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My question as stated above is how does religion and democracy play a role in the United States today. What I mean by this is how do they go "hand in hand" and make an effect on society today? One example I have is by the first ammendent. Freedom of religion, democracy is what gives us the freedom of religion. If you can think of any other topics on this subject that would be great.

2007-09-30 13:04:59 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

4 answers

As a non-American looking at American culture and politics I find Religion is a major factor in the attitudes of Americans.

The majority of Americans have no understanding of other religions, especially Islam, although other religions are under attack by Americans (Jews, Buddhist and Hindu).

The government, both Democrats and Republicans, are very religious. Currently, I find the US government is being run by fanatical Fundermentalist Christians who have no understanding of other religions or cultures, and this has led to the current conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, and insults of other nations.

Democracy is a term that is hard to explain or define. British, Australian and New Zealanders have a different viewpoint to Americans. Countries like Malaysia, Singapore or Indonesia, and others, believe in 'National Democracy' not "Individual Democracy" as many western nations express it. Socialist and Communist countries take "National Democracy" to an even greater degree of control by government.
Personally, looking at US history, America has never been a democratic country. It talks about being democratic while suppressing a lot of democratic ideals within the US and in other countries.

2007-09-30 13:31:22 · answer #1 · answered by Walter B 7 · 0 1

The Establishment Clause within the Constitution presents for the separation of faith from the state and whilst allows for no interference in any one's devout worship. Democracy within the U.S. is a comic story. When any candidate you vote for is beholden to a couple manufacturer's pursuits because of lobbyists and crusade contributions vote casting is simply a ploy to make the folks consider the are selecting the management they want.

2016-09-05 12:51:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is proper of primitive people to believe in the supernatural, religion, a god, the afterlife and all that comes with it.

You can't legislate ignorance out of existence, that can only come as the result of education, rational educated thinking people do not believe in such nonsense.

It is proper of enlightened people to live in a democracy were the will of the majority is the law of the land.

2007-09-30 13:08:22 · answer #3 · answered by r1b1c* 7 · 0 0

Well, the libs have kicked God out of everything they can....schools, courts, probably even churches.

It plays a big role in how people vote. Christians tend to vote mostly republican, which I don't understand, because Christians are supposed to be anti war (love your enemies). And a lot of Athiests vote democratically.

For me, I am a Christian, I would say I am going to vote democratically, but with democrats pushing nationalized healthcare...it is sure to be a disaster, so I don't know who I am going to vote for.

I think that democracy and its freedom of religion is what is going to bring this country down...that and political correctness. If we keep allowing Mosques to preach against America, then this nation is going to have a serious problem in the near future.

2007-09-30 13:12:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonnnn24424 5 · 0 2