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Politics & Government - 12 August 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

i am doin a history assigment about aboriginals and one of the question ask is a bout the aboriginal laws, rligion and warfare so if any one has study or no som answer i would grately appriciate that


2007-08-12 03:24:44 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Now before you say no, expunged means that they no longer exist, I must clarify that in my state it simply is used when they seal your record from the public. A court order must be received to view the contents.
I want to work at an airline but they do FBI and Customs background checks. Would my expunged case from when I was a juvenile show up?

2007-08-12 03:21:55 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I did until I saw how it is taken, people have to enter a fair that cost 35$ to get in (usually paid for by one of the candidates) and only about 14 thousand people voted in it. Do you think this is a good indication? Why or why not?

2007-08-12 03:20:15 · 7 answers · asked by crushinator01 5 in Elections

My girlfriend is from Australia but wants to live here in Ireland. She is currently on a working holiday visa that runs for one year. For her to remain in Ireland beyond that, one of the conditions is for us to prove we're in a 'de facto' relationship. For this, we need a joint bank account, but it may be a catch22 because I'm not sure if we can both qualify for a joint bank account because one of the parties is not a permanent UK/Irish resident. I've tried many websites but theyre not very helpful. Does anyone know if we can qualify?

2007-08-12 03:19:49 · 4 answers · asked by Proinsias 2 in Immigration


I've read a lot on here that Marines only have half a brain and it's so easy to be one, I want to know why this is?

2007-08-12 03:19:09 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

he told me that i won in a lottery and want to give them my details plus i.d and passport...what will i do.what will they do to my passport in case i send it already to him??what trouble it can give to me?pls help...

2007-08-12 03:14:04 · 11 answers · asked by jennytemprosa 1 in Law & Ethics

We all want to bring our soldiers home as soon as possible. But, do you think if we start removing large units out of Iraq we may be giving Iran the opportunity to move their military in? Will this put us out of harm's way here at home and will it mean our efforts and lives taken were in vain?

2007-08-12 03:12:42 · 14 answers · asked by Jovesash 4 in Military

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/6903946.stm Date of Commissioners Report 18th July 2007 - QUOTE...

There are too few troops on the ground to win.

There are still not enough British helicopters to do the job. "UK helicopter operations in Afghanistan are not sustainable at the present intensity." UNQUOTE

Remember this ?

That is the link to ACTUALLY HEAR Tony Bliar(sic), the THEN Prime Minister... state "However, the Prime Minister said: “If the commanders on the ground want more equipment — armoured vehicles for example, more helicopters — that will be provided. Whatever package they want, we will do.” UNQUOTE http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/politics/article664134.ece on the 7th October 2006

Why are we, the tax-payers paying mega bucks to pay these people's salary if "all we're good for...photographs"? Me.. I'd rather see a picture of..Jenna-Louis Coleman..or Anne Widdecombe or Nancy Reagan... (Ok I'll seek help)

2007-08-12 03:12:18 · 1 answers · asked by Hello 3 in Politics

How the US fought the Taliban, and now seeks to pick a fight with Iran because they are/were oppresive, radical theocracies,.... yet the crazed, overzealous bible-thumpers in the government are demanding that United States form all international and domestic policies on thier narrow, hateful, profane interpretation of christianity?

Do they honestly believe a radical Christian theocracy is any different than an Islamic one??

How can they justify this hypocrisy?

2007-08-12 03:05:46 · 14 answers · asked by tiny Valkyrie 7 in Politics

Need to hire dress blues to attend a wedding of a service personnel

2007-08-12 03:04:57 · 8 answers · asked by sandiplops 1 in Military

My question wasn't defamatory or anything but got deleted with some kind of warning emailed to me. I was just sharing dinner table talk with him and asking whether he took it as a compliment. Please post your deleted questions here for all to consider. John's got a tough skin - tougher than Yahoo 's - he wants you to ask him to give the tough real human being answers (and we want to read them). This is Australia. We don't need the First Amendment to use the vernacular :)

2007-08-12 03:04:16 · 6 answers · asked by Camperdown T 4 in Elections

2007-08-12 03:02:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Arent we about 2 steps away from being a socialist country.
Isnt Freedom just an illusion.
dont they want to tell you what to believe
and what not to believe, and arent you falling right into their hands. Democrat Republican no different. both are destroying this country.

2007-08-12 03:00:23 · 9 answers · asked by chris z 2 in Government

I've noticed something, Conservatives always try to deflect criticism of Bushco.
If you criticize him, the response is, "look what Clinton did!" (you can almost hear the false indignation in their deflection).
If you mention the amount of dead soldiers in Iraq, the response is, "look how many died in WW II or Vietnam, we haven't lost that many troops".
ANY criticism at all, they point at someone else and say,"yeah, but look what THEY did". How pathetic is that? They sound like that snotty nosed kid who's been busted but points at others, you know the type.

2007-08-12 02:59:15 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

my father died their is no more money left in his estate what is left is a scooter maybe worth $800. but he still has some bills to be payed being that I am excutive of his estate. Am I responcable for paying his outstanding medical bills?

2007-08-12 02:55:31 · 14 answers · asked by phantomknight70 2 in Law & Ethics

Why are Minneapolis and Saint Paul so determined to build new sports stadiums, that they would direct their money into building sports facilities rather than funding the money into building safer bridges and roadways?

2007-08-12 02:55:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I'm from Philippines and i'm a graduate of BS in Biology. I work as an online English Tutor. I'm 22 years old.

2007-08-12 02:50:29 · 4 answers · asked by missy 1 in International Organizations


2007-08-12 02:49:44 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

2007-08-12 02:46:52 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

It seems like many people feel that corporations are not paying their fair share of taxes, are greedy, and are bitter about CEOs making millions(even though a Hollywood actor seems to be very justified in making millions in a cruddy film), but if they paid less taxes to the government wouldn't the corportations be able to expand, and create more jobs, put more money into health care, thus providing more relief and benifits to people rather than some poorly run government program? I realize its a conservative viewpoint, and I consider myself more liberal than conservative, but it just doesnt make alot of sense to me to raise taxes on a corporations. I am interested in hearing different viewpoints, thanks.

2007-08-12 02:44:03 · 8 answers · asked by kris76 4 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-08-12 02:39:04 · 13 answers · asked by mym1993 1 in Law & Ethics

someone wearing a Arabic T-Shirt, (because a T-Shirt can't cause any harm), yet file suit against students in Louisiana for wearing a T-Shirt proclaiming their "right to prayer"?

2007-08-12 02:35:32 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Is a country an empire if it holds territories that they had to invade and establish their form of government many years ago? As in they invaded over 100 years ago and they still have their form of government on that territory/colony.

2007-08-12 02:35:19 · 5 answers · asked by Q2 2 in Government

it seems like the idea of democracy in Britain is becoming a little strained, i just don't believe we have much of a say in what goes on anymore, i'm probably just being paranoid and this is probably just me. Still let me know what you think

2007-08-12 02:35:05 · 4 answers · asked by Chapkins 3 in Government

I found this in a letter to the editor of a newspaper:

I envision an old Iraqi man sitting at an outdoor bazaar with his 6-year-old granddaughter, who is coloring pictures for her mommy who is working as a civil rights attorney in downtown Baghdad. Her father travels throughout the country as a building engineer. The grandfather's weathered face will gently smile as she asks if he wants her to draw a picture for him. He nods yes as he reflects upon all the hustle and bustle around them.

It wasn't always this way. His thoughts drift back to a time of horrible oppression when he lodt uncles and cousins to the brutal regime of a ruler whose name never deserves mention again. As a convert to Christianity, he knows they smile from heaven at what has now become of their country. After a terrible, bloody transition and monumental human sacrifice where coalition troops, along with his own countrymen, finally brought lasting freedom, he and his granddaughter now rest in an Iraq that is a

2007-08-12 02:32:21 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

former president Calvin Coolidge?

2007-08-12 02:30:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

my 18 year old brother shoplifted, payed the maximum amount possible back to the retailer.. which by michigan law is 200 dollars because it was under 50 dollars... but now the retailer is taking him to court, and we're trying our hardest to keep this off his record.. i was just wondering what prosecution will accomplish? can they get more money? or is prsecututing strictly for determination of punishment?

2007-08-12 02:28:24 · 5 answers · asked by highschoolchild 1 in Law & Ethics

so we could compete in this industry. I think many people would take these jobs. Include all industries that use illegals.

2007-08-12 02:28:20 · 8 answers · asked by man of ape 6 in Immigration

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