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Politics & Government - 22 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

1. pass laws
2.borrow money
3. tax
4.make treaties ?????

2007-04-22 08:18:05 · 6 answers · asked by ArmaniCode 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Gonzales emerged from a bruising committee hearing Thursday in which he was scolded by senators in both parties and had memory problems. He claimed dozens of times he couldn't recall key details about the prosecutors' firings or about a key November meeting that documents show he attended. - AP

2007-04-22 08:10:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

First it was WMDs – There were none
Then Saddam had tried to acquire “Yellow Cake” Uranium from Africa – That was proven to be a lie (In Cincinnati on Oct 7 Tenet CIA Director told Hadley in reference to Bush’s speech about it “You Need to take this F**ing sentence out because we don’t believe it,” And the reference was pulled, but later re-inserted when making the speech before congress.
Then it was to oust Saddam Hussein because he supported Al-Qaeda and 9/11 and was threat to the U.S. however, A 90-page, top-secret report, drafted by the National Intelligence Council at Langley, for President Bush known as the "key judgments." summed up the findings of the U.S. intelligence community regarding the threat posed by Iraq; findings the president says formed the foundation for his decision to preemptively invade Iraq without provocation. The report "was good, sound intelligence," Bush has remarked. Pg. 4 of the report, the National Intelligence Estimate,deals with terrorism

2007-04-22 08:00:39 · 1 answers · asked by Myles D 6 in Politics

stay away from either president, include anything that led to an indictment or conviction....take ten paces, turn and fire

For weapons..you do not need to provide detailed background, just the basic facts...remember to wear a silk shirt and stand sideways

2007-04-22 07:56:53 · 5 answers · asked by Ford Prefect 7 in Politics

A neighbor of mine has 12 cats. They all stay indoors. The cat urine and poo smell is so bad that it fills the whole neighborhood with this aroma. One day this neighbor ask me to take her somewhere. I almost threw up, but I got her there and back. It took a month to get the odor out of my car. I have called around to see what I might could do, but everyone I call says that there is nothing I can do. I can not entertain in my back yard anymore. I have a pool, but no one wants to swim in it anymore because the ordor is so strong that it comes right into my back yard. I live in the middle of town, not the country. How can this go on in the city. I need help. The mailman quit delivering her mail for a while because he could not stand to go up on her porch to put her mail in her mailbox. He wrote her a note and told her to pick it up at the post office. he hoped this would straighten her out, but it didn't. The smell is getting worse and worse. I am desperate.

2007-04-22 07:56:25 · 7 answers · asked by LIESA M 1 in Law & Ethics

I'm writing an essay for my college class, and I chose to write why the war is bad. I'm running out of ideas. Was wondering if anybody could tell me why they think the war is bad.


2007-04-22 07:54:42 · 27 answers · asked by pocho 2 in Other - Politics & Government

I am! If he gets impeached I think we would be worse off with Cheney. Maybe a double impeachment? If not 1 1/2 more years left of HELL!

2007-04-22 07:51:40 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

If so, what was the issue?

2007-04-22 07:49:55 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I'm running for student body president and I would like to have a theme to base my posters and speech around. I was thinking maybe a movie theme or a song theme, but I don't know what movie or song to use. Good suggestions welcome!

2007-04-22 07:47:13 · 13 answers · asked by ♪Krys♫ 3 in Elections

his seceteary has told me this!!

2007-04-22 07:40:30 · 10 answers · asked by Coolbreeze 3 in Law & Ethics

.....and are libs in America finding it harder and harder to get mass backing on their gun control ideologies ? What else is America learning about liberals and their agenda these days ?

2007-04-22 07:39:40 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

As he promised in his campaign speeches?

2007-04-22 07:37:37 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

should Mr Martin McGuiness the now duputy first minister in N.Ireland and alleged leader of the I.R.A in Londonderry face trial for war crimes commited by the I.R.A in Ireland and England

2007-04-22 07:37:28 · 10 answers · asked by benjie 1 in Politics

If you knew someone who is getting help from the state due to the fact of not disclosing all income would you turn them in even if the outcome could have a child taken away.

2007-04-22 07:36:52 · 8 answers · asked by what did you say 4 in Law & Ethics

I would. I am a guy. I just think it would be nice to break the no-women-has-ever-been-President barrier. Plus I think she would be great. A LOT better than Bush anyways.

2007-04-22 07:34:20 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Politics has always been interesting to me, mainly because it seems like the masses of people who talk about it have no clue what they're talking about. Where is a good place I can go to study politics in a kind of leisurely way? I don't really think I'd go well in classes or the such. Any suggestions? Thanks

2007-04-22 07:32:56 · 6 answers · asked by adklsjfklsdj 6 in Politics

I loaned someone very close to me approximately $8,000 which included a credit card that was maxed out by the individual. I keep all the information because I felt that there would come a time that I might have to sue to get my money back. That information has disappeared. I believe even though I did not want to that the individual took that information out of my house as no one else had need for it . This person knows he owes me that money and although I do not have the information (of course its being denied) I do have e-mail correspondes that I kept in which he states he knows he owes me the money, along with lies and excuses as to when I would be getting it back. It has been over four years and still I have not recieved my money, ( partially because I did not know if I could sue without my proof) anyway I am fed up and want to know if I can sue with the e-mails stating he knows about the money?

2007-04-22 07:31:46 · 6 answers · asked by robbiegirl 1 in Law & Ethics

Which one should be the more important political topic?

Just for kicks, I decided to look up some statistics about firearm related deaths in the US and compare them to alcohol related deaths in the US.

According to the CDC, alcohol was the contributing factor in almost 76,000 deaths in 2001. 35,000 of those deaths were caused by chronic health related conditions associated with alcohol. That still leaves 41,000 deaths such as DUI related, suicide, and accidents. The Brady Campaign website statistics for 2004 attributed close to 30,000 deaths to firearms.

If alcohol is killing more Americans than guns are, then why don't we hear an outcry for stiffer alcohol laws and enforcement? Why is it that teenagers (or adults, for that matter) can walk in and buy alcohol with little more than a glance at an ID, but I have to have a background check, go through a waiting period, and fill out all kinds of paperwork to purchase a gun?

Does anyone else see the hypocrisy in this?

2007-04-22 07:29:18 · 12 answers · asked by Marc 3 in Other - Politics & Government

if the south korean immigrant and his family been checked more closely for the mental condition of their son and loyalty to the united states mabe the massacre of americans could have been prevented. why is america so politically correct we are unable to protect our own borders and its citizens.

2007-04-22 07:23:31 · 10 answers · asked by will C 1 in Immigration

My grandparents were immigrants and they said so were all of our grandparents once upon a time.
Is it because we are biggets and forgot our roots, or do we just want to get rid of the people who helped make our country because they remind us of who we are and where we come from?

2007-04-22 07:23:29 · 18 answers · asked by christonint 1 in Immigration

I listened to him describing a "chicken plucking" factory and, once again, I had to ask myself "Why Does He Get on TV and Talk?"

2007-04-22 07:22:39 · 14 answers · asked by Gemini 5 in Politics

2007-04-22 07:18:33 · 7 answers · asked by clutchie 2 in Military

2007-04-22 07:06:37 · 23 answers · asked by Saccharin 3 in Other - Politics & Government

I have a essay I have to write for an english project and I need some information on what percent of taxes go to public schools and colleges in the state. Could you also please include the URL of the site with the information on it so I could read it?

2007-04-22 07:00:27 · 14 answers · asked by gymnasticsispainful 2 in Civic Participation

It is ironic that liberals want to blame conservatives and Republicans for the Virginia Tech disaster. Indeed, far from being a validation of liberal policies towards gun ownership, the fact is, the Virginia Tech catastrophe, is quite the opposite. What happened in Blacksburg, Va., on Monday proves that liberal policies have, once again, failed to protect the innocent.

The first evidence that liberal ideas either contributed to, or were the cause, of the VA Tech tragedy is that of the very words of the murderer, Cho Seung-Hui. A videotape and some writings he made before, and during the killing spree, which he sent to NBC, revealed his motivation. Among his reasons were his resentment of "rich kids," and their "Mercedes," their "golden necklaces," their "trust funds," their "debaucheries" and their "hedonistic" lifestyle.

This hatred of the "rich" is right out of the leftist and liberal Democratic Party philosophy of class warfare. It is they who are always demonizing the wealthy - claiming they want to starve the poor, or send the poor to war for oil so they can profit from it. Democrat leaders like Charlie Rangel, Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid, and Howard Dean, among others, routinely portray the wealthy as greedy and evil.

The second substantiation that liberal concepts caused the massacre was that the murderer, despite having a history of criminally insane behavior, was not incarcerated. Almost 18 months ago, a Virginia court order, dated December 13, 2005, stated the murderer "is mentally ill and in need of hospitalization, and presents an imminent threat to self and others as a result of mental illness..." He was taken by police to a psychiatric facility, Carilion St. Albans Behavioral Health Center, where the next day Dr. Roy Crouse, a psychiatrist found that he was "mentally ill," yet did "not present an imminent danger to himself/others" and did, "not require involuntary hospitalization." (This is contradicted by another form signed by a Judge Paul Barnett which states the murderer is a danger to himself, yet recommends outpatient treatment).

The killer was represented by an attorney at that time. This was a requirement established "civil libertarian" attorneys. Indeed the "danger to himself or others" sole criterion for involuntary hospitalization is the direct result of the "civil libertarian" philosophy of not placing mentally ill people in institutions. Indeed, "civil libertarians" are quite proud of the fact that they changed these laws. They rejoice that they caused millions of mentally ill people to roam the streets and make it difficult for them to be arrested. This was essentially codified by a 1975 Supreme Court ruling.

The third proof that liberalism was responsible for the Virginia Tech carnage was the leftwing policy that Va. Tech's campus was a "gun free zone." Guns were not permitted to be carried on campus. Consequently, the students were unable to defend themselves and kill the murderer.

Compare this to Pearl (Mississippi) High School, Vice Principal, Joel Myrick, who in October 1997, realized that a 16-year-old student was killing students. Myrick went to his vehicle got his gun and returned in time to stop the killer. Myrick, by doing this, was in violation of the Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990.

Ironically, eight months before the Virginia Tech student killer was able to walk out of psychiatric facility, in April 2005, another VT student was disciplined for carrying a gun on campus. A VT spokesman said, "We think we have the right to adhere to and enforce that policy because, in the end, we think it's a common-sense policy for the protection of students, staff and faculty as well as guests and visitors..."

An armed VT student or VT students might have prevented the slaughter just as Joel Myrick did at his Mississippi high school

Liberals need to be very careful if they want to use the Virginia Tech incident to validate their ideas because, if anything, it disproves them.

They also discredit themselves by claiming that nearly all studies disprove that guns are used in self-defense. This is patently false.

The May 1997 National Institute of Justice report titled, "Guns in America; National Survey on Private Ownership and Use of Firearms cited two studies that furnished significant - if divergent - numbers for defensive gun use.

The National Crime Victimization Survey data concluded that guns are used about 108,000 per year for self-defense. The National Survey of the Private Ownership of Firearms determined that people defended themselves with guns 2,500,000 times per year. Philip Cook, the director of Duke University's Public Policy Institute and a member of the apolitical National Consortium on Violence Research, states that the actual figure is somewhere in between these two.

Whatever the actual figure, the fact is that while there are about 10,000 gun homicides each year, there are more people who use guns to protect themselves. It is also worth noting that federal government data states that about 15 percent of murderers have a prior homicide conviction and that about 65 percent have a prior felony arrest.

2007-04-22 06:59:32 · 15 answers · asked by GREAT_AMERICAN 1 in Politics

How does my friend go about obtaining legal citizenship in the U.S. both of his kids were born in the U.S. but he wants to become a citizen (drivers license ect.)

2007-04-22 06:58:24 · 4 answers · asked by josified 3 in Immigration

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