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Politics & Government - 6 July 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Obstructing justice means hindering the investigation or prosecution of a crime. But there was no crime.

2007-07-06 06:04:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

haha, has anybody else noticed how many baseless statements about liberals are floating around Y!A?

makes it feel like Y!A is becoming a red state..

2007-07-06 06:04:51 · 5 answers · asked by BrightEyes 5 in Other - Politics & Government

He did not make weight by 0.1%. Now they are saying he has to wait 2 months to come back and be down to 26% instead of the original 29.9%. This doesn't seem right to me, is it? Is there anything we can do to get him in sooner?

2007-07-06 06:03:43 · 10 answers · asked by saint with grenades 1 in Military

I get it, "college is a privilege". Well right now I am not feeling so privileged. We are shelling out 30 to 40 grand to these institutions just so we hopefully might get a decent job in the future. Then we have misc. fees and charges, over priced text books, sub par food, and mediocre housing added on to it all. Unless you are extremely wealthy or have a full scholorship, you are basically in debt up to your ears by the time you graduate. How are we supposed to make monthly payments on our loans if our own college is extracting money from us right out of our own pockets? I cannot count how many text books I bought and never opened all semester. Then the store will give you 2% back of what you paid for it, or worse, nothing at all. I get misc. charges on my bill for damages I did not do. If college is a business, then let's place some laws in order for the business's consumers to be treated right. Shouldn't there be more laws implemented to aid and protect struggling college students?

2007-07-06 06:01:18 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

so they can pay taxes, do all the money stuff.

If not, why not?

they are here any way....

and we can't do nothing since they are here anyway....

2007-07-06 05:58:29 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism." - Thomas Jefferson.

So many Libs make this false attribution. Look at Henry's answer in this thread:


Trouble is, Jefferson never said it. Historians agree he never said it. Even the Jefferson historical web site says that Jefferson never said it:


So, why to Y!A libs keep wrongly attributing the dissent quote to Jefferson?

2007-07-06 05:56:22 · 19 answers · asked by ? 6 in Politics

my boyfriend of a year and a half is in fort benning at basic training. his first phone call was made home, and then he wrote me about 4 times in the first month. when i finally got his address I was able to write back. his 4th and last letter he wrote to me said that he wanted to be serious about me and prayed that I would stay strong until he gets back. He's been writing home several times in the last few weeks, but he has not written me back. I wrote him 3 times since his last letter because I was waiting on him response, but the last letter I told him that I don't know why he's not writing me. he got a phone call pass and used it to call home. if he loved me, wouldn't he call me? I'm trying to be strong, but if he doesn't want to be with me, then why doesn't he tell me? he even asks about me in his letters home so i dont get i. i feel bad b/c it seems like most other guys are calling and writing their g/f's and he's calling and writing home. i really love him, but i can't force him

2007-07-06 05:55:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-07-06 05:53:14 · 12 answers · asked by logank1469 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Or U.S. Resident
Or U.S. tourist
Or anything like that?

2007-07-06 05:52:41 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I turned 18 a few days ago, so I need to sign up for the draft.

Where do I go to sign up on the internet?

Do I need to recieve any information from the Gov. before I do this (I haven't gotten anything)?

2007-07-06 05:52:24 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Asian American, African-American, Jewish-American, This-American, That-American. Good grief why are these stupid labels necessary? And how are they supposed to bring us together when all they do is focus on our outer differences?

Liberals also oppose racism, sexism, thisism, thatism, and every ism ever known to man. Yet they fully support affirmative action, which awards people for being of a certain color, or gender, while penalizing members of other races or genders. Why is this?

2007-07-06 05:52:03 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Americans are gullible and easily manipulated by all forms of Goverment. You believe what they want you to believe, regardsless of which side you choose.

I believe at least 99% of Congress is corrupt, 99% of our Senators are corrupt. With the current Dem/Rep parties main-streaming their agendas - it's clear they are corrupt.

What's a person to do when he hears the guy next door stay "he's the lessor of the greater evil" ? Again "Complacent"

When someone stands against our way of Government - kill the messenger. Americans love to stand somewhere!

Our Government is filled with money, greed, lawyers, contracts, pensions that work for who? Themselves - who regulated themselves - all paid for by the great American People!

Our Government is full of gonorrhea from within. The infection is never treated - only masked by the American people.

Show me a Senator - I'll show you a liar. Show me a Congressman - I'll show you a thief. Show me an American - I See!

2007-07-06 05:52:02 · 5 answers · asked by alaskacpu 3 in Government

In my own version of the old Marvel "What If...?" comics, I'm proposing my own "What If...?" question in regards to American history. Serious and well thought out answers only, please.

Historical "What If...?" #1:

What if the Japanese hadn't bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941 during World War II?

2007-07-06 05:51:42 · 9 answers · asked by theREALtruth.com 6 in Military

2007-07-06 05:47:04 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


In this story the representive say if we increase spending buy 180 billion, effectiveness will increase by 31%,

I find that to be rediculous, for 180 billion, you only get a 31% increase in the effectiveness of the system,

These people are are criminals,

when you (as a citizen) get arrested, the cops can tell you your life story once you get to central processing, but cant notify immigration and say hey come pic this guy up when they pic up an illeagle imigrant ????

I dont get it, so to get someone to pick up the fu**ing phone and use it to enforce the law, it costs 180 billion, and even then you end up with a 69% failure ratio how on earth is this acceptable ???

if your company operated on ratios like this you would be out of business in less than 6 months, so how can our dept of national security operate on the same ratios ???

Im not against people that immigrate in the right way for a reasone

2007-07-06 05:45:50 · 3 answers · asked by nimisisprime 3 in Law & Ethics

My ten year old asked me if the president's children had any semi-offical title similar to his wife's "First Lady" title. Is there any offical way to refer to the presients' offsping. other than "the presidents son" or "the presidents daughter" - historic or otherwise...

2007-07-06 05:43:04 · 1 answers · asked by Ralph 7 in Government

My ten year old asked me if the president's children had any semi-offical title similar to his wife's "First Lady" title. Is there any offical way to refer to the presients' offsping. other than "the presidents son" or "the presidents daughter" - historic or otherwise...

2007-07-06 05:42:21 · 6 answers · asked by Ralph 7 in Politics

Does it bother you to listen to him speak? Kinda grates on my nerves a bit.

2007-07-06 05:38:23 · 23 answers · asked by Rosebee 4 in Other - Politics & Government

* This proves how prutal & how the Israelis using orgenized terror against innocent generalists & the Palestinians.
* Israel's government & army are terrorist number one on this glope.

2007-07-06 05:34:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

i want to take over the world and i dont know how to? Why did Hitler not succeed?

2007-07-06 05:33:05 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I have found that to be the case. It is time to bring back the Alein and Sedition acts in these dangerous times?

What do you think?

2007-07-06 05:31:19 · 16 answers · asked by fourthy27 2 in Politics

I once had an asthma attack when I was in 2nd grade. I am 17 now and thinking about the AFA. I still need an inhaler whenever I exercise. How will this affect my consideration for acception? Anyone had any experience in this area?

2007-07-06 05:24:32 · 7 answers · asked by Matt 2 in Military

Do you guys think Bloomberg can win the NY electoral vote? He is very popular in NYC. If he wins the NY votes and the other 2 candidates closely split the other 49 states electoral votes, the House of Representatives will elect the President because no one will reach 270 electoral votes (simple majority). Just a thought, let me know your input!

2007-07-06 05:22:32 · 8 answers · asked by answerman88 2 in Elections

There have been few times in American history when so many urgent issues needed to be addressed. Rarely has a presidential election been so up in the air. The future direction of the country has rarely been more at stake. But when any of these issues are raised here, the majority of the responses tend to be juvenile name-calling. Is this because the majority of users are 14 or under? Or do people really have nothing more useful to say? It baffles me that people can feel so strongly about an issue, and yet the most persuasive thing they can find to say is "You're an ***hole."

Come on people. If you really believe in your positions, convince us. Give us some intelligent arguments to explain why we're wrong. Leave the cheap insults and name-calling on the playground where they belong.

2007-07-06 05:19:57 · 13 answers · asked by Candy 5 in Other - Politics & Government

If we need to abandon our rights for the sake of protecting our country, isn;t that saying democracy can't work in practice? If we rely on the electoral college, does that mean that one man one vote cannot work in every election? Do we really live in a democracy? Are we really free? Or are these just ideals?

2007-07-06 05:19:07 · 23 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Politics

...what challenges will US military commanders on the ground in Iraq (General Petraeus) and other generals face from the politicians in Washington?

2007-07-06 05:19:06 · 12 answers · asked by Taboo Tiki 2 in Military

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