I believe that Jimmy Carter said it best..."Being a former president is much more rewarding than being the acting president...these days people wave at me with all their fingers." Honestly, I'm flabbergasted by the amount of energy we're wasting complaining like spoiled children who can't see the forest for the trees about our President. I suppose it's in his job description, to be the figure-head for all of our frustrations, but it is getting SO OLD these days. I feel that it's all that John Stewart covers on "The Daily Show" these days. Bush Bush Bush and more Bush...every day, all day. In my mind we have a serious problem in this country if ANY acting President had as much ACTUAL power and influence as we perceive George Bush to have. THE MAN IS NOT A KING THAT CAN DO WHATEVER HE WANTS. WE DON'T HAVE "INFALLIBLE, DO-ANYTHING EMPERORS" IN THIS COUNTRY. Hell, I don't like the guy because he's a dang hill-billie, not because I perceive him to be the base root of ALL our problems..
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