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Politics & Government - 26 June 2007

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She is the married mother and teacher who was impregnated by her 6th grade student, was sentenced never to see him again, got pregnant by him again, was sent to prison and, then released. When she was released, the two of them married.

I am curious as to what people think about her, her crime and punishment, and her subsequent marriage.

2007-06-26 13:11:37 · 5 answers · asked by Buffy Summers 6 in Law & Ethics

Like some shambling undead Thing from a horror movie, the amnesty bill we all thought buried with a stake in its heart has been resurrected. Once again it's headed to the senate floor to wreak havoc. But this is the kind of summer sequel most people don't want to see. Neither Democrats nor Republicans in Washington seem to understand -- or care -- how unhappy the American people are about this bill.
And we are unhappy about it... Many Americans are outraged by the idea of rewarding criminals by allowing them to keep what they took. While hundreds of thousands of people around the world patiently await permission to come to this country, or go home when their visas expire, illegals decided the rules didn't apply to them. Allowing them to become permanent residents violates our sense of fair play almost as much as it violates our laws. We're assured that they will be at the "back of the line" for citizenship... but that line is supposed to form on the other side of the border.
We're unhappy about rewarding criminal behavior. We're told that these illegals should be honored because they wanted to become Americans so badly that many of them risked death to come here. (We'll just ignore the fact that money was probably the real motivation for most of them.) But becoming American must include showing some regard for American sovereignty, and American laws. Those who deliberately crossed our borders illegally or overstayed their visas did not show that respect. Many ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS falsify records and documents on a daily basis, supply false Social Security numbers to employers, and lie to obtain drivers' licenses, credit cards and other documents. Moreover, those hundreds of thousands who marched protesting law enforcement waving mexican flags and holding signs saying "This is our continent not yours" didn't appear to want to become Americans, did they? Why should we reward them for that?
We don't like the idea of creating a huge permanent underclass of low-level workers, either. Once granted legal status, all those people doing "jobs Americans won't do" won't want to do them either -- not at the low wages they're currently paid. They'll want better jobs, with better pay. Prices for agricultural products and construction will rise as employers are forced to pay minimum wage, but that's not the worst effect of a mass legalisation. Competition for available jobs in other areas will rise sharply. Competition for many blue-collar jobs will force wages to dip towards minimum wage level, creating a sharper division between blue-collar and white-collar workers, or lower class and middle class. Unemployment and entitlements will rise, and taxes will follow. Class warfare and envy politics fueled by racial divisions -- the staples of Democratic campaigns -- will escalate, granting the Democrats a huge vote windfall for many years to come. The fact that so many Republicans (including the President himself) are willing to sign the death warrant of their own party is amazing.
Many people are unhappy about this bill because of the way members of Congress and the President tried to shove it through the Senate quickly, without time for the bill to be amended before debate. The Bill was introduced on Thursday 17 May, and a vote to open debate on the final version was scheduled for Monday 21 June. The bill was not even written in final form until that Sunday, and most Senators hadn't even seen it by the time they were expected to vote, much less had time to draft amendments. Public outcry pushed back the vote to give Senators time to propose amendments and gauge public opinion. After the move for cloture -- an attempt to bring the bill up for a vote -- failed, the bill was removed from the floor. But President Bush, when attacking opponents of the bill didn't work, pushed his supporters in the Senate to bring it back after adding some money for border security -- the security that was mandated in a bill last year, and about which nothing much was done.
But it's still the same terrible bill, which grants a de facto amnesty to millions of criminal trespassers (no matter what its proponents want to call it), allowing them to stay as permanent residents and bring tens of millions of new immigrants into the country. Thanks to Liberal "multiculturalism," many of those people will never integrate into American society. It's like a home invasion on a massive scale, while the government's response is to tell us we just have to live with our new housemates. And the border fence that was mandated in the Secure Fence Act of 2006 is still not built, which means that in another decade or so, we'll have to go through all of this again. Before we decide what to do about the estimated 12-20 million illegal immigrants in this country, we have got to ensure that it's the last time we have to deal with the problem.
Back in 1986, we were told that we would have real border security, in exchange for a one-time amnesty. Well, the politicians got their one-time amnesty. Now, we want our security.

2007-06-26 13:00:38 · 21 answers · asked by ME 3 in Immigration

like healthcare? Why are so many americans so ignorant?

2007-06-26 12:58:40 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I've often wondered this. Is there any major or even minor difference between the two, or are they just two titles for the same thing.

2007-06-26 12:55:54 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

There's no way my boss will enforce it, so who is going to stop the crafty corner ciggie brigade?

2007-06-26 12:53:15 · 13 answers · asked by ? 5 in Law & Ethics

I don't know about You But I'm angry at all of our Politicans Democrats and Republicans for Giving Amnesty to 12 Million Illegals you don't Deserve to be in America, are you Willing to tell your Member of Congress and Say I want you to Deport all 12 Million Illegals in America, Plus Build a Solid Fence on the Border so No More Illegals come Crashing by.

What's you're Take.

2007-06-26 12:46:20 · 30 answers · asked by tfoley5000 7 in Immigration

I have a predicament. I am staying with a friend while looking for an apartment in NYC. Along the way I lost my passport. What is the absolute quickest way to get a re-issue (it was my only form of picture ID so I am a little freaked out). The original passport was issued in NYC and would still be valid but I need a new one for, obviously, Identification purposes. Is it even possible without any other form of picture ID. I do not drive since I live in the city and had always been using the passport for ID, payroll stuff, etc. Any help with this stressful situation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

2007-06-26 12:33:34 · 2 answers · asked by curious 1 in Law & Ethics

i got my tax return the same day i watched a show on the history channel about money, how it works in the US. this is how it works for whant that show said, any fedraly endorsed bank gets any federaly treasurery endorsed moneys signiture it has to cash it for what it says $10 check singed by the us treasureury = $10 dollars. All USA money has the Secretarys of reasurys signiture on IT, so WHY DID I HAVE TO HAVE TO GET A CHECKING ACCOUNT AT COMERCIAL FEDERAL BANK TO CASH A CHECK SIGNED BY THE USA SECRETARY OF THE TREASURURY? tax refund. i had to pay $10 to open the account other wiss i cudent cash the tax refuned.

2007-06-26 12:32:58 · 5 answers · asked by Nicholas F 2 in Law & Ethics

i haven't really heard much about what they think, other than hillary and obama both voted for it. are there any candidates that don't support it?

2007-06-26 12:30:31 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


What do you think?


"Conservatives succeeded in delaying until Wednesday consideration of a package of amendments designed to pave the way for a final vote on the bill.

They did so by using Senate rules to insist that the entire 373-page package be read aloud, relenting only when Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., agreed to postpone action on the amendments."

I think not only should it be read aloud, all Senators should have to remain present while that happens. What do you think?

2007-06-26 12:29:10 · 16 answers · asked by DAR 7 in Immigration

Like if you look at countries like Cuba and Jamaica, they're kind of on their uppers.

2007-06-26 12:25:48 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

is the cabinet IN the executive office of president????i'm confused.

2007-06-26 12:24:52 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

2007-06-26 12:23:54 · 5 answers · asked by meir b 1 in Law & Ethics

Just curious.

2007-06-26 12:23:49 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I know the question made no sense, so I'll ask it here.

I'm an American citizen and considering a marrying a woman from Peru. She has a 6 year old son. The father of the child has repeatedly told her he will never allow his son to come with her. Can he STOP the son from coming with her? Can he slow down the process?

Some background information on the situation, to better help you answer this:

They were never married. There is no legal custody of the child. He has lived with her all his life. The father lived with her until the boy was 2 years old. He moved out and has made sporadic, court-ordered child support payments. He does visit the boy once every 2 weeks but for only hours at a time.

2007-06-26 12:22:11 · 4 answers · asked by The Big Coffin Hunter 3 in Law & Ethics

I heard that the senators are pushing for the new US Immigration bill. What effect does that have on people immigrating to the US in the future? Will it make it easier for skilled University-degree workers to get a US green card, harder, or no effect? (Coming from a Canadian seeking a dual citizenship)


2007-06-26 12:19:28 · 6 answers · asked by MR 2 in Immigration

I need to find a really good lawyer in Michigan to help with work related issues. I'm not comfortable picking someone out of the phone book and I don't have a lot of time to shop around. Is there a website that I can use to help me?

2007-06-26 12:16:33 · 2 answers · asked by 000000 2 in Law & Ethics

I have done something very bad...i am 16 and shoplifted from 3 different stores..1 store i stole $12 worth of things...walmart i stole $21 and meijer $25 worth of things....i am turning myself in...when i do so, will i have to pay a fines even though i am turning myself in? Does anyone also know these stores shoplifting policies? i just feel so much guilt and am very embarrassed.

2007-06-26 12:14:30 · 15 answers · asked by mallory 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

If They Can Make It Through the Border
Open for the enemy.

“America is still the land of opportunity,” Senator John McCain recently said. “And we’re not going to erect barriers and fences.”

Unlucky us.

Along with Massachusetts Democrat Ted Kennedy, the Arizona Republican cosponsored immigration legislation currently crawling through the Senate. McCain should recognize that without a barrier or fence, the U.S./Mexican frontier will continue to welcome Islamic extremists pledged to America’s doom.

This is not hypothetical.

“Members of Hezbollah, the Lebanon-based terrorist organization, have already entered the United States across our southwest border,” declares “A Line in the Sand,” a January report of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Investigations, then-chaired by Texas Republican Michael McCaul.

The study cites FBI Director Robert Mueller’s March 2005 congressional testimony confirming that, “there are individuals from countries with known al Qaeda connections who are changing their Islamic surnames to Hispanic-sounding names and obtaining false Hispanic identities, learning to speak Spanish, and pretending to be Hispanic immigrants.”

Zapata County, Texas Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez told a House International Relations subcommittee last July 7: “If smugglers can bring in tons of marijuana and cocaine at one time and can smuggle 20 to 30 persons at one time, one can just imagine how easy it would be to bring in two or three terrorists or their weapons of mass destruction across the river and not be detected.”

In Fiscal Year 2005 alone, the latest data show 3,308 aliens got caught sneaking into America from nations the State Department considers state-sponsors of terrorism: 3,262 Cubans, 25 Iranians, four North Koreans, four Sudanese, and 13 Syrians. Assuming the Cubans all were pro-American anti-Communists, 46 people remain from terror-supporting nations. A group that size could staff another September 11 more than twice over, or populate seven more Lackawanna Six Islamic-fanatic conspiracies.

Others who were collared that year departed nations in which terrorists thrive, though without government assistance: three Saudis, seven Lebanese, seven Yemenis, 11 Algerians, 15 Afghans, 17 Egyptians, 22 Somalis, 25 Indonesians, 27 Jordanians, and 101 Pakistanis. Let’s hope these 235 individuals tried to break into America to harvest broccoli.

Of course, these are folks the Border Patrol arrested.

“Federal law enforcement entities estimate they apprehended approximately 10 to 30 percent of illegal aliens crossing the border,” that House report states. If true, aliens from terrorist-laden nations successfully penetrated America’s perimeter in numbers three to ten times those above.

May those we have missed be unlike those we have caught:

As children, Dritan, Eljvir, and Shain Duka illegally headed north into the United States across the Mexican border near Brownsville, Texas in 1984, a federal law-enforcement official told Fox News May 9. These Muslim Albanian refugees moved to New Jersey, and eventually became serial traffic offenders. Dritan’s driver’s license was suspended 11 times. Shain’s was suspended on 19 occasions, while Elvir received 24 suspensions. Local sanctuary laws prevented cops from inquiring about the Dukas’s immigration status or subsequently reporting them to relevant U.S. agencies.

Nonetheless, the Dukas’s notoriety deepened. Last May 7, authorities arrested them in the Garden State for advancing a suspected Islamofascist conspiracy to kill “as many soldiers as possible” with machine guns, mortars, and rocket-propelled grenades. As such, authorities say, the illegal-alien Duka brothers represent half of the Fort Dix Six.

As children, Fort Dix Six suspects Eljvir and Shain Duka — seen here last month in Camden, New Jersey’s U.S. District Court — reportedly crossed illegally into America from Mexico in 1984 with their accused-terrorist brother, Dritan.

Mahmoud Youssef Kourani pleaded guilty in March 2005 to providing terrorists material support. After bribing a Mexican diplomat in Beirut for a visa, Kourani and another Middle Easterner’s Mexican guides shepherded them into America. Kourani settled in Dearborn, Michigan’s Lebanese-immigrant enclave, where he raised cash for Hezbollah.

Federal agents arrested Neeran Zaia and Basima Sesi in September 2004 for smuggling more than 200 Middle Easterners — mainly Iraqis, Jordanians, and Syrians — through Latin America and Mexico into the U.S. Zaia previously was convicted of alien-smuggling.

Tijuana café owner Salim Boughader Mucharrafille was arrested in December 2002 for smuggling into America more than 200 Lebanese, including suspected Hezbollah associates.

Beyond Islamic prayer mats among the cacti, Jim Hogg County, Texas Border Patrol agents found a jacket with Arabic-language patches. One reads, “martyr” and “way to immortality.” The other depicts a jet flying into a skyscraper.

Despite September 2006 congressional vote to fence off 700 miles of the southern border, the Senate now backs only a 370-mile partition. This is especially discouraging, since that frontier’s condition is, officially, dismal:

“DHS does not as yet have a wholly satisfactory methodology of determining whether a portion of the border is considered under control from a system-wide, defense-in-depth, and continuously enforceable perspective,” laments a May 1 Homeland Security congressional update. “In the end, gaining control of the border requires gaining control of the entire border, so that as illegal immigration is stopped at one location along the border, it can find no alternate crossing point.”

In the end, Congress quickly must stitch the gaping wound across America’s underbelly. While the U.S./Canadian boundary is worrisome, 1/24 as many illegals traverse it, versus its southern counterpart. While most illegals come here to work, which presents its own challenges, others endure extreme heat and dodge Gila monsters to come here and kill us.



2007-06-26 12:14:03 · 15 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2 in Politics

why is it that we have to ask permision before suing a major business? for example; your local water company left an excessive amount of chlorine in the water and let it reach public mouths. my 2 month old daughter drinks the water and dies. later autopseys (however you spell that) show the cause of death being the intake of extreme amounts of chlorine. dhs comes knocking on my door and for a year, im hurrassed by lawyers and paparrazzi, adding to my pain and suffering.(this is all hypothetical). why is it that i have to get permission to sue the water company for all they are worth?

2007-06-26 12:13:23 · 3 answers · asked by okie chick 2 in Law & Ethics

I heard it is deactivated using remote control. If it is electronic, surely the military will invest in countering these Explosives and jam the signals, thereby disabling the device that has cost us so many brave lives.

2007-06-26 12:12:31 · 5 answers · asked by Virtualvine 2 in Military

i would like to know if it was possible to sue my county domestic relations office in other words the child support office

2007-06-26 12:09:15 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Are the Democommies and Republican'ts really one party that operates much like an organized crime gang?

2007-06-26 12:09:12 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Senator Richard Lugar of IN and Senator George Voinovich of OH, two of the most respected republicans in Washington say we should change the course in Iraq. Are they chickenhawk liberals also? What do the Bushies say in his defense now?

2007-06-26 12:08:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Will Cameron draw up a few battle plans now, or wait till a few more have scarpered?

2007-06-26 12:07:24 · 10 answers · asked by ? 5 in Politics

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