Senators and Congressmen in the Democrat Party.

If Term Limits were to be imposed on a National Scale, would the weeding out of those people who sell their votes eventually change the existing "Culture of Corruption" in the Democrat Party?

2006-08-11 06:25:10 · 6 answers · asked by madamepatriot 2

I won a juggement of X OF $$$ 10 % it been 15 yrs
is there any way to collect if his mom pass on can I collect what owes to me ...

2006-08-11 06:12:01 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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