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Politics & Government - 27 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

1) is there a better, more electable Democrat??
2) is there a politican that thinks more about the country than himself(or herself)?
3) and last, but not least, does it really matter anymore?

2007-03-27 13:23:35 · 16 answers · asked by moojooman 2 in Politics

what are some nazi japanese and soviet terms from ww2? and definitions

2007-03-27 13:23:02 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Agree? Let me know why...

2007-03-27 13:21:25 · 19 answers · asked by Joe 1 in Other - Politics & Government

They represent an era in our history dominated by neo-con chickenhawks-although that is changing-Americans know they have been lied to-the War was about oil.

2007-03-27 13:20:15 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I never heard of this. An officer came to my home and rang my bell. He asked me if I had been driving recently. He said a another driver complained about my improper lane usage. He wrote me a ticket and the woman who complained, signed her name on the signature portion of the ticket. The officer said I have to show up for court and tell the judge my side of the case since he was not a witness. Has anyone in Illinois ever heard of this?

2007-03-27 13:20:00 · 10 answers · asked by Curiousgeorge 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

would all of the people who demanded the troops come home join the military and help defend the home land?

Or would that just be crazy talk?

2007-03-27 13:19:25 · 20 answers · asked by The Cult of Personality 5 in Politics

My sister one day went to my room and grabbed my IPOD. She went to a party and her friend (who I will call Lisa) took the IPOD without my sister’s consent. Lisa later admitted that she just “borrowed the IPOD” and that she would return it. However, she never did.

She has made up three different stories as to what happen. Bottom line, because she is a minor I don’t know how to legally get my IPOD back. I don’t know her last name but I know that she attends the same classes at my sister’s middle school.


Regardless of the transfer of the IPOD…that IPOD is my property and it is in the possession of that minor. I gave her 5 days to return it and she hasn’t done that so far.

2007-03-27 13:19:06 · 9 answers · asked by christiansareawesome 4 in Law & Ethics

Why is it that Rove, Meirs, Gonzalez and such are so afraid to be questioned...they have nothing to hide, right? And that aid pleading the 5th come on, that basically means if I open my mouth I am incriminating myself or someone that I don't want to incriminate. So, what's good for the American people, should be good for them too, right? And, don't tell me it is a "witch-hunt", the cons weren't afraid of a witch-hunt when it came to Clinton, and now all the sudden they act aghast as if they are above that partisan B.S. I'm ready to hear what they have to say, I would like reaffirm my faith in those people...so let's bring it on, right?

2007-03-27 13:17:46 · 13 answers · asked by ♥austingirl♥ 6 in Politics

I really don't understand you people. I am a Sgt ( now in the national guard but spent 5 years on Active Duty) I don't understand why all these people pick anything apart to criticize any part of our fighting men and women. Being a soldier is the hardest job in the world, The only people that can talk bad about what is going on is the people that have been there. And thats my honest Opinion. give up all the bad mouthing about our brave men and women

2007-03-27 13:17:43 · 14 answers · asked by Cowboy 2 in Military

2007-03-27 13:17:22 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I want to invite him to USA. Does anyone know how we can go about this and is it possible for iraqis to visit USA on tourist visas these days? Is it a diffilcult and drawn out process to get my chat friend to visit?

2007-03-27 13:17:03 · 8 answers · asked by Miryami 1 in Embassies & Consulates

2007-03-27 13:16:35 · 12 answers · asked by Justin L 1 in Military

2007-03-27 13:16:21 · 5 answers · asked by mitasetr 1 in Military

2007-03-27 13:15:51 · 11 answers · asked by glou 1 in Military

Give ideas,
[* Why do you think that people should or should not get a drivers license at an earlier age?*]

Resons explaining why!

10PTs to the best answere.......!
I really need your help.....!

2007-03-27 13:15:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

American morality...(sigh)....gotta love it. It appears the collective "american stomach" is too paper thin to support the use of our one great advatage against those who, in the clearest possible terms, intend us harm.

So here we wait...till the absurd occurs...that is...till the Jihadists have nukes. The question of MAD (mutually assurd destruction) doesnt come into play when the adversary is not yet a nuclear power.

"Oh but the Russians or Chinese wont stand for it!". I agree. If America nuked Iran or any other part of the Muslim world, the Russians and Chinese would almost certainly do something...with the excpetion of exchanging nuclear weapons with the USA!

Muslim countries only serve two purposes to the Chinese: Oil and "bleeding America". The strongest treaty between two countries is trade, and America is Chinas most important market. In the final analysis, Chinese relations will normalize.

"Love your enemy" said Christ...and love him we do..(again, sigh)...

2007-03-27 13:14:03 · 11 answers · asked by PragmaticMan 1 in Politics

I'm not religious but in all my research they don't say what you can do if you don't want to go to church on sunday.

2007-03-27 13:12:04 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military


How about stop making them die for oil?

2007-03-27 13:11:56 · 17 answers · asked by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 in Politics

13 year old girl, which was heavily covered by the media, why did the court-appointed lawyers help one guy get off? he admitted having sex with her but was innocent in her murder. you all can look it up on http:www.acadiananow.com look up the alexuia feast murder. this guy last name is Gross got off. please, why in this highly publicized case did the court-appointed lawyers work so hard in help getting him off? what can the court-appointed lawyers get out of this? it must be something

2007-03-27 13:11:32 · 3 answers · asked by Beaujock 1 in Law & Ethics


2007-03-27 13:09:40 · 7 answers · asked by r f 1 in Civic Participation

I've been in the Air Force for almost 1 year. I really don't feel like I'm contributing to the war on terror or making a difference at all. Bascically, in a nut shell, I want out with an honorable discharge. Does anyone, who is in the military, (preferably Air Force) know if this is possible. I just want to move on with my life and maybe try college again and just work some simple production job. Anything but this. I thought it'd be fun and interesting, but I can't stand almost every person I work with. They only care, because they have to. My job seems like it would be really cool if I had the right people showing me how to do things the right way. People always ask why'd you do it that way or why you doing it that way, instead of showing me the right way. The training is absolutely rediculous. How many rape classes and briefings do we have to go through! This is just the tip of the iceberg.

2007-03-27 13:09:38 · 20 answers · asked by Tim A 3 in Military

The troops should come home tonight.
However the military industrial complex can't make money with no war.
Time to spend money on schools and health care in lieu of guns.

2007-03-27 13:09:06 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

listening to all the candidates,does anyone hear anything that is going to help the middle class self employed,with health insurance,social secruity reform.why cant detroit reform our currant internal combustion engines to run on all ethonal,and tell the current oil suppliers we do not need their oil

2007-03-27 13:09:05 · 5 answers · asked by larry m 1 in Government

Things are going to get very interesting now.

I'm standing with President Bush! VETO!!!!!!!


2007-03-27 13:08:01 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Do yall know anything that he stands for?
If you can give me some websites where you got it from.
please and thank you.

2007-03-27 13:07:27 · 6 answers · asked by etnieschic_88 1 in Elections

hey on the news about a us solider burned in effigy was that a real human or just a army suit....

2007-03-27 13:05:55 · 5 answers · asked by heyheyhey 1 in Military

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