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Politics & Government - 22 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

They keep posting questions from "Obama" and "Clinton" just to entice voters. Is Yahoo! run by liberals?

2007-03-22 10:13:01 · 24 answers · asked by patriot2007 1 in Politics

Also, Do I myself write a letter to the judge? What actions do I need to take to initiate this?

2007-03-22 10:12:35 · 11 answers · asked by V 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-03-22 10:12:26 · 43 answers · asked by Sharon R 1 in Other - Politics & Government

I live in a small town on the outter edge of Kansas and while it has always been peaceful and calm, there has always been underlying problems that have been kept quiet such as the extensive drug abusers and sellers, the break-ins, the robberies, etc. As of lately though, the criminals have been getting bolder and no longer care about being covert. They've robbed Domino's, a gas stations, the movie theatre, a jewelry store, and a Subway TWICE in the same week. This has all been in a span of two or less months.
My question is this: How can I help or raise awareness in the community? How can I get people to start caring and start defending their town? The police are trying to do their part, but everyone is being so helpless and I know there's something we can do... I just don't know what. Things will only get worse as we live right outside of a metropolitan area and the slime that lives there is slowly leaking into our peaceful town.
Any ideas would be appreciated.

2007-03-22 10:12:02 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

i've been ordered to go to counseling by the court. will i go to jail if i dont go?

2007-03-22 10:11:32 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

My cousin just graduated from OSUT for Calvary Scout job in the National Guard. He wants to transfer to active army and go into the airborne Rangers in the 75th Ranger Regiment. He said that all that he has to do is wait six months before he can transfer.

He got 90% on all of his physical fitness tests and a total of 298 on a 300 scale he scored in the low 50's on his asvab so he meets the qualifications.

My question is how hard is it to actuallly transfer from National Guard (local) to active Army (federal)? What if his unit is under staff? He says that he has to go to Germany to do more training (not sure what). What are his chances of getting the transfer and then getting Rangers?


2007-03-22 10:11:18 · 5 answers · asked by Robbie B 2 in Military

I love how liberals paint conspiracy theories while keeping their own party somehow devoid of evil. IF it were true, say, that aliens controlled the president do you think they would keep their eggs in one political basket?
If there is an evil conspiracy by MEN do you think they would be so STUPID to be in one party. Give me a break. The mafia bribes EVERYONE cause they have half a brain. Billionaires trying to control politics would not stick with one party.

Those who are enlightened can clearly see that both parties smell an aweful lot alike.

2007-03-22 10:10:42 · 14 answers · asked by kent j 3 in Politics

While defending the size of his own home after attacking Gore et al for having mansions, Sean admitted he lives in a 6000+ sf home, but said "that's the average" for the US. I have not seen this to be the average in places I've lived, but maybe you have. Is it the average in your state? How big is your home?

2007-03-22 10:10:33 · 16 answers · asked by Studbolt Slickrock Deux 4 in Law & Ethics

My employer has a return-to-work program. Since I am unable to perform my normal duties, a "modified" or "light duty" position has been offered to me. However, it doesn't pay near what I made in my former position. Am I required to accept the lower paying position?

2007-03-22 10:10:29 · 8 answers · asked by Opal M 1 in Law & Ethics

With his involvment in the war right now and all.

2007-03-22 10:09:40 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

We are dumping Billions (literally)of dollars every month into the "WAR" or Military interests
Why don't we have a Department of Peace?
This would be a Dept.of Peace with the main goal to find peaceful solutions to world conflicts and domestic conflicts.
If a Dept. of Peace did exist would you contirbute to funding it?
Would you care if your tax dollars funded it?

Yes I know there is a "United Nations" - but they are heavily influenced by the Military.

2007-03-22 10:09:14 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

We won't by next Spring. We certainly won't during the height of the presidential campaigns, and whoever the corporation let get elected in 2008, they'll be bought and paid for, and we won't leave after that.

I'll take bets on this.

I'm certain I'm right. How about you?

2007-03-22 10:09:06 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

The immigrant who is willing to work hard just to make their life better....or the Businesses that keep employing them "under the table" at below minimum wage?

And why is there so little talk on Yahoo answers about these Businesses that do this and are rarely prosecuted for it, and a lot of talk about the immigrants themselves?

2007-03-22 10:08:50 · 18 answers · asked by clueless_nerd 5 in Immigration

Between his incompetence and his criminal behavior along with the useless Democrats being unwilling to impeach him-shouldn't he resign? How can anyone still support him?

2007-03-22 10:06:00 · 26 answers · asked by Jason D 3 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-03-22 10:05:46 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

will my grandchildren or great- grandchildren be paying for somthing they cant use?

2007-03-22 10:04:37 · 18 answers · asked by NO SOUP 4 U! 1 in Politics

This was an answer someone gave to another question. I've never heard the system described this way before...

" The 2 major political parties are like parents.

The democrats are like one's mother. Always the one who kissed boo-boos, tells you it will be alright, is nice to the neighbors, keeps things tidy around the house, says things like "wait until your father gets home", "well, lets see how can we fix this", and "nobody should do my kid wrong".

The republicans are like one's dad. Football, motorcycles, racing...hates the neighbors, but is nice because the wife will gripe, tells you to suck it up when you get a boo-boo, handles the bully down the street, goes to work at a job he hates, fixes things around the house, and is generally grumpy when it comes to your mom. Says things like "I don't care; ask your mother". "knock off all that noise", "stop whining" and "what did you do to deserve it" '

2007-03-22 10:03:03 · 12 answers · asked by aa.gabriel 4 in Government

i want to take picture of a construction site for my photography class. its an unfinished bridge but the gate says no trespassing. i was wondering if i could go to my town police office and maybe get a pass or a guide to go with me to the site so i can take pictures.

2007-03-22 10:02:30 · 8 answers · asked by Shane L 1 in Law & Ethics

I think what we're seeing happening today is affirmation of the anti-Federalists concern that an established federal military becomes corrupt and too overpowering despite the Bill of Rights.

The constitution only condones the maintenance of "a well regulated militia" comprised of citizens - not a group of people who are stripped of their rights to join a federally organized group.

Taxes paid toward military expenditures are therefore against the Constitution of the United States and therefore companies like Halliburton are anti-Constitution and anti-American.

Question: does it come as a surprise to anyone that this administration is firmly anti-American and anti-Constitution?

2007-03-22 10:02:12 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Referring to events in Congress - If testimony is given, NOT under "oath", but with a transcript maintained, can it later be used in a court of law?

2007-03-22 10:01:56 · 9 answers · asked by otterpop77 2 in Law & Ethics

we all no its funny laughing at George Bushes lack of inteligence but if Cameron probably the only Politician on earth les inteligent then Bush will we ourselves become the Laughing stocks?

2007-03-22 10:01:56 · 32 answers · asked by hadit l 2 in Government

It superceeds my motion for discovery. Mother and brother are trying to cheat me out of inheritance in my deceased dad's estate in his will. Mom wants this summary judgment to finish probate without her and my brother co-executives and co trustees to have to be deposed. They have stolen, cheated me, etc. Discovery could eaily show there was a conpiracy and collusion to defraud me, and that dad was incompetent and their attorney was complicit. Any cases? Can rules of court be suspended, bent? Are there cases where probate is held up until my request for discovery is finished and they are deposed?. They cross motioned via the summary judgment which is not allowing discovery to happen.

2007-03-22 10:01:54 · 2 answers · asked by Legandivori 7 in Law & Ethics

fun question plz everyone answer

2007-03-22 10:01:50 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

1# FDR brought about a end to the depression and fought off the germans and Japansese to his dying day (unfortunately died in office). Democrat
2# JFK Handled the Cuban missle Crisis and prevented world war 3 or a nuclear war. Helped out with civil rights. Democrat
3# Ronald Reagan Created the star wars program, faced down the russians, helped take down the berlin wall, Republican

What about you?

2007-03-22 10:01:43 · 19 answers · asked by Proud Michigander 3 in Government


2007-03-22 10:01:23 · 3 answers · asked by anonymous 2 in Law & Ethics

I can not remember where I originally heard about this law but I was hoping that you people out there could help.

the law that i am trying to find is a Canadian law that basically states that if you are in possession of someone else’s property for more than 3 months without a written or verbal contract as to its return, you now become the owner of that property

(By property I do not necessarily mean land but anything)

2007-03-22 10:01:20 · 1 answers · asked by playa_by_natura 2 in Law & Ethics

Example: it is illegal to tie a kangaroo to a firehydrant in Kansas.

What are these funny laws called???!?!?!?!

2007-03-22 10:00:53 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

This was an answer someone gave to another question. I've never heard the system described this way before...

" The 2 major political parties are like parents.

The democrats are like one's mother. Always the one who kissed boo-boos, tells you it will be alright, is nice to the neighbors, keeps things tidy around the house, says things like "wait until your father gets home", "well, lets see how can we fix this", and "nobody should do my kid wrong".

The republicans are like one's dad. Football, motorcycles, racing...hates the neighbors, but is nice because the wife will gripe, tells you to suck it up when you get a boo-boo, handles the bully down the street, goes to work at a job he hates, fixes things around the house, and is generally grumpy when it comes to your mom. Says things like "I don't care; ask your mother". "knock off all that noise", "stop whining" and "what did you do to deserve it" '

2007-03-22 10:00:25 · 12 answers · asked by aa.gabriel 4 in Other - Politics & Government

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