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Politics & Government - 10 May 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Senator James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) introduced his National Language Act (S.1335) in the Senate. Senator Inhofe's legislation is virtually identical to Congressman Peter King's National Language Act (H.R.769). Senator Inhofe's legislation is also virtually identical to his original "English First" amendment to the immigration bill, which passed on May 18, 2006, by a vote of 63-34. The major difference between the bill and the amendment is that the Inhofe amendment did not address the foreign language ballot issue. The Inhofe legislation, if passed, would specifically ban foreign language ballots.

Both the Inhofe amendment and the Inhofe bill would repeal Clinton Executive Order 13166, which requires all recipients of federal funds to function in any language anyone speaks at any time. The Inhofe legislation, if passed and signed into law, would also put an end to the lawsuit by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission against the Salvation Army.

2007-05-10 06:20:05 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

#1 First they asked the undercover FBI agent to lead the attack because he had more experience. Then they changed their minds and said they could not attack with out a Fatwa.
#2 They hesitated at buying automatic weapons, because off all things, they are illegal.
#3 They send a jihad tape to circuit city.

So, is this a real terrorism plot, or one the same types Bush got busted for in 05 with his top ten list of terror plot he foiled, that turned out to not lead to even one conviction on terror charges. But at least the same wannabe conservatives willing to give up civil rights for safe can feel all warm and safe now. Bush protected you pansy's from more big bad and bungling muslims.

2007-05-10 06:18:18 · 15 answers · asked by whydoesyahusuk 1 in Politics

Why aren't handguns inlcuded/mentioned in the 2nd amendment to the U.S. Constitution?

2007-05-10 06:17:59 · 12 answers · asked by captaincarney 3 in Law & Ethics

Michael Moore, Jane Fonda, Rosie O'Donnell, Sean Penn, etc etc....

This IS America, folks, everyone is entitled to an oppinion, even the rich and famous. My question is, why do you care so much??? Isn't what our government is doing on a day to day basis much more of an issue??? After all they are the ones in power. I just feel that you're distracting yourselves from the REAL issues by doing this!!!

2007-05-10 06:16:39 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

She is selling jewlery sunglasses and pocketbooks...she says she is going to open up a store one day to sell this stuff...is this legal?

2007-05-10 06:15:48 · 14 answers · asked by ♥boobear♥ 2 in Law & Ethics

the public demanded he be present so they were forced to include him. then, chris mathews tried to belittle him but came off as an idiot shill. then, despite trying to make him look bad, ron paul's ratings jumped 22%. are we that easy to trick?
check out how the other candidates tried to backpedal & reflect ron paul. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18478985/

2007-05-10 06:14:59 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

I don't use marijuana and I don't particularly care who does, however, as with alocohol prohibition, wouldn't legalizing marijuana create a bunch of jobs and commerce and tax money and get rid of the scumbags that sell pot to our children and make gangsters cool???

2007-05-10 06:13:52 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

If Bush had originally sent a million soldiers into Iraq wouldn't any terrorists there have simply left, laid low and picked at the U.S. force's perimeter (sort of like they're doing now)?

2007-05-10 06:11:57 · 13 answers · asked by socrates 6 in Politics

93%! Check the record books.


Haha, on a poll regarding Bush, I would probably put 'somewhat disapprove,' but that tibit of info was just too shocking not to air.

2007-05-10 06:10:36 · 17 answers · asked by Free Ranger 4 in Politics

excluding the very first british ww1 tank.

2007-05-10 06:08:44 · 12 answers · asked by Drop the donkey 2 in Military

If im smart enough to make it throw medicle schol, dosent that make me more creedable on the then some dum libral?

2007-05-10 06:07:42 · 14 answers · asked by gopaokay 1 in Other - Politics & Government

After all, it is what the terrorist want, and we will end up with another country that is bent on Israel and American destruction.
Also, it appears that our democratically controlled congress is helping the terrorist and hurting our troops by not giving them the funds that they need in order to stop the terrorist and help the new Iraqi government succeed. This shows how the democrats are anti-democracy in their ideals I believe. How can any body support them?

2007-05-10 06:01:03 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government


2007-05-10 05:59:02 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I was wondering what the housing situation is like and what it is close to (museums, stores etc.) Why are there so few graduates? Is it just that a lot are young and don't know how to study well yet?

2007-05-10 05:56:04 · 6 answers · asked by ginarendall 2 in Military

...Or were the election results the product of war weary, American angst ? I believe it is the latter.....What do you think ?

2007-05-10 05:54:46 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

the address the police wrote under "address of violation" on the speeding ticket is where they locked my speed? or the address where they pulled me over?

2007-05-10 05:51:45 · 5 answers · asked by CJKochan 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

Let me start by saying I despise Al Sharpton, but how are his comments about Romney not beleiving in God any different than the comments that Rush and Hannity make on their shows about liberals being Godless and without morals. Please don't say that Hannity and Rush are telling the truth and Sharpton is lying, as anyone with brain function knows they are all full of crap.

2007-05-10 05:50:39 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

what is a good major for an electrician mate who wants to stay in this field of study..... (i have an idea, but i am still a little unsure)

2007-05-10 05:50:36 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

so why doesn't the librals suport it is it because they is afared that they cant admitt that gerge bush is teh greatist president i meen i faught in german, japan, russa, and iraq and i have seen how hapy the iraqes are and one little girl handed me a flower and said she was thankfull that the ameracans came and libralated her and she said that one day she wanted too live in amarica so she could injoy the fredoms that the librals are trying too tak away from us i cant beleve it she is now 20 and i am thinking about marrying her so she can come hair and enjoy our fredoms anyway i have fought hard to libralate peeple all over teh world and if i can save literally milions of people from tyrany then i cleerly am smarter then so stoopid librals who want to take a way our fredoms and who do not support gerge bush beccause they cant recognise that he was sent by god to do gods work and god told him to envade iraq so he could libralate my new wife i nearly killed hitler once but some libral st

2007-05-10 05:48:59 · 14 answers · asked by gopaokay 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Arabs or USA? and why?

2007-05-10 05:48:33 · 27 answers · asked by MagicWand 3 in Politics

I made arrangements with one person at my finance company on Tuesday of this week. Then yesterday (Wednesday) another person called from there to ask if I was keeping the arrangements. These arrangements were for Friday of this week. Shouldn't they be required to wait until Friday? I feel like this is harrassment. Is it?

2007-05-10 05:47:14 · 5 answers · asked by eaglelover_1967 3 in Law & Ethics

2007-05-10 05:47:02 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

2007-05-10 05:45:17 · 5 answers · asked by ProLife Liberal 5 in Military

daughter was arrested 18 months ago for an incident that happened 3 1/2 years ago-she's out on bail- we want this over with but the DA is dragging her heels

2007-05-10 05:45:08 · 4 answers · asked by thumper08042002 1 in Law & Ethics

About a month ago I submitted a question
What do we call Oklahoma?
This was because they had passed an English Only Law
and the name of the State is a Choctaw Word, not english.
I awarded Best Answer to Mobilhoma.
Last night the Yahoo censors nailed me highlighting the word OKLAHOMA as a violation.
So watch out, and don't use the names of states

2007-05-10 05:44:42 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Long story short, I was discharged from Navy boot because I was diagnosed with a Personality Disorder, which I know does not exist. It is now hurting all attempts I make at government jobs, and I wish to prove that i'm fine, and request my reenlistment code be changed. So... where can I go to get tested? I want it to carry some serious weight.

2007-05-10 05:42:33 · 3 answers · asked by jedil64931 1 in Military

We are currently renting a house from a friend. The friend swore that because we were friends we didnt need a lease, we didnt want to, but went along with it. Well, now, 6 months later, he has sold the house to his father because of finacial troubles. His father calls us out of the blue to tell us what happened and says he is upping the rent and will expect 1st last and security by June 1st. We cannot be out until the end of June as we need to time to save for the cost of moving. Since we have no lease, if we decide not to pay Junes rent, can he legally evict us before then? I know we cant hold him to any standards because we dont have a lease, so can he hold us to any for the same reason? Can he evict us or sue us for the rent if we have no contract?

2007-05-10 05:42:20 · 3 answers · asked by My two cents 4 in Law & Ethics

Politicians aren't war experts or battle strategists, so why should they have the most power on the military. I say thay we should have the Joint Cheif of staff be the commander in chief of the military so we dont screw anything up.

Do politicians actually know anything about war? No They are policticians, they get elected to make laws. Generals on the other hand, actually have military training.

Politicians DO know what will happen to Iraq if we pull out, it would be anarchy. On the 2nd day, the gov't would be dismantled, and it would be anarchy. Thousands would die, it would be terrible. But politicans don't ******* care. They are selfish. Generals aren't selfish, and know the consequences.

What's say you.

2007-05-10 05:41:17 · 12 answers · asked by box778899 2 in Military

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