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I have thought about it long and hard. There are so many wrong policies being pushed by our leaders, so many wrong directions that we are going in...whether you are speaking immigration, trade policy, foreign policy, fiscal policy, energy policy (or lack thereof)....and lets not even begin to talk about other things like record breaking foreclosures and what's happening with the constitution..etc..

So many things to fight over, so many battles to fight to make things right......I must confess, I am really thinking of throwing my hands up in the air, and just taking care of myself and stop worrying about this country that I love so much. After all, I can easily see how one can go crazy trying to fight those in power who have so much power to get their way and are going to get what they want anyway.

2007-09-30 18:40:41 · 13 answers · asked by bush l 1 in Politics & Government Government

thank you for sharing your thoughts. I see that what I am feeling is not unique and many of you feel it too.

The dilemna for me is I have over time come to believe that we can make a difference as citizens.....and sometimes we do, as in the recent immigration amnesty set back. But even using that as an example, I still have this stinking suspicion that its only a matter of time before we get amnesty shoved down our throats, and guest workers, and more out sourcing, and more high gas prices, and more wars, and more national debt......and I think of my kids, and your kids, and their future...and its hard to see it being bright.

2007-10-01 16:06:08 · update #1

13 answers

Yes, it looks like the USA will be the main power broker for a long, long time. The way we got there was by paying lip service to the Constitution and now we are stuck with the country we've got. The fall of the USA means another dark age unless it can be brought about slowly and other (non-Islamic) countries, despite anti-USA habber dadger, know this and will do all they can to prevent it.

2007-09-30 20:34:52 · answer #1 · answered by Caninelegion 7 · 0 0

yes, i think the government is out of control / the people no longer control it. we have given up all rights / privacy / constitution and guns. there is no way to take back our country / fire our government and replace them. we serve them / they do not serve us.

aside, from that , i think we are headed for a big fall with economy.

also changes in how we make money . it was not an easy transition to go from an agricultural society to move to a technilogical society. soon we will need to shift to what's next.

i love this country very much , but can't bear to watch it go down / fall hard. we will eventually innovate (our strength in America) and transition through it but i believe it will take a couple generations to fix it. It will be a rough / hard / painful transition.

know many americans that are researching where to go live / retire. i'd rather see / hear about it on CNN 1/2 way around the globe rather than live through it in person. I've pretty much fought the good fight long enough ... believe it's time to pass the torch ?

2007-09-30 23:50:44 · answer #2 · answered by Mildred S 6 · 0 0

I understand how you feel...exactly! It is a defeatist attitude, and we have to fight that, for sure, but sometimes it seems that we the people have no influence at all. There is so much greed, and for the most part, the middle class gets stuck with the bill. I know I'm tired of it. We certainly do need a change in leadership and we need to stop killing people and take care of our own. Any one of the Democratic candidates, except Gravel, would be a huge improvement over the Bush mess. Good question!

Add: We need a new direction and Ron Paul is not it! The Republican Party has shown us their stuff, and that stuff is unacceptable!

2007-09-30 18:56:17 · answer #3 · answered by ArRo 6 · 0 0

It does seem like a hopeless jangle but it has a simple solution. The leaders have college educations but the emotions of children. And, like children, you can't give them millions of dollars and walk away anymore than you can tell 6-year-old Suzie to make dinner for everyone and then leave the house.
The citizenry have to take charge of things and take the power away from the partisan cigar puffers by uniting in a non-partisan Council , get to know each other on a first-name basis, and figure out how we can restore common sense to the situation. Daily monitoring of the elected, as one needs with children, is a must. Potential Council members can write me.

2007-10-04 11:58:01 · answer #4 · answered by anteater 3 · 0 0

It will be just like all the other great powers and countries, in history.
Nothing goes on for ever, every civilisation rises and then falls.[usually this is connected to morality].
Egypt fell, Greece and Rome too.
If you worry you will not cope. You have been born in this time, so you will have to adjust to it.
The fate of the United States, is also going to be the fate of the whole Western World. This is how it is going to be.
We are already seeing the reasons why and bad decisions will affect all countries.
Look at History and you will see this is true.
Stay happy.

2007-09-30 21:12:20 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No and I'm not planning to. I'm 23 and want to fight very hard for what my dad's generation did in the past. I won't step down because some filthy corporations don't love our country. I'm not part of the sheeple and want us all to unite against the corporations. I'm young, I have some great ideas and want to share them with all of you. Yes, it gets frustrating and sometimes I scream in the name of freedom. We have a million battles but we must win them all. I get very upset and sad when I don't see us, the people, stand up for our rights. We can't give up the fight, the fight must go on! In the middle of this year, we the people had a great victory about that "Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill" that didn't favor anybody but the corporations. Next year, we have a very important election where we must turn out and vote. Vote for a change for America. I'm supporting Ron Paul and hope that the candidate you want to win will help the US (I'm not telling you to vote for Paul just vote for someone that you like). My generation must step up to the plate and face the challenge. I am and won't let anybody take our freedoms away! Let's unite to take back what is our great nation and we'll all win! Thanks!

P.S. very mature that a person gave me a thumbs down because I support Ron Paul. He's my choice and if you support anyone else, I respect that but I'd prefer that the thumbs down was for my comment rather than my support for a candidate (I didn't tell people to vote for Paul now, did I?)

2007-09-30 18:55:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Which is the wrong thing to do.What you need to do is what you think is right.No matter what that is..........I come here and am not shy about sharing my thoughts and ideas!I think Bush is a traitor and I say as much here!I think we need a re-investigation into 9/11!I think it is the only way to heal this nation and return the dignity we once had as a world leader!

2007-09-30 19:24:52 · answer #7 · answered by honestamerican 7 · 1 0

Cheer up.
We are not the "Heartbreaker"
Just trying to solve the blunders and slip-ups with human errors created back in the past being expose with time.
Look the table is without a table clothe.
Just put on a fresh one over it in correcting the mess.
Then we try to be home for X'mas.

2007-09-30 21:17:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My friend, I know EXACTLY how you feel, frustrated and resigned yourself to fate. Take a stroll or whatever, look around you, life is beautiful but short so why worry and all that because tomorrow will be a better day and you will see things differently. As the saying goes, look at the brighter side. Please tell me how you feel tomorrow and your views. Promise ?

2007-09-30 19:12:02 · answer #9 · answered by CAPTAIN BEAR 6 · 1 0

Apathy isn't a solution, it's the majority of young voters refusing to vote through Apathy that is screwing America over.

2007-09-30 18:46:36 · answer #10 · answered by Conner McMurph 2 · 3 0