I'm 28YO, male, and have an undergraduate degree in business and Masters in business. I also attended law school for 2 years though I didn't finish. I want to become an infantry officer in the Army and am in touch with a recruiter. I have to go before an OCS board with documents that must include at least 3 and no more than 6 recommendations about my character. I've had good jobs and academic experiences, but none of the people that I've asked to write a recommnedation will. Its not that they don't respect me or think that I'm not leadership material, but they are adamantly against me joining the Army. I scored a 98 on the ASVAB, have strong college and grad school transcripts, not married, no children, and good health. However, I am having a difficult time overcoming this hurdle for an admissions packet with meaningful letters of recommendation from people with credentials. Any ideas on joining and making this happen?
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