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Immigration - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Immigration

What is your stance on Mexican immagrants in the U.S. illegally, I don't really get it completely! I try to be fairly politically informed, but this is an issue I have been ignoring. What do you think, and if you don't mind... are you more democratic, or republican?

2006-11-08 08:32:00 · 33 answers · asked by good golly! 3

I see the Government assist Immigrants or Aliens every day with
insurance and now they decide to throw them out of U.S.I have family from Mexico and friends and they just want a better life
thats all they are not here to steal nobodies job. Also no one can
steal no ones job. If you want someting really bad you can get it just need to try and stop all the blaming people and off your *#!.

2006-11-08 08:24:49 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-08 08:15:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

can u find work before hand?

2006-11-08 08:08:53 · 12 answers · asked by Sunshine 1

i married an indian the marriage was on the rock as soon as he came to the uk, he has been done for assault on myself, up in court, all he got was a fine, he then assaulted a police woman, two monthes in jail,, done one month, i have repeatedly told immigration the marriage is over, even willing to pay is fare back to india. he is now nearly one year over is visa, has one official come to see me, no, he is fighting his claim to stay here with a muslim solicitor, all there after is the money, guess there only ones who will handle the case for him. can any one tell me how he can still stay in this country with all that he has done

2006-11-08 07:57:41 · 3 answers · asked by valda54 5

Why do you feel like so much emphasis is being put on Mexicans as opposed to other immigrants? Isn't the US supposed to be about the whole melting pot? I understand that if they are here illegally then there should be some regulations, but if thery are working and adding to the US economy how is that a bad thing? I just believe that each and every case is different. Do you know an immigrant that is going through a difficult time? How do you support them through it?

2006-11-08 07:26:40 · 16 answers · asked by Making Them Listen 3

We hear the reasons that people seek asylum in the UK, usually because they are discriminated against or threatened because of their ethnicity/sexual orientation/political views. But can a UK citizen who is being discriminated against/threatened in this way claim asylum abroad?

2006-11-08 06:53:54 · 16 answers · asked by Mark J 2

Are the british friends of the americans?, Don't they want back the money and power that is in hands of the wealthier?

2006-11-08 06:45:53 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I came in the US legally 10 years ago,was married with an US citizen for 2 years.Have full custody of my 3 young US citizen children but can not be legal because I ended my marriage before the 3 years required by immigration law.
I thought about going back to my country (France) but I can not get permission from their father (who I can not blame ) to take my children with me...
So, I am "stocked" here and beside the fact that I am home sick my life as an illegal single mom is extremely difficult.
Attorneys tell me that my case does not fit in any exception,so who can help?
I live in Tampa Florida .

2006-11-08 06:39:03 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

shoud he need reentry permit com back to U.S ?

2006-11-08 06:32:09 · 2 answers · asked by jimmyly2004 2

I cross ocean poor and broke.....


Take bus, see employment folk. Nice man treat me good in there.
Say I need to see welfare. Welfare say, "You come no more, we send cash right to your door. Welfare cheques -they make you wealthy!
NHS -it keep you healthy! By and by, I got plenty money. Thanks to you, British dummy!

Write to friends in motherland. Tell them "come fast as you can."
They come in turbans and Ford trucks. I buy big house with welfare bucks!

They come here, we live together. More welfare cheques, it gets better!
Fourteen families, they moving in, but neighbour's patience wearing thin.
Finally, white guy moves away. Now I buy his house,then I say,

Find more aliens for house to rent." And in the yard I put a tent.
Everything is very good, and soon we own the neighbourhood.
We have hobby, it's calledbreeding. Welfare pay for baby's feeding.
Kids need dentist? Wife need pills? We get free! We got no bills!
Britain crazy!They pay all year, To keep welfare running here.
We think UK darn good place. Too darn good for the white man race!
If they no like us, they can scram. Got lots of room in Pakistan!

2006-11-08 06:30:50 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

" In a speech at the US Chamber of Commerce, Bush said that the final immigration reform bill should include a temporary worker program and provide steps for illegal immigrants to obtain eventual citizenship."

Bush also stated "The middle ground recognizes there are differences between an illegal immigrant who crossed the border recently, and someone who has worked here for many years who's got a home, a family, and a clean record. My position is clear: I believe that illegal immigrants who have roots in our country and who want to stay should have to pay a meaningful penalty for breaking the law, to pay their taxes, to learn English, and to work in a job for a number of years. People who meet these conditions should be eventually permitted to apply for citizenship like other foreign workers."

Since the new Congress and possibly Senate, will have a Democrat majority, what do you think will happen with immigration? Your thoughts?

2006-11-08 05:59:33 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Arizona Propositions:

Deny bail to illegal immigrants charged with serious felony. Approved

Make English the state's official language. Approved

Bar illegal immigrants from receiving punitive damages in lawsuits. Approved

Bar illegal immigrants from receiving certain government subsidies. Approved

What do you think? They each won with at least 71 percent of the voters approving the anti illegal immigration measures.

My opinion: Like I said... illegal immigrant supports can protest in the streets all they want, but the silent majority "protested" at the polls.

2006-11-08 05:36:33 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

First of all, a baby is not part of its mother's body. It is an individual human being, with its own separate body. To be sure, the mother is "feeding" the inborn baby, but does a mother have the right to stop feeding her baby after it is born? This would be murder by starvation, and to cut off the source of life for a preborn baby is also a morally culpable act.

2006-11-08 04:54:08 · 17 answers · asked by 1

Who would recommend that we kill all our welfare recipients, just because they cannot earn the food that they need? Why then, should we take the lives of people that we think might turn out to be poor? Those who are poor would be more likely candidates for our hit list. It is interesting to note that those who suggest abortion as a means of combating overpopulation, seldom offer their own lives as a means cutting down the population. They are glad, however, to offer a sacrifice of innocent and defenseless human beings so that they themselves will not starve! How noble of them.

2006-11-08 04:43:30 · 10 answers · asked by 1

My husband of 2 years is faceing deportation what are the chances that he will be allowed to stay here with me and our kids

2006-11-08 04:40:24 · 19 answers · asked by Shantel C 1



Hezbollah has also enlisted the aid of gullible American women to ease their way into the country.

Jessica Yolanda Fortune hooked up with Lebanon-born Chawki Youssef Hammoud in 1994. The marriage enabled him to obtain a green card -- and the cover to operate a Charlotte, N.C.-based cell that smuggled cigarettes to raise cash for Hezbollah. The terror cell reportedly answered to a senior Hezbollah leadership in Lebanon and was part of a broader North American network responsible for also obtaining dual-use technologies for Hezbollah -- including goggles, global positioning systems, stun guns, naval equipment, nitrogen cutters and laser range finders.
Fortune was convicted of marriage fraud in October 2001. Hammoud was convicted of smuggling, credit-card fraud, money laundering and racketeering in June 2002.

2006-11-08 04:23:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was reading that the fence will not be so much a physical blockade, but a so called "virtual" fence of monitors and sensors.
Didn't they already prove that this type of barrier was not sufficient and that the maintenance was expensive and neglected?
Have you heard the same reports?

2006-11-08 04:22:03 · 7 answers · asked by She-ra 3

i was born in germany my mother is a U.S cizten she was with my aunt at the time. my auny was in the miltary I was born on a U.S miltary base. I sent the paperwork and money for birth records last week

2006-11-08 04:20:01 · 2 answers · asked by rocky1l 1


At the moment, a lot of eastern european people are coming over here, be them polish, latvian e.t.c.
Why don't all hard working (tax paying) british people emergrate to poland(this does not include our politicians) and then, after about 5 years we turn thier economy around and call poland the new england.

We will have a country with less polltion, less crime,more spacius. e.t.c
What do you think?

2006-11-08 04:13:47 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

The abusive and cruel manner in which the baby suffers death, there is the further (and final) abuse of murder itself. Not only is the baby abused in the way it dies, it is abused in losing the privilege of life itself. In view of this, it is twisted reasoning which claims that abortion avoids abuse. Abortion is abuseone of the worst abuses of all.

If we can murder the unborn to prevent potential abuse, then why not murder the born who are undergoing actual abuse? Or, to put it the other way, if we protect the born who are undergoing child abuse, then should not we all the more protect the unborn, who are even more defenseless?

2006-11-08 04:13:44 · 20 answers · asked by 1

In the first place, this assumes that non-abortion of unwanted babies leads to abuse. Statistics show just the opposite. Child abuse cases have actually increased as the number of abortions has gone up. Apparently, the disregard for human life reflected in the acceptance of abortion is extended from the prebirth to the postbirth attitude toward offspring.

Second, the objection assumes wrongly that abortion is not in and of itself a real abuse. Actually, abortion is one of the worst abuses that can possible be inflicted on a human being. The abortion process itself is horribly abusive. One common process tears the tissue of the tiny, defenseless unborn into pieces, by violent suction; these pieces are then thrown into the garbage can. The D&C method of abortion uses a sharp instrument to chop the little baby into pieces; it is then scrapped from the womb and trashed. The saline method replaces the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby with salt water; the brine into which the baby is immersed then eats it skin off, and when the baby inhales this salt water, it burns up from the inside out. This process can scarcely be called "responsible parenthood," as pro-abortionists describe it.

2006-11-08 04:08:05 · 13 answers · asked by 1

First of all, what are the criteria for a meaningful life, and who decides whether or not a life is meaningful? This kind of reasoning has already gone so far that some courts have convicted parents for giving birth to children that they knew ahead of time, from prenatal tests, would be deformed!

It should be kept in mind that this same logic leads to the murdering of larger deformed human beings who live elsewhere (that is, outside the womb.) The logic of abortionists leads inevitably to infanticide and euthanasia. Even some pro-abortionists (Joseph Felcher, for example) admit that the two issues are logically tied together. In fact, there would be greater logical justification for taking the life of someone already known to be deformed than one which prenatal tests have simply indicated might be.

2006-11-08 04:04:50 · 14 answers · asked by 1

2006-11-08 03:56:22 · 12 answers · asked by john b 1

Ian Huntley from Grimsby, Yorkshire murdered and raped two girls. I think it was an awful crime but see know reason to generalise and say ALL people from Yorkshire are like Ian Huntley.

But why do people think they can generalise about Muslims because of the actions of an individual. (Look at this question)

That crime was awful and I feel really sorry for the family. But it riducualous to say that whites are the viticms of most racist crimes. There have been at least 68 racist muders since 1993. 13 were Muslim victims only one was white.
Here is a recent racially motivated attack against an Asian. Yet it got little coverage

Why is it when ONE muslim commits a bad act ALL muslims are blamed. You wouldn't blame all women for Myra Hindley, would you????

2006-11-08 03:50:11 · 6 answers · asked by Baaad Dokhtar 3

Ok my friend and I have a bet to see who’s right. Her husband is an illegal Mexican. Actually he came on a visa but it is expired. Well she wants him to have a sperm analysis done because they are trying to get pregnant. She says that he could go to just about any doctor and regardless of the fact that he is illegal with no SS# that he could get services done as long as he has money. I say that she is going to have a harder time than she thinks….so just wanted some advice. Will a doctor give any medical services to an illegal as long as they have the money????

2006-11-08 03:36:06 · 10 answers · asked by estephania2182 3

With how arabs and latin american people look so alike, they are starting to reallize this and illegally cross the border and could soon terrorize once again.

2006-11-08 03:19:57 · 16 answers · asked by knotmaggot_05 1

Today three Asian men have been jailed for life for kidnapping, stabbing and burning alive a white teenage boy in a racially motivated attack. Is it time the government relocated Muslim families back to their country of origin?

2006-11-08 03:16:04 · 51 answers · asked by Oracle Jo 1

I am distressed to see that so many resort to name calling, ie., racist, lazy, selfish, among others. While we debate this very voilatile subject let us remember that the to insult those who are legally in this country serves you no purpose. In order for illegals to earn any credibility or sympathy from those who are your benefactors (through tax-funded services which you enjoy), perhaps you should adopt a more compliant attitude in posting questions and answers.

Thank you.

2006-11-08 03:08:08 · 11 answers · asked by Patriot 1

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