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Politics & Government - 16 October 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

9/11? But, how often does the United States get attacked? The last time the U.S. was attacked on American soil was in the 1940's at pearl Harbor.

2007-10-16 07:36:30 · 14 answers · asked by Liberal City 6 in Politics

Oh, wait... That was Lewinsky that played the flute...

2007-10-16 07:32:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

i am not going to feel beholden to big business. this present republican administration bends over backwards to the major corporations. from reagan on, the republicans have worked hard to favor business vs. the working man. why should i feel sorry for the economic welfare of these conglomerates, when they give less than a yee-haw about my social class. every tax break, regulation that favors them is for the good of the little guy? trickle down doesn't get it. do republicans think that we all are stupid? i just look stupid.

2007-10-16 07:31:34 · 8 answers · asked by tomjohn2 4 in Elections

I just want to thank all who have answered me, I think I have a clear picture of what I need to do and I am not so threatend about them taking my car, I would never sell this car, it is a gem, only 58 thousand miles on it, I am 61 years old and plan to drive it till it dies, I most definately am going to fight them to the death, because noone ever contacted me and the total of the medical bills is about 1300 , one is an er charge for 675, which I paid the 50 co-pay, it is a sad thing in this country when even if you do have medical ins you never know what you really have or if they will pay, I was in a car accident so the er trip was not bogus. I hate ins companies and I hate that a medical instituation is trying to take what little I have, I called the atty and I wrote the atty to no avail, so when the dust settles, I will have my friend who is an atty deal with them , thank all of you so much!!!!!!

2007-10-16 07:29:21 · 3 answers · asked by hnyyes2003 1 in Law & Ethics

I need to know where i stand legally. Up until last Friday the staff at where i work (in a care home) were allowed to leave work premises on our unpaid breaks to have a cigarette. Our employer has now put a stop to this and i would like to know if that is allowed? on our contract, it states that we have to stay on work premises for the duration of our shift, but does not state staying there on our break. Our breaks are unpaid and feel that we are being treated wrongly because we smoke. Do i have any rights here? What does the law say? can my manager do this to us? i need as much info as possible please. I want to fight this. Ive been told that if we was to go outside on our break now, it is a sackable offence!

2007-10-16 07:29:02 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Video.google.com View how the Clintons railroaded Peter Paul. www.peterfpaul.com--------www.hillcap.org
I would like to know your views on this eye opener. Thanks

2007-10-16 07:28:49 · 5 answers · asked by jenny 7 in Elections

2007-10-16 07:27:15 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

The world is looking as if it is revolving around America..Why is it so.? why are we so obsessed over america? I mean the stock market... the goverment deal.....dont we need to mind our own business? Sincere comments Please

2007-10-16 07:24:23 · 12 answers · asked by YJ 2 in Immigration

Would you support this bill and does it have any chance of passing?


Does anyone care if it passes?

2007-10-16 07:23:14 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

is slimming down faster than the Antarctic shelf. When Al Gore starts getting carb-neutral, will he announce that he's running for President?

2007-10-16 07:22:53 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Wouldn't it be worth paying $350/barrel to create more jobs in American oil fields?

2007-10-16 07:20:57 · 14 answers · asked by junglejoe 2 in Politics

this guy who just turned 25 , i'm 20 by the way, hes my coworker at the restaurant i work at , anyway , this guy is those cocky guys -pretty boy, anyway, we were talking about underagers using fake IDs to get into clubs, this guy knows im a virgin and i'm not sure if he thought about it with what he said, anyway, he said he screwed an eleven year old and he said how she was soo nice and tight and that it wasnt his fault that she was underage since she used a fake ID to get into a 21 and over club,he assumed she was old enough, i was disgusted when he said this, i admit i liked this guy b/c hes a very good looking guy but when he said this comment, my stomach turned , i asked him if he was joking and he said yes, but even as a joke, what kind of a man jokes about this stuff? what should i have done, i mean am i over reacting? he said this not only in front of me , but he said it in front of his buddy and another girl and they just laughed about it

2007-10-16 07:18:56 · 14 answers · asked by angel 2 in Law & Ethics

I know bills had been introduced in 2006 but I am under the assumption that they have not passed, am I correct or can someone provide me with the latest info. Thxs!

2007-10-16 07:15:30 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Or Should Government be chasing down Pedophiles and Illegal Aleins?

ProChoice Smokers

2007-10-16 07:15:24 · 12 answers · asked by ShadowCat 6 in Law & Ethics

2007-10-16 07:14:31 · 3 answers · asked by Keyan 3 in Law & Ethics

i live in new jersey and am going through a civil suit and i live with my parents, but i am over 18...a public defender won't represent me because the gross annual income of my parents is 30,000-40,000 a year....how does this make any sense that it relies on what my parents make, i do not work and my parents don't support me

2007-10-16 07:14:18 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Wouldn't it be more logical of the party to support staying together as Vitter and his wife did, or Ted Haggard and his wife? Generally, isn't getting married making a promise until "death do us part"?

2007-10-16 07:13:20 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I work in Pennsylvania with children with disabilities. I get paid only for the time I spend with clients, not for travel time or time spent doing paperwork. I've worked there for about 6 weeks, I gave them my 2 weeks notices last week. My boss is telling me that I have to redo a lot of my paperwork, which I don't get paid to do. If I don't redo all of the paperwork, can they not pay me?

2007-10-16 07:11:18 · 3 answers · asked by hplss.rmntc 5 in Law & Ethics

Or Should Government be chasing down Pedophiles and Illegal Aleins?

2007-10-16 07:09:48 · 10 answers · asked by ShadowCat 6 in Politics

...after they have blocked all the liberals from answering their questions?

2007-10-16 07:09:18 · 8 answers · asked by Free Radical 5 in Politics

Heres the short description... I was out for a week for medical reasons. I went back w/a note. A wk. later teacher informs me that they never got the note (when I know they did) I said I would get them a note in about a wk. When I had another Docs appt. 2 days later she says she needs that note or I won't be able to have LOA (the hours credited to me) at this point she has gotten derogatory, degrading and mean. We then had a loud verbal arguement. I left school, called the asst director and complained.(about my note and drug use in the school, cigarrette breaks the teacher had, ect) I go back yesterday... guess what? they found my note IN MY FILE. The supervisor then says that because I made false allegations (all of the other stuff I complained about) she will let me know by friday if she is going to terminate me. if she terminates me I lose my financial aid and I have to pay the $11 thousand to the school. Do I have any legal right 2 take them to court? Sue?

2007-10-16 07:07:17 · 5 answers · asked by Summer-off 2 in Law & Ethics

Would you support public hangings for those convicted of capital crimes? Also, do you believe that public execution is a deterent for those committing crimes? My opinion is not in this question, and will be posted later. Thank you!

2007-10-16 07:05:44 · 9 answers · asked by Lisa M 5 in Other - Politics & Government

... radical Islam, Saddam or Ahmadinejad yet…

As a majority (not every liberal, you know who you are) they ask an overwhelming amount of questions and respond to any of the above by bashing American Presidents, Christianity and America itself?

2007-10-16 07:04:08 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

and Iraq and Iran and turkey,
Putin warns us to saty out of Iran......

2007-10-16 07:01:38 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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