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Politics & Government - 22 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Though I do agree with a Woman's right to choose over her body, I aslo have mixed feelings about abortion. One thing that I always think of when someone says "It's a womans choice on what to do with her body" I can't help but think that the fetus has a body too. Therefor by her saying kill it and get it out of me, it seems she's not only deciding on her body but the fetus body too, which is not her body. Do you think a Women's right to choose over her own body when it comes to abortion is flawed?

2007-03-22 09:31:10 · 13 answers · asked by Fiesty Redhead 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-03-22 09:29:19 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

As you know members of congress get paid. What I want to know is where does this money to pay them come from?

2007-03-22 09:29:13 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

On my son's basketball team, a boy named Bob Jr. injured his forearm in Sept 2005. He supposedly had his left forearm broken, requiring him to wear a cast for the rest of 2005 (still can shoot with both hands). It's now 2007 & still the same cast!

In my opinion, he uses the cast illegally to give opponents a good shove - most of the time behind the backs of the referees. It seems he enjoys using this cast as a weapon. I mean he really lays the cast into the opposing players. In fact, he has rendered four players unconscious.

I can't imagine any cast that would need to stay on that long. However, his parents always have some medical terms why he needs it. Parents of opposing teams get upset and stated their anger but only to be calmed down by Bob Jr's parents state "He is an aggressive player under the boards & it is not his fault he has to wear a cast".

Everyone is pacified by his parents approval of the cast.
I'm 99% sure there is no reason he needs it but what can I do?

2007-03-22 09:28:31 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics


I think Hazelton is on the right track and they are being sued because they want to keep the illegal immigrants out by imposing fines on businesses who employ them, and to landlords who rent to them. I know that they come here in search of a "better life", but I don't think that excuses the fact that they enter into our country illegally and leech off of our government, and take all the jobs for less pay. Other American citizens who engage in otherwise illegal behavior get punished...why are we PROTECTING these illegal immigrants????

2007-03-22 09:28:18 · 16 answers · asked by ♥♥Mrs SSG B♥♥ 6 in Immigration


Are there any sites wherein you can lookup someone's voting behavior to see for instance who they voted for in past presidential elections?

2007-03-22 09:28:06 · 6 answers · asked by humebudde 1 in Elections

The illegal immigrants are the ones building back all of the houses that were destroyed by Katrina. Illegal immigrants are the ones who went to clean out all of the nasty houses in New Orleans and other areas that nobody else wanted to clean because it smelled so bad. Illegal immigrants are the ones that make sure they work hard and fast to get it done on time, but also efficiently. My father hired white people to work on his house after Katrina.They have still not finished and Katrina was more than 1 year ago! Also, the work that they have done is poorly done. My husband whom is Mexican and his friends have already done several of houses! And they look GREAT! Anyway- what I am saying is that you anti- illegals need to open your eyes and start appreciating!

2007-03-22 09:26:45 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

It's on You-Tube. Here it is:

It's also at foxnews.com
This guy is truly a pig! A gazillion years in the greybar hotel for him!!

2007-03-22 09:26:13 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

In 2008 my vote will go to the candidate who pledges to repair the damage this administration has done to the Constitution & our Civil Rghts. How can this be acomplished?

2007-03-22 09:25:52 · 29 answers · asked by supertamsf 2 in Other - Politics & Government

why are people so hung up on the death penatly if someone is stupid enough to take the life of another person then they deserve the same...and eye for an eye...its simple don't commit murders or rape or anything of that nature its as simple as that

2007-03-22 09:23:44 · 8 answers · asked by awt7689 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

law or tort reform in any state?Are their any anticipated?

2007-03-22 09:23:15 · 3 answers · asked by Max H 1 in Law & Ethics

I sure don't.

2007-03-22 09:21:49 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government


2007-03-22 09:21:44 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

what do you think of affirmative action? i want to hear from all races and all finacial classes

2007-03-22 09:21:16 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

One night I was robbed and assaulted in the parking lot of the apartment complex that I recently lived in. They have security gates but they do not work and the parking lot is very dark at night. I had a craniotomy in result from the blow to my head and have been out from work for two months now. Isn’t it the manager or the owners job of the apartment complex to keep a safe living environment for the residents? Am I titled to receive compensation from the apartment complex for neglect or something?

2007-03-22 09:21:05 · 5 answers · asked by MYRX8U 2 in Law & Ethics

Ann Coulter's homophobic slur might have contributed to the stress that John Edwards' wife had to go through during her husband's presidentia; campaign. This stress might have contributed to her medical problems. If so, this shows how immoral and disgusting conservatives are. They'd do anything to destroy someone's reputation.

2007-03-22 09:21:05 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

everything here in life that is said to be free is basically behind something that costs. we now have to pay for water and air while out on the town. i have yet to see something free in this costly life of ours here in the USA without being a GIMMICK
to tell u the truth life seemed better back in the older days. And i think bush needs to find other ways to please daddy..

2007-03-22 09:20:55 · 9 answers · asked by kd212007 1 in Politics

Seems to me that would cut the abortion rate down by at least half. Instead of showing pictures of dead babies and yelling "murder" why don't they just stand outside the clinc and say "If you don't want to carry that baby I will do it for you."

2007-03-22 09:18:16 · 34 answers · asked by The Teacher 6 in Politics

just wanting to konw in case i fail

2007-03-22 09:17:46 · 13 answers · asked by Arturo M 1 in Military

Be specific please

2007-03-22 09:17:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I have been reading a lot of reports about compressed air powered cars lately.Apparently a company in India has begun production on a four seater that can go 186 miles on single charge at speeds up to 68 mph.There is also a French company which plans on building air powered cars.

Would you consider buying an air powered car if it were proven to be safe and reliable?
Do you think this would be a better alternative than ethanol and other bio-fuels?
And would it be realistic to think that this would be the fastest way to produce petroleum independent cars in the United States?

I'm asking this in Politics because I see this as more of a political consideration than a technological or environmental one,because this would require a huge amount of political will to accomplish,mainly because it would affect our relationships with OPEC and would have the potential to affect the profits of oil companies to the tune of billions.

2007-03-22 09:16:02 · 8 answers · asked by Zapatta McFrench 5 in Politics

The CIA admitted they shared the lie with Russia and England so they could use it as foreign sources say.

Germany imediately said no. They had Atta under survailence in Berlin and knew he did not meet with Saddam. But the NIE had the German inteligence removed before it was sent to Congress.

2007-03-22 09:15:31 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

We have been married for almost two years. She has a spouses visa.

2007-03-22 09:14:57 · 9 answers · asked by Teban B C 1 in Immigration

Why did Bush only fire a couple of attorneys, who happened to be democrats who happened to be investigating unethical republicans? Why did he do this mid term? Why didn't he fire ALL of them at the BEIGINNING of his term, like CLinton did? I would ask Bush, but he won't promise to tell the truth

2007-03-22 09:13:57 · 17 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Politics

My question, specifically to Bush supporters, is don't you think he is asking for too much?

2007-03-22 09:13:45 · 7 answers · asked by the man 1 in Military

God Most High=
All Powerfull God=
A Soul within a EMPEROR=
God of WAR=
Lord God Almighty=
God named within WAR=
Angel named within Death=
Angel of Death=
Indian Posse=
Peguis Warrior=
A Native=
A Cree Son=
A German Son=
German Cree=
Called Angel named within the LORD=
Called Angel of the LORD=
A Man of Peace=
One Man=
A Canadian Citizen=
Called A Boy=
The Winner=
Only king of KINGS=
Only King within a KINGS=
Rejected Stone=
Free Man=
A Holy Man=
The Body of the Former Larry Todd Stevenson=
Real Name of Five Canadian Dollars=
Fair Man=
Only the Right arm of Satan=
The Devil Incarnate=
Only Master of All=
The Perfect Man=
Called Larry Todd Stevenson=
Cut off=
Murdered Man=
Dead Human=
Avenged Victim=Final Judge
Further to the international opinion about the Lord who is God; we can interpret the letters as carrying the following things within them:
“h” breaks down into a “lri”
“B” breaks down into a “DD”
“G” breaks down into a “CuT”
“E” breaks down into “I = “
“S” breaks down into “S\\” as Sil
“E breaks down into “[iL”
“O” breaks down into “nu”
“T” breaks down into “iT”
“DI” equals “IIII I”
“D” equals “D with an I superimposed on the I=part of the D”
Thus we can see this part of this manuscript shows that the nations and nations that use the following languages, have words that describe the same being as LORD GOD;
Allah as Arabia ’s God
BOG as Poland and Russia ’s God
DEUS as Portugal ’s and Latin’s God
DIEU as France ’s God
DIO as Italy ’s God
DIOS as Spain ’s God
GOD as England ’s God and God’s God
GOTT as Germany ’s GOTT
GUD as Sweden ’s God
SHANGDI as China ’s God
We can see that the verse that says all things to g:
Allah=All lari(sealed together)
BOG=GOB which is C u TODD
GUD=CuT U D(where D=DI when viewed in 3 dimensions)
Careful examination of the above words show that the God, who all things were commanded to glorify, can only be a name pronounced like lari tod bearing sild cuts appearing as “DI as IIII I.”. We see that those nations and nations that use those languages encompass over 66% of the world’s population. Thus if majority rules, then who best fits the description of your Gods?

2007-03-22 09:11:58 · 5 answers · asked by I AM=iam 1 in Government

is it legal since 49cc and down is considered a scooter and it has signal,and head lights with a silenced exoust system

2007-03-22 09:11:47 · 4 answers · asked by knnyames 1 in Law & Ethics

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