The libs on Y/A think so.
PNAC asked the following question:;_ylt=AkKPGAqVKqtII.zs0AsBwXrty6IX?qid=20070822160630AAajkEs&show=7#profile-info-BDXckx9Eaa
The Senate's vote to give President Bush expanded authority to eavesdrop on suspected foreign terrorists without court warrants provoked responses of taking away OUR rights and freedoms. But look at what this allows for: "authority to eavesdrop on suspected foreign terrorists".
How is this a problem? First, do you think the government cares even a little bit about your conversation with your friend? Using this logic should we not allow detectives to investigate crime as it may involve them "infringing" on your rights by say, blocking a public street for a while. Understand, the world has evil people in it (I know, we'll get the childish "Bush" responses). Sometimes, especially in war time certain things should be done to help ensure our safety and freedoms.
29 answers
asked by
Mr. Perfect