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Politics & Government - 8 August 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Think about this, in the Old Testiment God is happy to kill, enslave, stone to death women who are not virgins when marry and on more than one occasion annhilates humans "Bowls of God's anger etc...". Then we find in the New Testiment due to messing up the aggressive approach, he goes to propoganda by sending Jesus his No.1 PR agent. To come and talk about peace and rewards for submitting to God. And you will get a special place in heaven approach. Now we find President Bush after bombing the hell out of nations (like the Old Testiment God) now comes with offers for Assylum seekers and money if you rat out terrorists (A special place in the US/Heaven/Rewards) and offering food, protection and oil for food programs. Scary but similar dont you think?

2007-08-08 23:58:53 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2007-08-08 23:56:02 · 9 answers · asked by imtiaz a 1 in Immigration

2007-08-08 23:48:19 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

china threatened to convert its dollar reserves if america gives it too much hell about its currency. this would cause the dollar to collapse.
are there any downsides to a weak dollar? it seems like it would boost the US economy greatly, just like the artificially weak yuan is doing for china. the only people it might affect are expatriates who live off of dollars. americans dont need to go to europe for tourism, they hate us anyway, and our beaches are nicer.

2007-08-08 23:46:36 · 4 answers · asked by privatize 1 in Politics

get along together in their heathen sweatshop of bahgdad?

2007-08-08 23:45:55 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

That today many governments are smart enough build big machines to go to the moon, and look for other planets, yet they still do not have a better system to put out a forestall fire than using some helicopters and a 1000 litter bucket?

2007-08-08 23:45:16 · 1 answers · asked by Davinci22 3 in Politics

As of today 9/8/07 we have had to back out of our 1st home as we can not afford to live and own a house under your government THANK-YOU.

2007-08-08 23:44:50 · 8 answers · asked by Craig B 1 in Government

Can I request and receive a court transcript from a court case from over 50 years ago? A relative was killed by a drunk driver in New Mexico and I would like to read why the driver was never charged. The trial was held in Federal Court in Santa Fe as my relative was in the USAF (Clovis AFB) but thats all I know. Where would I start?

2007-08-08 23:43:43 · 1 answers · asked by aqua_diente 5 in Law & Ethics

and to the point of defending them?

2007-08-08 23:40:48 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I think that is the only way to separate Church and State at this point.

2007-08-08 23:36:45 · 4 answers · asked by Perry N 4 in Elections

Details: When you are in the world, we are put through challenges, even facing unknown situations and processes, and you accept them. You also ignore and accept the unknown or secretive in government answers. We say, if they make war they must have a reason for it.

But if there is something unknown about God's ways within Christian views, then it is not a challenge or interesting topic of investigation but a plane unbelievable fact.

Isn't the whole world a religion and many people are indoctrinated into it from birth?.
Is not the economical concept of balace of offers and demands a fantasy? There will never be a balance of the same to avoid unemployment, or correct distribution of wealth.
What is your view? (Unbiased view)

2007-08-08 23:32:12 · 3 answers · asked by Davinci22 3 in Politics

my friend got a caution for theft around 3 years ago, she is currently looking for a new job and was wondering if she has to put this down on her application form? how long does a caution run for?

2007-08-08 23:29:32 · 7 answers · asked by Izzy 3 in Law & Ethics

could not a suicid bomber kill many in such a packed arena?

2007-08-08 23:29:23 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-08-08 23:26:14 · 4 answers · asked by Perry N 4 in Elections

2007-08-08 23:26:05 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

And get away with it? I only live in neighboring South Carolina. Will this start an Interstate incident even though the 4th of July has already passed?

2007-08-08 23:23:46 · 7 answers · asked by Perry N 4 in Politics

The 9/11 attackers were mostly from saudi I think. Trained and supported by afghans... Why do ya'll still think Iraq had something to do with 9/11? I mean I have a dvd recording of bush stating that iraq had nothing to do with it but you still think they did? I dont get it, where ya getting that info from?

2007-08-08 23:22:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Did he lie about the reasons for going to war in Iraq?

The recent anti-war protests across America included calls for President Bush to be impeached for crimes against the American people.

Most senior Democrats say they don't want to impeach the president, but growing numbers of ordinary Americans and town meetings are openly calling for Congress to investigate what they say are serious crimes committed by the President and his administration.

Those calling for impeachment claim President Bush lied about the reasons for taking America to war, and violated the constitution by authorising a widespread programme to spy on ordinary citizens.

Do you support those who call for President Bush's impeachment? Would impeachment distract the country from the job of government? Or are those calling for it simply unable to accept that America voted to re-elect President Bush?

2007-08-08 23:18:34 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I dont think he was from what I learned in my history classes but... others make me wonder.

2007-08-08 23:11:32 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Sometimes in life, we have what we call "money in the bank." Some call it a sure thing; something you can depend on. Did Senator Clinton assumed too early by acting as if she is an honorary member of La Raza? Obama was just a horse and pony show, for the Clintons already have a history with La Raza. She knew that Obama was wasting his time because they basically owe her. Mr. Bill had been very loyal to La Raza by granting speedy citizenship and amnesty. He put pressure on Congress to do so.

"PRESIDENT Wants to GRANT AMNESTY to 4 Million ILLEGAL Aliens" [Free ...
... a shutdown because President Clinton wants Congress to grant amnesty for up to ... her even more to meet so many natural-born citizens that take their citizenship ...www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3a0643a7242c.htm - 83k - Cached

Yes, He got his way as Bill generally does!!

Just imagined the surprise she felt when the American citizens put a stop to the Amnesty fiasco in 2007? Will her antics backfire?

2007-08-08 23:07:54 · 5 answers · asked by shawnLacey 4 in Civic Participation

I dont want this to sound like a freak question but do you feel that corporal punishment in the judges qtrs under supervision should be legal? esp young adults with petty crimes. would you administer the punishment if it were legal? Iused to be one of those punks who got away with crap and I think Id think twice if it were legal. pls law enforcement only.

2007-08-08 23:07:25 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

hi.. I just got my Citizenship of another country. I am to surrender my Indian passport to gain the passport of the other country. Unfortunately I seem to have lost my Indian Passport. Do I still need to apply for a duplicate Indian passport only to be able to surrender it..? Or can I just take an FIR along with passport copy (which I have) and surrender the same..?

2007-08-08 22:57:42 · 3 answers · asked by Gitesh Agarwal 1 in Immigration

Is a teen advocate someone who helps teenagers in trouble with the law or what?

2007-08-08 22:53:41 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

In California???
I won full costody of her last year. I have a restraining order against him, which is good until 2009. Do I need him to sign a paper saying I can change it?? Or do I need a lawyer?
Anyone ever gone through this???

2007-08-08 22:45:35 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I want to be an commercial airline pilot, and was looking into the air force for flight training. How does the training stuff work in the air force. What is it like? Is it the same as a flight school?

2007-08-08 22:42:03 · 13 answers · asked by kingjay50 1 in Military

2007-08-08 22:24:18 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

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