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Politics & Government - 25 August 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2007-08-25 15:31:57 · 1 answers · asked by teagan d 3 in Military

Example: All the Urban Legends regarding the Clintons that the cons always post. Why don't they first check it out with reliable sources, or at least do a search on snopes.com? Is it because they enjoy spreading false rumors & lies about people? Or do they just get their jollies by repeating the same malicious gossip their friends are spreading?

2007-08-25 15:30:30 · 6 answers · asked by mstrywmn 7 in Elections

So that they don't have to fight them at home?

2007-08-25 15:28:55 · 14 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5 in Politics

someone told me that if I apply for healthchoice insurance that if my spouse is not the biological parent his income is not included

2007-08-25 15:28:16 · 1 answers · asked by valdez9873 1 in Law & Ethics

o.j was arrested because the evidence against him was overwhelming. mark furman was the cop who was in charge. OJ said furman set him up. we said BS furman was asked on the witness stand,did you plant evidence? "no" did you tamper with evidence? no. lying under oath is a crime. planting and tampering with evidence is a crime. the 5th amendment is asserted so that you don't have to incrimminate yourself in a crime. when furman was asked a 2nd time, under oath, instead of saying "no" to all the questions again, he asserted his 5th amendment privelege. so when asked, "when i asked you the last time you were here if you planted evidence and you said no, did you lie?" by taking the 5th he really answered "i can't answer that because if i say yes then i will go to jail for purjury, and if i say no, i think you may have evidence that i did and i will commit purjury now" don't you think the jury wondered why he just didnt say no again? why didn't he say no again? maybe because he DID?

2007-08-25 15:24:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

""AP) One after another, the men and women who have stepped forward to report corruption in the massive effort to rebuild Iraq have been vilified, fired and demoted.

Or worse.

For daring to report illegal arms sales, Navy veteran Donald Vance says he was imprisoned by the American military in a security compound outside Baghdad and subjected to harsh interrogation methods. ""

2007-08-25 15:24:07 · 14 answers · asked by oohhbother 7 in Politics

American people
CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateralists and other elites
Voting machines
Mainstream media
Fear (of terror, Iraq, Iran etc)
Principles of candidates
Personality of candidates
Amount campaign money
Campaigns (advertising, debates)
Pandering to the voter base

...or any other factors you feel.

(Apologies for a long question)

2007-08-25 15:20:04 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Bill Clinton pardoned Marc Rich, a man wanted by the Justice Department for selling illegal Iranian oil under a US embargo and later found out to be selling illegal Iraqi oil under a UN embargo and the largest private donor to the Clinton presidental library.

Denise Rich, the wife of Saddam's personal oil broker, donated 1 million dollars to the democrat party.


Former American fugitive Marc Rich was a middleman for several of Iraq's suspect oil deals in February 2001, just one month after his pardon from President Clinton, according to oil industry shipping records obtained by ABC News.

And a U.S. criminal investigation is looking into whether Rich, as well as several other prominent oil traders, made illegal payments to Iraq in order to obtain the lucrative oil contracts.


Marc Rich's socialite ex-wife has donated an estimated $1 million to Democratic causes, including $70,000 to Hillary Clinton's successful Senate campaign and $450,000 to the Clinton presidential library fund. She also lobbied heavily for Marc's pardon.

2007-08-25 15:18:23 · 17 answers · asked by ? 5 in Other - Politics & Government

I vaguely remember something called the Korean War. We invaded Korea and blew them back but that we had hit a speed bump with China. Now im not trying to bash non-supporters of the war but modern North Korea came from the fact that we didn't finish the job in Korea. Do you really want another country like North Korea in the Middle East? We signed a cease fire instead of a finishing the job. Here are the similarities see if you agree.
Truman= Bush
Eisenhower= 2008 Democratic Nominee
Korea= Iraq
China= Iran (supplying weapons to insurgents)

I'm saying we should vote for a president who will finish the job(actually winning the war not withdrawing early) so history doesn't repeat itself. Agree?

2007-08-25 15:12:24 · 12 answers · asked by No More Mr. Nice Guy 3 in Politics

How would the most famous red state Republican of all time, Jesus of Nazareth reacted to 9/11? What country would he have bombed first?

2007-08-25 15:11:17 · 19 answers · asked by Trey H 3 in Politics

I know you have to be 18 to buy cigarettes, but what happens if a cop sees you smoking under that age? Could a 12-year-old get in trouble if they were caught smoking?

2007-08-25 15:06:52 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-08-25 14:56:13 · 14 answers · asked by darklady509 1 in Government

2007-08-25 14:50:29 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I'm in the Army and I'm expecting my bonus this week. I know it's going to be $10,000 and then it'll be taxed but I'm not sure how much. I'm from New York (if that makes a difference). Can anyone let me know. Maybe someone military who's from New York and has been in the same situation. Thanks

2007-08-25 14:48:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

All it does it breed violence and hopelessness in prisons. Those who do change their lives for the better are condemned forever without hope. What a violation of Jesus's teachings. I believe those who are hopeless and heinous should just be executed. Those who are mad should be institutionalized until their condition improves. No one should stay in prison for life without parole, it's a heat-of-the-moment judgment that ignores the fact that people can change for the better. OJ hasn't killed anyone in 12 years, and he was arguably guilty.

Here's another point, why are governments allowed to invade other countries and kill other people, but gang bangers here sentenced to 20 years or more for their own wars? It's a tad hypocritical, isn't it? No wonder prison is a nightmare.

2007-08-25 14:43:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics


Americans who reported that weapons were being sold in iraq, for cash, no receipt, were detained as 'security prisoners' and subjected to torture.

What will it take for bushies to decry the actions of this gang?

2007-08-25 14:42:27 · 15 answers · asked by cassandra 6 in Politics

Reposted for clarity and sources.

The women who are "invisible" to Hillary:

. At a recent campaign stop in New Hampshire when confronted if she believed Juanita Broadderick claims that her husband raped her, Hillary couldn’t recall the name of Juanita Broadderick. Yet two weeks after the rape occurred, she met Broaddrick and while squeezing her hand said, "I've heard so much about you. I've been dying to meet you", and she thanked her for all she had done for her husband.

It’s no wonder Hillary couldn’t recall the name of just one victim. There were hundreds of victims that Bill Clinton molested, or had relationships with.

Isn't Hillary a feminist who cares about women's rights?

2007-08-25 14:41:34 · 11 answers · asked by Karma 4 in Other - Politics & Government

I want to complain about International Imports fraud retailing with single women. Taking advantage of a sales situation. Selling one thing and delivering a lesser item. Then refusing to cooperate when confronted. Actually threatened to call the police, this is over the phone mind you. No problem, my bank srands behind me and that's the way it is until the case is closed one way or the other.

2007-08-25 14:26:08 · 3 answers · asked by Jill W 1 in Law & Ethics

I have roomates who bring lots of people home from clubs. They then pass out and leave them to do whatever. I usually awake and cant sleep. We rent the house and all of our names are on the lease. I want to know is their anything legally i can do prevent this from happaning. Maybe their is some kind of Trasspassing Warant so they legally cannot come make and continue to cause trouble? I live in the state of Florida. Please help

2007-08-25 14:24:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Which county invaded the British colonies in the Americas to kick out the British and gave us our Constitution? None. We did it mostly ourselves with some help from the French.

Which country invaded France to kick out the monarchy when they became corrupt. None. The French people rose up and did it themselves.

Which Country invaded India to kick out the British there? None, they did it themselves.

If the Iraqis really wanted freedom they would have risen up and done it themselves. Why do we have to impose democracy of people who don't really want it?

2007-08-25 14:19:59 · 11 answers · asked by arvis3 4 in Politics

It's not going to be free. Anyone with a fourth grade education can see what other social programs in this country cost us each year already, and the abuse some of them take.

It seems like the left is inflicted with "me"-ism. Some of you think that as long as someone else is paying for it, and not you, then it MUST be free. Are you all this selfish?

2007-08-25 14:19:30 · 18 answers · asked by Karma 4 in Other - Politics & Government

I have seen on this site as well as others Americans saying Britain doesn't have a crime rate. so i thought i'd investigate. The results were a big surprise to me.

Murder rate:(per 100,000 population, national averages for all categories)
US- 6.9





Vehicle crime

To summarise: Your roughly 3.5 times more likely to be murdered in a US city than a UK city. Rape is only slightly higher for the UK. BUT.......

Your.... nearly 5.5 times more likely to be assaulted in a UK city
More than twice as likely to be burgled in a UK city
nearly twice as likely to witness a robbery in a UK city
nearly 4 times more likely to have your car stolen in a UK city.

US "beats" UK on 1 cat, UK "beats" US on FIVE categories.

To put it into perspective, My city- Manchester, England, is more dangerous than Detroit, Michigan.

2007-08-25 14:16:59 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

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