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Politics & Government - 22 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

My mail forwarding never went through for some reason. My previous landlord may have just thrown the package that came in the mail for my son's 1st birthday away instead of telling the mailman that we don't live there anymore. It was a valuable package, what do I do when I didn't receive it because the change of address didn't go through and my aunt didn't receive the package back? It was sent over a month ago!

2007-04-22 06:57:11 · 3 answers · asked by Kristin D 4 in Law & Ethics

I have noticed that in Europe and South America, many countries hold their presidential elections on a Sunday . They reported today that 3/4 of the registered voters in France had voted today. Compared to our dismal percentages in the United States - I find that astounding. Do you think it would improve our voting percentage to hold elections on a weekend? I know I find it challenging to vote on a Tuesday when I work from 7:00 -6:00 and can barely get to the polls before they close. What other ideas do you have to improve our voting numbers?

2007-04-22 06:51:32 · 12 answers · asked by arkiemom 6 in Elections

i use to work for a company that is being investigated by the epa. they have come to question me 3 times, and was wondering, if i was also being investigated, would they have to tell me when they come to question me? or can they just come here and try to indict me without letting me know about it. should a lawyer be present with me next time.

2007-04-22 06:42:09 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-04-22 06:40:35 · 2 answers · asked by denver_stadium 1 in Government

I work for an over-priced clothing shop in Scotland called USC. Just about all the managers in the place are money greedy and care about nothing other than how much they make. Recently I was disciplined for refusing to clean the staff toilets (which are in a disgusting state) after being verbally and almost physically threatened into doing so. The managers are also verbally aggressive if staff ask politely to use the toilet out-with their break.

My question is this: I would like to take these scum down but don't know how. I would like to have some sort of Healthy and Safety inspectors arrive unannounced to take a look at the shop. How can I have this done without going through USC. I mean, we are forced to work in a pretty unsafe environment (exposed electric sockets - as in, smashed to pieces, metal sticking out) where management constantly and aggressively threaten certain staff (including myself.)

Is there a number I can phone or an address I can write to?

2007-04-22 06:38:50 · 4 answers · asked by dieselpower96 2 in Law & Ethics

let that happen?

You keep fighting to save species and spending tons of money on it that could be spent on helping "people"...it's just what has ALWAYS happened...just like the cycles of gobal warming and cooling.

I know you are going to talk about FOOD - that's different. I am concerned about the fish dying in Lake Michigan because of pollution and ships carrying foreign species in. THAT IS A MAJOR PROBLEM. But...saving things that are naturally going extinct is a waste of resources if you ask me.

2007-04-22 06:37:34 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Or would you blame the local state or New Orleans government? Or would you blame me, a citizen of nearby suburb Metairie, for not paying attention enough and informing the authorities that we are in danger of being flooded.

Of course, hindsight is 20 20 and all that stuff, but in this disaster there were some warnings that people talked about before, but I guess we weren't as serious about it. For example, there was a Scientific American article that was eerily prophetic in its predictions about New Orlean's being flooded exactly like it was. In fact, I highly suggest you all read it.

2007-04-22 06:36:17 · 23 answers · asked by Adel 6 in Government

It is supposed to start in Lazardo Cardenas Mexico and pass through the United States on up into Winnipeg Cannada and over to Vancouver Cannada. I have signed a Pettion to the President of the United States, George W. Bush. To stop the High way from being made. I can see many problems from loss of homes,ranches,farms, businesses . We have enough problems with illigals intering our country as it is wouldn't this kust make it easier for them to cross?

2007-04-22 06:29:51 · 5 answers · asked by Pamela V 7 in Other - Politics & Government

my neighbors daughter is only 16 and she can barely read and write she just had a baby about a week and a half ago she is not very fit to be a mother at all what can my neighbor do to get custody rights over her grandson in his best interest this girl can't even take care of herself and gets mad when she is asked to pick up her room she is constantly cussing and screaming at everyone in the home including her mother she has been arrested several times and has been in juvenile detention her friends have her thinking she can be emancipated but how is that possible if she cant read or write

2007-04-22 06:24:53 · 8 answers · asked by princess_briann03 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-04-22 06:21:46 · 23 answers · asked by Lindsey G 5 in Politics

Republican's HATE, no, LOATHE conspiracies. BUT they have one exception, the environment.

Anything to do with "cleaning up" the amount of pollution for ANY reason is a "Democratic Scam" only created to reap tax money from the middle class?

Isn't having fuel efficient cars and less pollution a human goal? It has nothing to do with money, unless you expect everything to be free? Will it cost? Sure, but who's the winner in the end?

Even if "Global Climate Change" is complete BS, isn't clean air a good thing? You know, with every breath you breath in those toxins.

If it saves the planet even a little, that can't be bad. I'd also point to our addiction to ME oil, we need serious rehab for that habit.

If you think we are there for stability, then you realize it needs stability for oils sake. If atrocities is the reason, where are we in Africa? That's a genocide.

People are DYING for that precious resource. And you complain it will cost more?

Shameful...so I guess its all a scam

2007-04-22 06:18:28 · 13 answers · asked by Malthusian 3 in Politics

I used to be friends with these people and they've recently gotten a pit bull and decided to dislike me for whatever reason. They are both on "manic and bi-polar" medications, smoke pot, and are unstable. They now have a pit bull who's been off the leash and on my yard. Police were called and it got more severe since. I've started a repor with the police to build any necessary case to press charges if need be, however, I'm uncomfortable in my own yard. What do I need to do to protect myself, my 2 young children, and quadriplegic husband? I'm afraid that they will now send the dog after me and the dog will attack my child instead. Any suggestions out there on how to handle this?

2007-04-22 06:08:43 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I had an independent medical exam and the doctor said I can go back to work with no restrictions but my doctor disagrees. I feel like I could start working soon but do not want to go back to the place I worked before, I was injured by one of the clients there and they have combative clients there and I don't want to be reinjured. They have cut me off my workmans comp and I am looking for work now where I wont get hurt. My question is if I quit the job where I was injured and never go back can I collect my vacation and sick pay? What rights do I have if I try to fight this through workmans comp? My lawer does not want me to quit my job, he wants me to go to court to fight this. Do I have to work at a place where I could be injured again very easily? I cannot afford to be without some money coming in. What should I do? I appreciate any input, I live in Minnesota.

2007-04-22 06:04:39 · 1 answers · asked by Lori O 3 in Law & Ethics

17mph past limit in nc have a court date have to show up what does that will i have my lics taken from me or will i not be able to drive in nc for 30days and will that be the same in sc

2007-04-22 06:01:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

You would think that the women in this country would be proud that a woman has made it to a point where she can be elected for president. I just don't understand the hate for her.

2007-04-22 05:59:00 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Explain to me why these big super powers such as UK, the US, Japan, and China allowing little tiny Iraq and Afgan intimidate them?? Why don't we just blow them away?? We have the military power to do so. And yet we keep catering to them hoping "They will be wise and get diplomatic like the US" while they blow our soldiers away!!
I mean we act like scared little puppies who have been abused around them. The US showed Japan (who is bigger than iraq) they weren't going to take their crap with dropping the atom bomb and Japan showed they weren't afraid of the US with the attack of Peral Harbor.
And all of the superpowers are just basically rolling over and playing dead with Iraq and Afagn. Am I missing something here??

2007-04-22 05:51:11 · 11 answers · asked by misscountrylover777 2 in Military

An USA citizen husband marries an Indian lady.After 5yrs,having a child decides to seek diovorce without elimoney and child support,strategicaly drives the wifewith child penniless out of USA, sends both to India with instruction to return when the child gets18yr old. The wife and the child decides to return USA against the wishes of husband so he issues athreat from USA to India through ISDcall.The wife worried about safety in USA decides to cancel booked flight to USA,continues staying in india.After nine months of the stay in India by the wife and child in India,thedivorce order ispassed through default by the USA court ignoring the fact that respondent's inability to attend the court was only due to domestic violant action of the petitioner and his issue of threat during the process of law and creating hurdles. USA Court ignores fact that verification of threat can only bedone by USApolice at its behest, and the impossibility of substantiate by the receiver of threat in India.

2007-04-22 05:51:09 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Chavez ( Venezuela ), Morales ( Bolivia ), Correa( Ecuador), Ortega ( Nicaragua), is there any thread of continuity in all this?

2007-04-22 05:46:01 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The State Solution
Like many states, Utah enacted a concealed-handgun licensing law in 1995. Unlike most states, Utah did not make schools an exclusion zone for lawful carrying. Not only a teacher on duty, but also a parent coming to pick up a child from school, can lawfully carry a concealed handgun in a Utah school building — after, of course, passing a background check and safety training. (See Utah Code sect. 76-10-505.5. In 2003, the legislature expanded the law, by allowing principals to authorize firearms possession by individuals who did not have a concealed-handgun carry permit.)

After eleven years of experience in Utah, we now have exactly zero reported problems of concealed handgun licensees misusing guns at school, or students stealing guns from teachers, or teachers using their licensed firearms to shoot or threaten students. During this same period, we also have had exactly zero mass murders in Utah schools.

My proposal, however, is not that other states go as far as Utah. Rather, I simply suggest that teachers and other school employees be allowed to carry if they obtain a handgun carry permit. If a school wants to require special additional training for school carry, that’s fine.

Some people who do not like the idea of teachers being armed to protect students simply get indignant, or declare that armed teachers are inconsistent with a learning environment. I suggest that dead students — and the traumatic aftermath of a school attack — are far more inconsistent with a learning environment than is a math teacher having a concealed handgun.

“Teachers don’t want to carry guns!” some people exclaim. True enough, for most teachers. But there are about six million teachers in the United States, and it would be foolish to make claims about what every teacher thinks. The one thing that almost all teachers have in common is that they have passed a fingerprint-based background check, meaning that they are significantly less likely than the general population to have a criminal history.

2007-04-22 05:42:53 · 13 answers · asked by GREAT_AMERICAN 1 in Politics

It seems like he could have done better hiring mercenaries to get Saddam.

If he had stayed in the Oil business he would have made more money.

2007-04-22 05:41:45 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Why do many people support abortion, 40+million since Roe VS Wade passed,
http://www.nrlc.org/abortion/aboramt.html, and oppose the death penalty of a murderous sadistic killer? 1069 since about the same time Roe/Wade passed.

The numbers speak for themselves.
The reasoning does not.
You libs out there that believe the above CANNOT prove that all of the abortions performed in this country are due to rape or incest. http://www.abortionno.org/Resources/fastfacts.html
Especially read the part about "why women have abortions".
1% because of rape, 6% because of incest 93% because the child is unwanted or "inconvenient"

Yet somebody like Wayne Williams sits in prison on our dime and for what purpose?

That's about as sick and morally twisted as it can get.

2007-04-22 05:28:32 · 4 answers · asked by scottdman2003 5 in Law & Ethics

2007-04-22 05:26:48 · 7 answers · asked by Kelli B 1 in Law & Ethics

My husband been deploy to Afghanistan he had send me a e-mail
Tuesday but in he's e-mail he let me know that he got he's internet connection going in he's room but i have not got any e-mails or phone call from him i am very worried what should or could do?

2007-04-22 05:23:51 · 9 answers · asked by ashley_berry_23 1 in Military

Will it show my dad's real parents on it?

2007-04-22 05:23:34 · 4 answers · asked by tolentino03@sbcglobal.net 1 in Law & Ethics

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