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Politics & Government - 2 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2007-04-02 17:28:21 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I know it basically already says that, but don't you think we need to break it down Barney style for those who are mentally challenged?

2007-04-02 17:27:37 · 5 answers · asked by Lancaid 3 in Other - Politics & Government

i'm not really sure how it works. but say both you and your enemy are of same military technology level(swords and armor, and horseback calvery). same the enemy is marching to somewhere with 2 units( 5000, 4000 . both mixed with about 35% calvery 65% infantry)

say you have 7000 troops with mixed 35% calvery , 65% infantry and you divide into 3 units with eveness in all 3 aspects(2300 each, 35-65 calvery/infantry mix) and you ambush from 3 sides (1 upfront, 1 from bushes to left, 1 from bushes to right)

would you have the upper hand in this kind of tactic even with fewer numbers?

in terms of individual fight, is it something like you have a 2 bigger guys facing attacks from 3 sides from 3 slightly smaller guys? can somebody with good understanding about this tell me if my idea is right?

2007-04-02 17:15:22 · 8 answers · asked by curiousone 2 in Military

My Dad was arrested for back child support of about 44000.00.. (yeah I know that is alot) He is now in jail until he goes to court, I have looked at every internet site I can find tring to find out what kind of punishment he could get.. I am asking from other now, if you know what could happen. We are in Indiana so I know that may be different, he has been in trouble several times in the past. And he has been working and not paying it, if anyone could help please... thanks

2007-04-02 17:11:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Liberals are just children, shut up and let the grown-ups run the country.

2007-04-02 17:11:18 · 27 answers · asked by gwbush_is_cool 1 in Politics

how come the USA ..is where everybody in the entire world wants to come and live..that is until they get here....then they start bashing our way of life..wanting us to conform to their way of life..want and expect the RIGHT to be protected..fed...housed....clothed....have a job....even if they are not here by birth or naturalized...
how come they want to fly flags of a country they fled because the living conditions where abhorrent..but now since they are here they want to move their country to our country?

2007-04-02 17:08:30 · 17 answers · asked by bluesharpman_642000 3 in Immigration

...to overthrow an injust government. Why don't they do that now? After all, GWB wasn't even elected by the people.

2007-04-02 17:08:16 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

The more name calling and stereotyping I see the more I'm leaning toward's the Independant party. Calling Liberals cowards and accusing them of not caring about what happens to our country is ludicrous and so is calling conservative's heartless war-mongers.

2007-04-02 17:03:59 · 29 answers · asked by Bark at the Moon 6 in Politics

What do you guys think about the Rape of Nanjing, even if the Japanese government till today still denys their actions during WWII in China. Also the lack of information of this historical event that had more victims than the nuclear bombing in Japan by the U.S.

2007-04-02 17:03:33 · 11 answers · asked by godzija 1 in Politics

So, after being a victim of crime for the second time in 6 months, and third time in 3 years (bank fraud, car theft, and my car was just broken into over the weekend), I'm trying to figure out a way to "solve" the crime problem in the US. My thought is a two strikes and your dead program for crimes that violate the rights of other people. Offenders who commit crimes that illustrate disrespect and disregard for the rights and property of their fellow citizens forfeit their right to live in our society, and rather than waste time and tax dollars keeping them locked up, after a second offense they should be summarily executed by firing squad (and their family billed for the bullets). Punishments for a first offense should be relatively mild, emphasizing rehabilitation and instilling a respect for the rights of others (as well as knowledge of the consequences of contining a life of crime). What do other people think of such a program?

2007-04-02 17:01:31 · 9 answers · asked by Jacob M 2 in Law & Ethics

Any of these men would have made great presidents, such as nelsom Mandela did. Without having prevous political experience. So to say Obama could not be a leader because of that is ridiculus.

2007-04-02 17:00:46 · 8 answers · asked by Toolegit 5 in Politics

I got pulled for for doing a 'rolling' stop through a stop sign I had a few questions, first off it was around 11:30 pm so its very dark, the stop sign is way off to the right side of the road, to the right of a large sidewalk (SW), also the stop sign is wooden with no reflective material on its face, which can be hard to see at 11:30 at night. The stop sign is probally 10 ft to the right of the street. I was wondering do stop signs have to have reflective material on them and also do the distance from the road matter? I am also not from where I got the ticket, would it be worth it to drive almost an hour to get to the court, do you think I stand a chance or just pay the ticket over mail?

2007-04-02 16:59:56 · 6 answers · asked by phoenixparalysis 2 in Law & Ethics

I was supposedly caught by a stationary laser going 78 in a 55 mph zone by a county officer in clermont county, ohio. My question is one, as a juvenile am i allowed to defend myself? i take post secondary in law and even if i lose it would be good practice. Secondly what will most likely be the sentance if found guilty? Ive heard that first offence no matter how fast your going is 30 days and classes but then i heard if your going so much over the suspension is longer. Any comments is greatly appreciated. i was stopped once before at 64 in a 55 and i was so i plead guilty but it was dismissed... should i bring this up in court or when asked if its my first offence should i mention it? Thanks!

2007-04-02 16:59:18 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I admit that "Arglebargle" found this, but this is big. Thanks Argle and I'm only doing this to get it posted on top

2007-04-02 16:58:41 · 4 answers · asked by Ford Prefect 7 in Politics

My state (Oregon) just passed a bill that allows businesses to fire or deny jobs to employees/hopefuls who have a medical marijuana card and fail a drug screen.

How do you feel on this?

2007-04-02 16:58:33 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN and spew the same stuff from the same point of view...and they bash america on their affiliates outside of america. Fox has the same things shown in america as what they show outside of america...i have been living overseas for about 4 years now...and was shocked the first time i went back to visit my family and see how different the news was in america than that outside america...Fox is the only one with about the same inside as it was outside...

2007-04-02 16:56:04 · 24 answers · asked by turntable 6 in Politics

They approve of their new freedom, according to practically every published report and/or survey.

A Kurdish friend of mine said (before the 9/11 attacks) that Saddam's missions had killed more than 3 million in less than a year. War sucks, don't it?

2007-04-02 16:54:45 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I'am sick and tired of all this crap

2007-04-02 16:53:44 · 10 answers · asked by bobby c 1 in Other - Politics & Government

i am not speaking to the fact nazis hated jews because they are jews...but the propaganda and the blind hate that creates Bush as a scapegoat for all of American problems...like the Jews were the scapegoat of all Germanys problem...

2007-04-02 16:51:58 · 17 answers · asked by turntable 6 in Politics

Really. Come on. Lets call a spade a spade. Be honest. Its OK. And, for those of you who are very far left, you can be honest and say you are communist. Its OK.

Do any of you have the cajones do admit to it?

2007-04-02 16:48:55 · 14 answers · asked by uab_skinhead 3 in Politics

Are workplaces required to provide a source of water or other drink for hydration free of charge, and does a sink count?

Thanks, and if you could provide a link it would help lots

2007-04-02 16:46:54 · 7 answers · asked by hotrodtylers 3 in Law & Ethics

The issues of the Ozone Layer and Acid Rain? I was just answering a question and thought abou that.. Did we fix those problems because I never hear those issues being addressed anymore.

I was just saying on the last question I answered how terrified I was a young child thinking that Acid Rain would melt my skin away and kill me...
And I would go outside and look up at the sky and wonder where the hole in the ozone was, and if it were over me would I just Desinagrate? LOL!

Now I just wonder why no one ever asks about it or reports about it on the news.. Is it all better now, or getting better? Did we fix those problems?

2007-04-02 16:46:12 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I would like the original lyrics and nothing dirty since I will be using this in my classroom. If you know a website as well, that would be much help.

2007-04-02 16:45:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

because both fight on the field right?

2007-04-02 16:39:18 · 16 answers · asked by frane_pe 2 in Military

2007-04-02 16:35:12 · 11 answers · asked by I was Kim 1 in Politics

I'm currently writing a paper over whether or not the HPV vaccine should become mandatory for girls before entering the sixth grade. Parents could opt out under most bills citing religious/philosophical beliefs. Opponents say that it would take away parents rights and it might increase promiscuity. Proponents want the option to be available for uninsured families (if it is mandatory the feds will pay for it) and they want to use it to decrease cervical cancer rates. I want to know what everyday people think about it. Are you for or againt it?

2007-04-02 16:34:58 · 17 answers · asked by JDawg 2 in Law & Ethics

I am a felon and I want to take a trip to spain in 2009 for a convention, I need to know what hoops I need to jump through to go.

2007-04-02 16:34:42 · 2 answers · asked by darth_smurfality 1 in Law & Ethics

fedest.com, questions and answers