When you research you find many things questionable and scary like this courtesy of the Freedom of Information Act -
SUBJECT: Executive Orders
The following Executive Orders, now recorded in the Federal Register and therefore accepted by Congress as the law of the land , can be put into effect at any time an emergency is declared:
10995--All communications media seized by the Federal Government.
10997 - Seizure of all electrical power, fuels, including gasoline and minerals.
10998 -Seizure of all food resources, farms and farm equipment.
10999 -Seizure of all kinds of transportation, including your personal car, and control of all highways and seaports.
11000 - Seizure of all civilians for work under Federal supervision.
11001 - Federal takeover of all health, education and welfare.
11002 - Postmaster General empowered to register every man, woman and child in the U.S.A.
11003 - Seizure of all aircraft and airports by the Federal Government.
11004 - Housing and Finance authority may shift population from one locality to another. Complete integration.
11005 - Seizure of railroads, inland waterways and storage facilities.
11051 - The Director of the Office of Emergency Planning authorized to put Executive Orders into effect in "times of increased international tension or financial crisis". He is also to perform such additional functions as the President may direct.
Stated simply : the dictatorial power of the Executive rests primarily on three basis : Executive Order 11490 , Executive Order 11647 and the Planning , Programming , Budgeting System which is operated through the Office of Management and Budget .
E. O. 11490 is a compilation of some 23 previous Executive Orders , signed by Nixon on Oct. 28, 1969 and outlining emergency functions which are to be performed by some 28 Executive Departments and Agencies whenever the President of the United States declares a national emergency { as in defiance of an impeachment edict, for example } . Under the terms of E. O. 11490 , the President can declare that a national emergency exists and the Executive Branch can :
Take over all communications media
Seize all sources of power
Take charge of all food resources
Control all highways and seaports
Seize all railroads, inland waterways, airports, storage facilities
Commandeer all civilians to work under federal supervision
Control all activities relating to health, education, and welfare
Shift any segment of the population from one locality to another ,Take over farms, ranches, timberized properties
Regulate the amount of your own money you may withdraw from your bank or savings and loan institution
All of these and many more items are listed in 32 pages incorporating nearly 200,000 words providing an absolute bureaucratic dictatorship whenever the President gives the word.
Executive Order 11647 provides the regional and local mechanisms and manpower for carrying out the provisions of E. O. 11490 . Signed by Richard Nixon on Feb. 10, 1972, this Order sets up Ten Federal Regional Councils to govern Ten Federal Regions made up of the fifty still existing States of the Union .
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