1-In japan you decide to nuke 2 cities(civilians anybody)
2-Lie about weapons of mass destruction(never found)Iraq
3-Deny for years that you dropped more bombs on laos,
than you actually dropped on vietnam during the whole war.
4-Stand by and watch the fastest extermination of a ethnic
minority in Rwanda(everybody was guilty on this one)
5-After 11/9 you go to afghanistan(for a little while)then
you decide all the real terrorists are in Iraq,so you invade
change the oil sales back from euros to dollars.
6-Now Iran,wants nuclear power(the uk will need to use
more nuclear power in the future,but were in the gang so
thats ok.
7-No wonder you need energy,has anybody seen las vegas,
how many light bulbs do you need?.Everybody else is trying
to reduce carbon footprints,but you dont give a damn cos it
isnt in the interests of the mighty usa.
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