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Politics & Government - 20 October 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

IF for any reason I was searched and then they noticed a safe I had, can they search that?

2007-10-20 21:32:08 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Once someone has plead guilty how often does that person successfully change the plea vs how many times is this attempted? Can anyone provide plain numbers not subjective experience? Also what are the winning arguments for these plea changes? Any discussion of Rule 11 and post-conviction appeal is welcome.

2007-10-20 21:28:50 · 5 answers · asked by stephiek 2 in Law & Ethics

"A radical is a man with both feet firmly planted — in the air. A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward. A reactionary is a somnambulist walking backwards. A liberal is a man who uses his legs and his hands at the behest-at the command — of his head. "
- Radio Address to the New York Herald Tribune Forum, October 26th, 1939

2007-10-20 21:25:42 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Because Churchill was a member of the Conservative Party at the naive age of 25 and a member of the Liberal Party at age 35.


"If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain."

There is no record of anyone hearing Churchill say this. Paul Addison of Edinburgh University makes this comment: "Surely Churchill can't have used the words attributed to him. He'd been a Conservative at 25 and a Liberal at 35! and would he have talked so disrespectfully of Clemmie, who is generally thought to have been a lifelong Liberal.

2007-10-20 21:24:03 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

My father passed he left a full warehouse storage he was renting and a semi trailer in a storage spot just the trailer. Also a vehicle and truck. What do I have to do to get to keep stuff so I can take it back to Canada or sell??? Please help me I appreciate any advice. I do not have very much money Iam on a limited income. My mom and brother are not going to be able to help so its up to me to dispose of the thing he left in California. He passed in California but he is actually a Canadian who just had stuff in California. Please help urgent....

2007-10-20 21:23:02 · 3 answers · asked by Kashe 1 in Law & Ethics

I think they are... I guess my question really is, what can the majority of Americans do about this disastrous influence on the way their country is run?


If you can, try and watch the film "Jonestown: Paradise Lost"... see if you can't see any similarity between the zealots who followed Jones to the end, and those who continue to go to bat for George Bush, despite his proven crimes, lies, and the obvious harm he has done to America and the world.

2007-10-20 21:16:51 · 12 answers · asked by dontknow772002 3 in Politics

Why would somebody plea "guilty" to a traffic charge rather than "no contest"? From the information I've been able to gather on Yahoo! Answers, it seems that they are the same...but you just aren't admitting guilt? I have a driving while suspended charge against me, my only argument against such is that I took care of the situation that had me suspended in the first place (paid off a prior ticket), I just had not reported it to the DMV. Any advice on how I should plea and the answer to my first question?

2007-10-20 21:11:28 · 8 answers · asked by matuszak24 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-10-20 20:53:31 · 7 answers · asked by S8STIFMEISTER 2 in Law & Ethics

Just recently I tried to make my minimum payment for my bally membership, which was $29.97. But when I paid online, they took
$459 onstead. I called them to fix the mistake, so that I only paid them $29.97 and not the full price for the entire year. They said they would give me a refund. But I didn't get it. So I called Bank Of America claims department to dispute Bally's charge. n Bally's gave me a refund. I got my money back. But then Bally's claims that I owed them $422.05, which I never took from them. Does anyone know who I can talk to? I don't have any money to pay for a lawyer.

* 16 minutes ago
* - 3 days left to answer.

Additional Details

4 minutes ago
what happens if they turn it into the collection agency?

2 minutes ago
I already called Bally's a few days ago and all they tell me is you owe us money. On there computer, it shows that I owe them, but they can't explain why

54 seconds ago
Is there any other number I can call?
Maybe someone with more power than those who work at Bally's coorporate office?

2007-10-20 20:46:07 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I got my windows tinted in FL, my car is registered in FL with FL lisence plates. But in IL this tint would be considered Illegal. Can i get in trouble while visiting my family there?

2007-10-20 20:31:09 · 12 answers · asked by Its Just Me 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-10-20 20:24:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Hey guys. I got a question. The other day I got a speeding ticket for doing 76 in a 50. Now first of all when the cop clocked me he was heading the opposite direction driving at about 50. Aren't cops not able to do that? Second, the cop didn't give me a fine, instead its a summons to go to court. But where it says where to sign agreeing that I will show up to court the cop never had me sign. Does this make the ticket invalid or is it just a simple clerical mistake?

2007-10-20 20:06:19 · 16 answers · asked by FinkenZ34 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I use an electric wheelchair where I live the sidewalks and the streets are broke and now my wheelchair is broke and the wheelchair company refuse to fix my chair because they say I broke it too many times and I curse that staff and medicaid won't pay for a new one and I am broke so now I can't get around at all I can't even get around my house my chair stopped working yesterday so please somebody tell me what to do should I sue the city ? if yes how do I do that I can't seem to find a lawyer that want to take my case please someone help take you

2007-10-20 20:04:48 · 1 answers · asked by charleslim1971 1 in Law & Ethics

Now that shamschool is gone where can I get answers to army correspondence courses?

2007-10-20 20:00:27 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

i went to philippines on a tourist visa last july and we got married in philippines august 18, 2007. now i'm back in india. i couldn't produce my legal capacity during marriage for the embassy said that i would have to stay at least an year to get that. we had a social wedding. but our marriage was not registered because of that legal capacity. now we miss each othar very much. i want u take her to india as early as possible. how can we make that? what type of visa she should apply for? can she increase her visa period from india or she has to go back to philippines to extend her visa limit? pls help us asap.

2007-10-20 19:54:02 · 2 answers · asked by subhendu m 1 in Law & Ethics

Vote for Ron Paul 2008!
Our Only Hope!

2007-10-20 19:52:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Do you agree with how the law is being run theese days, specificly police. Do you agree with the police, sometimes, all the time, nearly never? Do you think police are doing their job the way it was intended or slightly slacking? All answers are looked at and a good story or refrence is always a good defense. We debated this in English and alot of the students in our class said that Police are giving more speeding and drug busts than actually being the role citizins, for example "I saw a cop pulling someone over for their broken tail light, and less than a mile away is someone broken down." Im not sure if that was a good refrence but there were alot of enlighting things and I was wondering what you guys thought, ages are aprreciated :-D thanks.

2007-10-20 19:46:40 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

We have a safe with carrying handle. If for any reason we were issued a warrant for our home or if the safe was in the car, are the cops allowed to search it? Even if I don't have the key with me?

2007-10-20 19:40:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

How much schooling, and is it hard?

2007-10-20 19:33:10 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-10-20 19:30:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

If so, why do they want people to act Christian about welfare?


2007-10-20 19:19:15 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-10-20 19:10:18 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

The United States entered World War I in April 1917 with no suitable combat aircraft. They turned to three allies for suitable designs, British, French and Italian. By 1918 the best and fastest fighter (or pursuit) designs had abandoned the faithful rotary engines for liquid-cooled in-line engines.

The Germans flew the Fokker DVII, a very advanced design from one of the most talented Dutch designers to ever sit at a drawing board. The French advanced the SPAD, the British the SE-5. The Americans flew both the SPAD and SE-5, building a respectable number of the latter.

Along with the Liberty engine and the JN-4 trainer the only American aerospace contribution in World War I was the British-designed de Havilland DH-4, but American fighter pilots joined the fight in several allied designs, including the Nieuport and Sopwith Camel, but very successfully in both the SE-5 and SPAD.

Imagine yourself in a leather helmet and goggles, no parachute, in a WWI fighter. Which one?

2007-10-20 19:05:05 · 4 answers · asked by Warren D 7 in Military

Both are underage. And both have strong feelings for the other. Is it still a crime? if so, what are the punishments?

2007-10-20 18:59:31 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

the character Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper (played by Sterling Hayden) in the film...

they always seem to be so concerned about the communists/socialists... beyond the point of paranoia...

I'm just waiting for one to post about how Hillary is trying to 'sap and impurify' their 'precious bodily fluids'... reading some of their posts... it's about a month away apparently for some...

2007-10-20 18:58:14 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

My little brother was busted with marijuana. He told the cop he didnt have anything and when he got searched they found it on him. He had like 1 oz of it on him. The cop was alone when he searched him and didnt read him his rights when he was arrested. He was told he has to go in front of a juvenile judge. This will be his second time in front of this judge. The last time was about 3 years ago for fighting. He got put on probation then. We live in Pa if anyone knows Pa laws. What's the worse that could happen to him? Could he get out of it bc he wasnt read his rights?

2007-10-20 18:47:41 · 5 answers · asked by amygirl_22 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

my wife died last year, but we did IVF and we still have fertilized embryos so there's still a chance that OUR CHILDREN can still be born. but surrogacy costs like a quarter of a million dollars or so most of it is legal fees and I'm on SSDI (disability) and I don't have that kind of money. but I'm not an idiot and I can probably do much of the legal work myself. Do you really have to be a lawyer to do all this? why?

OR if you do have to really have a lawyer -then how can a person on SSDI come up with the money to have this done. it's obviously a big deal to me. I"m determined to do this. And I don't know anyone that can help me. I don't know anyone with any money.

2007-10-20 18:44:26 · 2 answers · asked by art_flood 4 in Law & Ethics

I come home work and there's a note (addressed to me) on the door to call the policy department. It's a handwritten note, but I called.

The police didn't have any record that they came out and they think it was a prank. If they had, they would have left some sort of official notification.

But, what is someone is going to the cops? I wonder what I did? I just called, so I assume that if they went to the cops, the police would have some sort of record (It's after midnight).

I was shopping all day and have all my personal things (purse, wallet, cards, phone...).

Should I be concerned?

2007-10-20 18:35:16 · 23 answers · asked by PeppermintandPopcorn 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

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