There are so many things to be rageful about, so many ominous things to be scared of, yet it seems that many people's reaction is to either ignore these things, or sigh and say "well, the end is near" flop down on their couch and watch Flavor of Love or something.
I'm talking about the web of lies regarding 9-11 and the 2002/ 2004 elections, the stupid, expensive and injust war, increased police presence and brutality, congress attempting to crimialize protest under patriot-act-like legislature, increased surveillence, the continued rape of the environment, signs of a new economic depression, corporately owned and edited journalism, killer bees...
I'm especially addressing the youth community, as it seems that any sort of counter culture that forms is immediately swallowed up into the consumer/media spectacle- a very effective tactic on the part of the six white men who control all of media and market. Let's mobilize and take serious action.
10 answers
asked by
Fake Anne Shirley