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Politics & Government - 22 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

What is the motto for the Army, Navy, and Airforce? Thanks.

2007-03-22 01:03:08 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

or is Al just not up to the truth.


2007-03-22 00:58:53 · 6 answers · asked by rmagedon 6 in Government

on the issue of "That our effect on climate is not dangerous."

Highly doubtful since Al is full of it.

Monckton, a former policy adviser to Margaret Thatcher during her years as
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, said, "A careful study of the
substantial corpus of peer-reviewed science reveals that Mr. Gore's film, An
Inconvenient Truth, is a foofaraw of pseudo-science, exaggerations, and
errors, now being peddled to innocent schoolchildren worldwide."


2007-03-22 00:56:24 · 1 answers · asked by rmagedon 6 in Government

Yesterday i got on the bus and sat down.
It was late and there was just one other person on the bus.
I sat beside him and i noticed he had a knife to my throat. He held the bus driver at knife point and made him close the door on my willy,

How do i prevent this happening again"!!!!!

2007-03-22 00:55:04 · 23 answers · asked by Gentleman 2 in Law & Ethics

As I was walking down the street, one day;
A man came up to me and asked me what the time was that was on my watch, yeah.
And I said
Does anybody really know what time it is?
does anybody really care, (about time)
You know I can't imagine why. (oh no)
We don't have time enough to cry"

Question: Does any Republican see that it's time to stand up to these Power-Driven Lib's?
Does any Democrat know that it's time to realize that the Leaders of their Party are too busy belly-aching and name calling. To speak on behalf of The American People?

2007-03-22 00:54:45 · 4 answers · asked by Nunya Bidniss 7 in Politics

When you hear figures like 650,000 civilian deaths, has anyone sat down and made the quick calculation of how this is possible.

650,000 deaths / (4 years x 365 days) +1 (leap year) =

445 civilian deaths every single day for the last 1460+ days....

I follow what is going on over there, and no there are a lot of bad attacks, to many to mention, but this number 650k is absoluty ridiculous....

what do you think?

2007-03-22 00:50:41 · 15 answers · asked by James R 3 in Military

My grandfather, an old Navy vet, used to use a term something like that to describe the pre-dawn time, when the sky was just starting to get light.
I may have the term slightly off, but I am sure it was at least similar. Anyone else ever heard of this and where does it come from originally?
I looked out my window this morning, thought of him, and decided to ask.
Thank you.

2007-03-22 00:49:50 · 4 answers · asked by Phartzalot 6 in Military

Without legal advice of any kind, and with coercion, parents signed a "voluntary" relinquishment of custody to the grandparents. This was following several false reports to cps, one attempted family abduction, pressuring the father to file a fraudulent divorce petition, and finally running with the kids. Grandparents then file for "emergency" custody.. concealing other prior events, and covering up actual motives. And that is just a brief summary of the lies told.
Attorneys, please - what is your thoughts on this? Likelihood that parents can get agreement vacated, on grounds of fraud? After how long? Parnets continued to be pressured into belief that it was "legal".

2007-03-22 00:47:50 · 3 answers · asked by wendy c 7 in Law & Ethics

Every answere I just recieved was from sympathetic people telling me it's ok, it's alrite, just live with it... What if I can't live on, knowing that what I am goes against almost everything I believe in. I am a bisexual socialist of the Third Riech. What the hell am I supposed to do? Just say, owell, I'm bi, I guess I'll just have to lead a miserable life, where people will make fun of me, call me names, look at me in disgust, I won't be able to marry?

2007-03-22 00:47:36 · 7 answers · asked by uirrid 1 in Politics

does anybody know what the laws are on getting terminated because you have a piercing?.. for instance.. i have one and my work says now that i can't have one( years after hire ). if i get fired wouldn't that be wrongful termination?. i can't find the laws anywhere that state it. doesn't it fall under freedom of speach? some help would be appreciated finding them. thanks a bunch.

2007-03-22 00:47:24 · 4 answers · asked by one_dieing_soul 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-03-22 00:45:16 · 5 answers · asked by BobDanzig 1 in Law & Ethics

Tired of politics as usual? Maybe Fred Thompson is the answer. Give me your best reasons why he should run. Here are some links to learn more about him.

Fred Thompson on the issues

part 1 of Fox Sunday interview

part 2 of Fox Sunday interview

The online petition urging his canidacy


2007-03-22 00:42:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

An Army guy is sitting at a bar wearing a shirt that says "Marines suck".

Sure enough, two marines walk up.

One of the Marines says, "WHAT DOES THAT SHIRT SAY!?!?!?!"

So the Army guy responds, "Thats the first thing I hate about Marines, they can't read."

The other Marine growles, "What did you say!?!"

The Army guy responds, "Thats the second thing I hate about Marines, they can't hear."

Then the first Marine demands that they take this outside.

Two minutes later the Army guy walks back into the bar unharmed. The bartender askes what happened to the two Marines.

The army guy responds, "Thats the third thing I hate about Marines, they bring knives to gunfights."

All in good fun, Have an awesome day and "GO ARMY"!

2007-03-22 00:37:50 · 17 answers · asked by recon1223 2 in Military

Or have they all just replaced one nasty regime with another?

2007-03-22 00:37:28 · 13 answers · asked by cheryl m 3 in Politics

I ask the above because I was brought up in a strict but loving home.

I regularly got a back hander for stepping out of line. And to this day I am grateful for the discipline I recieved.

Now the 'powers that be' state that you should not hit a child because (not 100% sure how it is worded) it gives the ok for physical violence?????????

Today the children are unruly and have no respect for other people or anyone elses property.

Does anyone think that if a 'smack' was allowed some of these
issues would not surface through fear of being punished.

(Excuse me but I am 39 yrs old and I am old school)

Thanking you

2007-03-22 00:37:22 · 10 answers · asked by davie 2 in Law & Ethics

Hinduatan Times carried a report on the 20th/21st of March which was at once deplorable and extremely disturbing.

The world ought to know so that it doesn't happen again and the ordinary citizens can feel more secure for their lives and livlihood.

2007-03-22 00:34:03 · 3 answers · asked by Shailen S 1 in Other - Politics & Government

how many died in the vietnam war

2007-03-22 00:24:05 · 4 answers · asked by jrdnwelling 2 in Military

can you be charged more than once for assault occ actual bodily harm?
i am researching for a case, where the victim was swept away by the current and, although he was pulled from the river, his breathing had stopped. His breathing was restarted by mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, and the end result was that he suffered permanent brain damage.
So would this amount to 2 charges of assault occ actual bodily harm; one for the breathing having stopped, and one for the brain damage.
or would it just be one overall charge of assault occ abh???

2007-03-22 00:21:46 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

The USA sponspored and made the internet..should it share control with the rest of the world as the so called governments of the world are demanding? Lets say it was china who designed and paid for the internet , or lets say its Iran controling the internet...will they not shut down the United states? and Israel?
Should the USA let it go?

2007-03-22 00:18:24 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Is this budget just sleight of hand and more tax rises await us in the detail ?

2007-03-22 00:15:35 · 2 answers · asked by LongJohns 7 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-03-22 00:12:23 · 1 answers · asked by nicodemuscliff 1 in Government

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