I got hurt in a runaway car accident. Excaping i dove behind a prked cr, slipped in gravel, mashed my foot, sprained my ankle, gotup and dove again, further hurting foot, off in amblance to hospital, seere sprain, home, two months crjtches, then chiropractor, acupuncture. and the foot is still really weak , lame, stay offf it,dornt stresss it rom the doctor, n ahour on my feet standing turis nto helo,hores of ice, heat analgesices, accupuncture helps a lit, don want cortisone... used to work out, got me off of antidepressants i 95, antes accidents, no workout , n9 endrplhins, doctor put me on effexor and trazodone..still acicted , want off
fighting progressive in ro er...they wont even pay my acupjncturist, who has given me more reslief than any ne els...any ideas from ye scholars of jurisprudence to help david find something to throw at Goliath
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Law & Ethics