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Politics & Government - 3 July 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

What about Presidents Legislating from the Oval Office Should that be stopped???

2007-07-03 09:22:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

When an adjective is needed, the word is "Democratic". Why is it so hard to include those two little letters? Too many rightists use phrases like "Democrat Party" "Democrat Senator" "Democrat Candidate" "Democrat policies". When you do this, you

-- Ungrammatically use a noun in place of an adjective.
-- Seem to be imitating Joe McCarthy.

Why should we respect the alleged intelligence of anyone who makes an elementary grammatical error, or who is too lazy to utter a two-letter syllable?

2007-07-03 09:20:46 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I once heard that some in the military don't care for special forces, arguing that they cost an enormous amount of money for a relatively small benefit. I also heard that they tend to rob regular units of their best troops.

I've been reading a series written by a former Navy SEAL and of course the author is gung-ho in favor of special forces. I was curious as to whether or not anyone could give me a serious argument against them, even if it's just playing devil's advocate.

2007-07-03 09:20:45 · 11 answers · asked by beardo73 2 in Military

I parked my car last tuesday right on front of my house and put a cover on it. After I came back from my trip on Monday, one of the neighbors had placed a note saying that my spot was not for long term parking, and that if I didn't move my car it was going to be towed away on my own expense. Is it legal for anyone to call and get my car towed when I have parked it on my own street, even if it is parked there for a week?

2007-07-03 09:19:20 · 3 answers · asked by Carre 1 in Law & Ethics

re: Watergate, whitegate, 9-11, ufo's, healthcare...etc.....

2007-07-03 09:18:58 · 21 answers · asked by HRHGavin 3 in Government

Three dozen Southern California high school and college students wearing caps and gowns launched a hunger strike Monday to call for a path to citizenship for illegal immigrant students.

Vowing not to eat and only drink water until Monday, the group launched its campaign at the offices of Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Santa Ana) and plan to protest at the offices of representatives in Pasadena, Bakersfield, San Jose and San Francisco.

The protesters — including graduates and students of UCLA and UC Irvine — say they were illegally brought into the United States as children by their parents. They held signs with messages such as "I Want to Be a Lawyer" and "Bachelor Degree of Science in Chemistry."
I want to win the lotto, I want my car payment paid for,I want Tax Free on everything I buy. So hunger strikes ensure my needs are met?

2007-07-03 09:18:53 · 16 answers · asked by Zoe 1 in Immigration

The movie Sicko is a well documented movie that talks about how US AMERICANS don't have a universal Health Care and that our Health care and Insurance is corrupted by greedy politicians and businessmen.

Some Key things in the movie
- A lot of insurance agencies rip u off and keep their money
- Doctors gets bonus pays to the most people they've denied health care
- We make fun of Canadians, Cubans, Brits, and mainly Frenches but they have the BEST HEALTH CARE.
- Socialist party is good in healthcare. The media here makes it look like Sickel and Axe communist omg party
- .05 for the SAME medicne compare 20-30 buck in US.
- Al Qaeda prisoners have the best Health Care in the US.
- Patients pay ZERO! money in hospitals.

Most of my family members ARE Doctors. After chit chat, they agree how the system is corrupted

2007-07-03 09:15:39 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

why does canada need the death penalty

2007-07-03 09:14:26 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

My family was the 2nd most powerful family in Scotland, until the Knig of England got jeolous and summarily stripped them of all thier lands and titles. He was afraid they would try to take the throne from him. As far as I can find out they really did nothing wrong, he was just afraid of them. Can this be undone and their former holdings be restored to the family?
In America, the courts have usually upheld such law suits against the government.

2007-07-03 09:13:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-07-03 09:12:16 · 40 answers · asked by Ringo G. 4 in Politics

The other day a storm blew over my tree onto my neighbor's yard. There was no property damage. Who is responsible for removing the tree?

2007-07-03 09:12:13 · 19 answers · asked by Cabletoys 1 in Law & Ethics

Subject: Too Bad

Message: charlie didn't shove punji sticks up your *** and twist them. or did they? that would explain your ****-for-brains postings.

please die soon, ok?

I was sent this by someone who obviously disagreed with some of my postings. Isn't his wish for me the typical wish that liberals have for all military? Don't liberals wish that all of us would just die so they could save our pensions and health care? If anyone needed it, here is absolute proof that liberals hate those of us who fought for their freedoms

2007-07-03 09:09:51 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

We pay Homeland Security through taxes....we're being told to assemble safety kits...we're learning a massive attack is planned this summer in the US....what are they waiting for?? I don't want to wait a month for FEMA or whoever to get me my nuke-survival pills!

2007-07-03 09:07:47 · 10 answers · asked by Lisa 6 in Government

From my backyard I can sometimes see my neighbors doing 'it.' If I video tape 'it' can I sell it on the internet or do I have to pay them?

2007-07-03 09:07:00 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-07-03 09:06:14 · 7 answers · asked by physical_graffiti402 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

Is this the oath that our politicians are taking these days?

2007-07-03 09:04:01 · 14 answers · asked by McCoy 2 in Politics

I think the foreign policy plays a great role in recruiting those despaired people, who lost their homes, lands, dads, mothers & other relatives in orgenized terror of Israel & in Afganistan & Iraq daily.
* Those people has no equivellant force (Plane fighters or tanks ) to defend them selves, their leaders are betraying them, so every one of them (people) try to get his revenge in his own way.
** Why don't the powerful countries leaders try to be fair & not biased policy for once, I think that will reduce those type of despaired people to commit their actions!!!

* People who were suffering under the dictator Saddam are now missing him, as their life now completely ruined & every one of them has the chance to die every day.
* In Afganistan, people were restricted under the Taliban But they don,t die in 10s daily by the western forces!!

2007-07-03 09:03:48 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

If your objections had some type of validity, you might stand a chance in swaying some of the undersides votes. But you continue to come up with irational and bigeted statements that the fair, smart and reasonable people will see right through. I'm glad your're doing it because with the number of people in this race the vote will be split and he'll win the nomination. So thank you.

2007-07-03 09:03:15 · 15 answers · asked by Toolegit 5 in Elections

In our community a child was recently missing for three days without the police calling an amber alert. Their excuse: "There was not enough evidence the child had been adbucted to call an amber alert."

This is one of the most populous urban areas in the U.S. The likelihood that someone took the child is very high. How much evidence does any police force need that a child MAY HAVE BEEN absucted, beyond the fact that the child is missing and has not been found after days?

Now, national agencies are getting involved. But I can't help feel that the system failed the parents at the local level. Has anyone else ever heard of the authorities hesitating to issue an amber alert based on the excuse "There is not enough evidence that the child was abducted"? Isn't the child being missing enough?

2007-07-03 09:01:53 · 12 answers · asked by Mr. Vincent Van Jessup 6 in Law Enforcement & Police

She was a trained agent who had been covert in the past, and could be again-- IF her cover were not blown deliberately by Cheney. Now her skills are lost to us, and her contacts jeopardized. The law against revealing agents does not create a loophole here. Interesting how the "moral" rightists come up with rationalizations to weasel out of it.

What would you have done if a Democrat had done the same thing? Would you be screaming Treason and demanding a firing squad for the offender? You make a bigger deal out of a damn BJ!

2007-07-03 09:01:07 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Come on, on the Fourth of July, Independence Day, can both sides cast away differences and get along?

2007-07-03 09:00:06 · 21 answers · asked by rosslambert 4 in Politics

2007-07-03 08:59:50 · 6 answers · asked by kuyera hymera 2 in Government

Heres the story my boyfriends car was searched by the cops, they found nothin but empty baggies and 2 pipes. no weed waht so ever. he was given a ticket and charged with

penal code11357.
(b) Except as authorized by law, every person who possesses not more than 28.5 grams of marijuana, other than concentrated cannabis, is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars ($100).

they didnt find weed on him though. so is that the right? or his supposed to be charged with somethin else?

2007-07-03 08:59:37 · 3 answers · asked by boobookittyfuck 1 in Law & Ethics

I was in Friendship Wisconsin two months ago and I never paid the ticket. On the stub it sais they can put a warrant out for my arrest and suspend my IL DL..Is this true? My friend has like two tickets in Wisconsin and he never paid them and all they did was suspend his Wisconsin License..meaning he cant drive in WI. The ticket was a speeding ticket it was like 350 dollars. Im not paying it because I know i wasnt speeding but I lost in court. Anyways...Im never in Wisconsin..does anyone know if it will affect my IL license..just not paying it? I know its on my record already because I was found guilty but can any legal action be taken? Can they extradite me across state lines beause of it? Im really worried that something is gonna happen ..but several people keep telling me thats its fine and nothing is gona happen.

2007-07-03 08:57:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

There was a shooting and the victim and witnesses gave the police the perps name and nothing has been done. It has been over three years and still no charges have been brought. Why do you think this happened?

2007-07-03 08:56:58 · 4 answers · asked by Red 2 in Law & Ethics

I mean really.........

All presidents have given out lots of Pardons, some to help their pals........

I think we can all agree that they have always done it, and always will.......................

I think we can all agree that although it may not be right, it will always happen unless laws are changed................

Lastly, I think we can all agree that no matter how many times you ask the same question (sometimes reworded) it will always get the same types of answers, yet there is nothing you or I can do about it.........

So if we can all agree, shouldn't we put this issue to bed?

Do You Agree?

2007-07-03 08:51:52 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

the csa closed the wrong claim as the father got back with his wife but closed the previous girlfriends claim instead. 18 months and still they havent opened the claim as have to go to a clerical claim as on old rules on csa

2007-07-03 08:50:54 · 4 answers · asked by bob s 1 in Law & Ethics

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