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Politics & Government - 20 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government

Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

English people are not able to to what the rest of the world does, which is separate Bush from the American people. The English assume that we are pro Bush. They think, we voted him in office. We operate out of an electoral college system and not individual votes. It is possible for a candidate to have more votes as still lose the presidential race. GB cannot relate to this. Bush has humiliated the USA time and time again. He is disliked by many in his own party. He is intentionally trying to weaken the moral fiber of America to implement his One World Government. His father talked about it, and he is trying to actualize it. The world hates him, and we know that it gives us a bad name nationally. However, If Arabs can say that Americans are nice but Bush is the devil, why can't our So-Called ally. Should you all be judged by the action of your leaders, or does (commom sense) dictate that I delineate between the two. "Wisdom has eluded her children."

2007-10-20 12:03:05 · 12 answers · asked by shawnLacey 4 in Elections

Can Hillary be completly without knowledge as to the criminal offenses that occurred in her Husbands administration, if so would she be clueless to corruption in her own administration if elected?

2007-10-20 12:00:42 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

is it illegal to pray at school with friends or your own

2007-10-20 11:58:51 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Our next door neighbors house is a drug house and it has been for a year. There is trash piled up in the yard and junkies and gang members coming and going all hours of the night. Prostitutes and pimps fighting. There cops always show up there and sometimes take people to jail. Our house has been broken into and our cars too. Many times in the last year. We have called the health dept. and the cops lots of times. And this is not a bad neighborhood. Just one bad house.

2007-10-20 11:58:50 · 5 answers · asked by arj 1 in Law & Ethics

“$5,500,000 to University of Hawaii - University Affliated Research Center for Hawaii Undersea Chemical Weapons Assessment Program”
Sponsors: Rep. Abercrombie (D-HI) Rep. Hirono (D-HI)

“$5,000,000 to Armaments Research, Development and Engineering Center for Rapid Prototyping for Special Projects”
Sponsor: Rep. Frelinghuysen (R-NJ)

“$3,100,000 to LithChem International for Safe High Power (High Rate) Lithium Battery for MKV (Missiles) with Long Storage Life”
Sponsor: Rep. Sestak (D-PA)

“$2,000,000 to RFD Beaufort for Life Raft Procurement”
Sponsor: Rep. Regula (R-OH)

“$4,000,000 to University of Maine for Modular Ballistic System for Force Protection”
Sponsors: Rep. Allen (D-ME) Rep. Michaud (D-ME)

“$1,500,000 to University of Texas at Austin for Massively Broadband Wireless Integrated Circuits”
Sponsor: Rep. Smith (R-TX)

“$3,000,000 to Multiple Recipients for PROTECTOR-DACS”
Sponsors: Rep. Goode (R-VA) Rep. Moran (D-VA)

2007-10-20 11:57:40 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I mean I understand the United states is a very ethical country and wouldn’t use the weapons unless it was really necessary for the safety of the American people. but I would think most countries think we are hypocrites because we have the largest stockpile of nukes and chemical weapons in the world. behind Russia. I guess they feel for them to keep there sovereignty and protection they need these weapons.

2007-10-20 11:57:19 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I'm thinking of applying for the army rotc scholarship and wondering what I'd be getting into

2007-10-20 11:57:13 · 11 answers · asked by jOEmaniac 1 in Military

I was the only one in my defensive driving class who took the time to think about it for a couple of seconds. It may sound good, and with it, to say driving is a privilege and not a right but it actually makes no sense. There are no government privileges in the United States of America. We live under the rule of law. For something to be a privilege some one or some part of the government would have to grant that privilege. A class member tried to argue that driving in not a right because it's not like voting. (its conditional) My argument back was that voting isn't absolute either. You lose it when you're get convicted of a velony. They also tried to say a judge can take away your driving privileges. Thats stupid too. First, a judge can't do anything unless a case is presented to him and second they have to state in the law why they are taking your ability to drive away.

2007-10-20 11:57:02 · 10 answers · asked by wisemancumth 5 in Law & Ethics

Does she really fit the moralality you want in your President? If some of that money is drug money donated by organized crime should she be charged with laundering Drug money?

2007-10-20 11:56:09 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

My question is, I am writing a book and I need to know
who issues a search warrant, the police or the district attorney's office? Thanks so much.

2007-10-20 11:55:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I have noticed like every one of you that some of our problems in a mean way are not meant to be solved soon . my mother died because her liver was not functioning any more and the surprise for me was not only that there was no cure to kill the hepatitis in the first place but the presidential veto on any reserch regarding stem cells which could saved her life and millions of people with her . when i thought about it i found that we have other cases not ment to be solved either like global warming
so i thought i should leave this to you guys to say what you think that was denied solvimg . we may a word to be heard .

2007-10-20 11:54:27 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I concede there is high probability that Hillary will be the next President, but we should also realize that she cannot simply impose a national health care system on the US. Any system would have to pass Congress as well, and the current make-up of the US Congress give neither side a working majority. Many of the new Democrats in the House are actually conservative by modern Democratic standards, and getting a comprehensive bill through the Senate would be next to impossible, between a 60 vote majority needed and the power of the fillibuster. Thank God for the Forefathers who devised a system where radical change could not happen easily.

2007-10-20 11:50:35 · 14 answers · asked by The Scorpion 6 in Politics

I have been job searching but no luck. I feel like committing suicide. help me please I left va because I fll for a man and he ended up kicking me out because he thought I was rich. He made me sell my car, give up my apartment, and my job. please help me

2007-10-20 11:50:26 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

My daughter just started montessori primary program in collier county florida, and the first parents-children get together, parents were drinking alcohol on the school ground, I thought that was totally innappropriate, how can I bring the matter up ?

2007-10-20 11:50:11 · 4 answers · asked by worldcitizen 1 in Law & Ethics

I'm opposing the notion that faith-based schools should be publicly funded, and my arguments are:

1.) Why should the common guy pay money out of his own pocket to an organization that he doesn't know/care about?

2.) Why should we adopt an idea that the public clearly doesn't want? In Ontario where I live, I think it was around 60% of Ontarians that were opposed to the idea.

Are these good arguments and how would you counter it? Also, how do you stand on the idea of publicly funded faith-based schools?

2007-10-20 11:46:49 · 16 answers · asked by Ar-Pharazon 3 in Civic Participation

http://www.uuforum.org/deficit.htm Here are the facts ! Read before you reply !

2007-10-20 11:45:13 · 7 answers · asked by J D 4 in Politics

i have some friends that smoke pot in the car all the time and i was wondering if this was stupid of them? i know its illegal and all, but they way they use it is fine. They are both smart girls, and they never get in trouble. so would smoking pot while driving be stupid if they drive carefully?
what would you do if you saw some one smoking?
is that an obvious thing when you drive by a car if they're smoking or not?

and dont waste your time telling me that pot is illegal. and dont tell me that they're sooo stupid for doing it while driving. They wouldnt have to drive around if pot was legal. So please no negative comments. it will just be a waste of ur time.


2007-10-20 11:41:52 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-10-20 11:41:05 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

WASHINGTON (Map, News) - Most reasonable people will concede that public housing projects failed. We’ve all seen the spotless new apartment complexes paid for by taxpayers to help the needy be transformed into filthy, crime-ridden slums.

Now, a new generation of leftists carps about “substandard housing” — as if those developments were built in the first place with cracked windows, urine in the stairwells and hypodermic needles on the playgrounds.

In fact, irresponsible residents and their guests destroy housing projects, and now — thanks to the federal government — they can do the same thing to your neighborhood.

People who have so little regard for others do not make good neighbors. They are not interested in pulling their weight; their aim is to be carried by others.

2007-10-20 11:38:43 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I think its unfair.

2007-10-20 11:38:41 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Just goes to prove the point, they cannot handle debate.

2007-10-20 11:38:22 · 25 answers · asked by Dina W 6 in Politics

Think about it: she is going to inherit a nation divided by racism. The right-wing has made it plain they intend to secede from civil society upon her inauguration. Will she have to fight a new civil war against angry white men?

President Clinton: we love you!

2007-10-20 11:38:21 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I work for an answering service and our boss told us that if a patient/caller asks our name, that we are REQUIRED to give it. Mind you, she means only our first name... however, I don't even feel comfortable giving out my first name in some circumstances. Are there any privacy laws against this? Someone please HELP ^_^

2007-10-20 11:32:43 · 3 answers · asked by sapphire_rayne 2 in Law & Ethics

make you embarrassed to be a conservative or a liberal?

2007-10-20 11:32:26 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Say for example you want to stay as an E-3, but you're going to be promoted soon, can you say you dont want to be promoted?

2007-10-20 11:24:05 · 10 answers · asked by cichlid96 1 in Military

illegal aliens, I'm not sure but by their looks I can almost be 100% sure. Anyhow its only a 1 bedroom house and I've seen 5 people come and go consistently for the past 3 months now. Is this illegal? for them to have to many people in one house, also the lady who stays there all day plays Mexican Music all day starting real early, its not that loud but I can hear it when I'm doing some gardening, is this illegal? I dont want to be mean but I was happier when a single guy lived there by himself, should I report them, I mean I dont know if any of what I mention is illegal.

2007-10-20 11:22:24 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Is this something that can be imposed or does it require the people to actually want it?

2007-10-20 11:21:54 · 17 answers · asked by Kelly B 4 in Politics

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