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Politics & Government - 18 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

he is 24 and was driving drunk with a friend

he got a DUI and is going to be fined and have his license taken away for 6mo.

how should i react to this, should i be angry with him or should i seek him help?!

2007-03-18 02:19:40 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I am so sick of hearing about the stupid Iraq extra troops and how much money paranoid countries are needlessly spending on arms. They SHOULD be helping f-d up countries like Zimbabwe and Sudan. But i am guessing that wouldn't make them any money now would it? I am sure if the USA wanted to topple the old biddie Mugabe they could. Your views....?

2007-03-18 02:18:34 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

2007-03-18 02:17:41 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-03-18 02:16:59 · 5 answers · asked by tonyv 1 in Military

Or, was the veneer of democratic institutions and civil rights for Americans and respect for other nations simply a lie from the start for the USA?

Without a clear enemy in the world, in order to justify its costly aggression and need for a military economy to employ the fighters and generate the technologies.... the USA invented one.

2007-03-18 02:16:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

The person is an E-6, up for E-7 now, and on the aviation side. This person has been an LPO 3 times, is now on a carrier as an LPO, has been in QA at the last duty station.

What options are there to going officer. Please explain a bit too.


***Oh and to the rude people who are thinking of making jokes or rude comments towards this post, will result in not only a bad mark, but I'll report it as abuse. I'm sick of spoiled rotten ignorant people who don't know what hard work or suffering is. THANK YOU.

2007-03-18 02:14:29 · 7 answers · asked by me 3 in Military

Looks like the new strategy (i.e. troop surge) is showing more and more progress. The latest poll shows some optimism: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/iraq/article1530762.ece

2007-03-18 02:14:01 · 15 answers · asked by Steelhead 5 in Politics

and oh.. does the apple patch diet work? Im planning to try it but I really want to know how to lose pounds naturally, Im planninng to be a model will any model agency accept my weight?

2007-03-18 02:13:53 · 19 answers · asked by ~rAveLic!oUs~ 3 in Immigration

I know in Massachusetts, just being having the possesion of marijuana you can get fined 100's of thousands of dollars and go to jail for up to 10 years.

if you rape a child you get counciling and only up 5 years in prison.

2007-03-18 02:11:31 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I was convicted of Drink Driving (DR10) a few weeks ago (1st offence) and I was due to go on holiday to Peru and transit via Newark Airport and spend a few days in New York on the way back. I read on the US embassy website that I now needed a visa (if you have ever been convicted or arressted - even if the arrest didn't lead to a charge) and couldn't use the visa waiver form. So I cancelled the holiday. I am now planning to go in November and I am happy to apply for a visa at the US emabssy, but the police check required for the Embassy appointment takes 40 days and the embassy decision takes another 14. So will i have to go through this process every time I want to go to america on a non-immigrant visa? Or are there other visa types that once I have it, I can travel to the US for multiple entries over a lond period (maybe a few years)? I have read about a waiver of ineligibility - what does this allow and who is it for please? I am British and live in the UK.

2007-03-18 02:11:28 · 4 answers · asked by SMGFAN 3 in Embassies & Consulates

I was convicted of Drink Driving (DR10) a few weeks ago (1st offence) and I was due to go on holiday to Peru and transit via Newark Airport and spend a few days in New York on the way back. I read on the US embassy website that I now needed a visa (if you have ever been convicted or arressted - even if the arrest didn't lead to a charge) and couldn't use the visa waiver form. So I cancelled the holiday. I am now planning to go in November and I am happy to apply for a visa at the US emabssy, but the police check required for the Embassy appointment takes 40 days and the embassy decision takes another 14. So will i have to go through this process every time I want to go to america on a non-immigrant visa? Or are there other visa types that once I have it, I can travel to the US for multiple entries over a lond period (maybe a few years)? I have read about a waiver of ineligibility - what does this allow and who is it for please? I am British and live in the UK.

2007-03-18 02:10:36 · 6 answers · asked by SMGFAN 3 in Immigration

was anything illegal?

2007-03-18 02:09:36 · 10 answers · asked by Tommy G. 5 in Politics

Would we have a better system of government if only veterans who were discharged honorably (or retired) had the franchise?

(The Starship Trooper option)

2007-03-18 02:09:08 · 3 answers · asked by A Balrog of Morgoth 4 in Elections

Wasn't that what the Nazis did too in order to control the society and chill dissent?

As Iraq war protests grow, FBI and CIA are engaged in more internal spying these days to keep busy. Even Yahoo is censuring posts and supplies info at the beck and call of the government. The USA Atty General Gonzales (aka the fool) will find a way to create a black list; USA crumbles like a house of unprincipled cards.

USA Democracy? Never was and never will be.

2007-03-18 02:08:56 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I mean it is obvious. In majority, Democrats rant and rave, while Republicans exhibit much more grace (and I am not talking about Y/A). Do modern Democrats lack social education?

2007-03-18 02:08:55 · 5 answers · asked by George 3 in Politics

How is the government formed in The United states

2007-03-18 02:06:27 · 6 answers · asked by tashnatjuly69 1 in Government

Soon after world war 2 world leaders met and formed what became known as the league of nations, America did not join. America was currently under its isolationism idea, (no involvement in Euoprean affairs.)
The league of nations failed to stop hitler, who began invading Poland, Austria, ect.
America did not join the war seriously until Pearl Harbor.
The reason i think that America is the "World Police" Is because of what i call "The Guilt Theory". This is because America feels if she was in the league of nations she may have stopped Hitler and prevented WW2. now maybe (and this is just a theory) whenever America sees any sign of threat they jump. They said Hitler was just some dictator and everyone thought his forces were nothing, he ended up violating the treaty that was supposed to limit his army that had been signed after WW1. Does America act because before she did not act before? Saddam, Ahkmadejad, are all just some "little dictators". Do you see a similarity?
Your thoughts?

2007-03-18 02:05:24 · 6 answers · asked by Proud Michigander 3 in Military

It seems that the Democtrats all just take orders from someone. Whenever any issue comes up thay all come out saying the exact same thing like a bunch of mindless zombies. Except Lieberman, and when he didn't follow orders, he got dumped by the Democrats like an ugly date. Who gives the orders? Dean, Ted (the lush) Kennedy, Soros, who?

2007-03-18 02:04:29 · 14 answers · asked by Delphi 4 in Politics

Can anyone give me an idea if the process of reading a will, going through probate and dividing estate etc, is usually a long or quick process in Northern Ireland. Bearing in mind, will was straghtforward, property sold, only few bank accounts to empty. Many thanks

2007-03-18 01:53:37 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Who is responsible? I want names.

2007-03-18 01:51:32 · 11 answers · asked by The Lamb of Vista 3 in Law & Ethics

Why not liberate it?

2007-03-18 01:49:20 · 7 answers · asked by The Lamb of Vista 3 in Law & Ethics

Do you enter DEP and then take the ASVAB or take the ASVAB and then enter DEP?

I ask this because I was wondering if I enter DEP and at some point decide I want to pursue a different Air Force job, can I retake my asvab and see if I qualify for a different job?

2007-03-18 01:47:35 · 4 answers · asked by World Expert 1 in Military

we should tell the american goverment that there is oil in Zimbabwe..?

Or is regime change somehow not necessary there..?

2007-03-18 01:45:53 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

According to my information and the local news ,our electric bill was suppose to go up about 38%. However, my bill has gone up over 100%. Whats the deal. We are getting ripped off or scamed. I tried calling ComEd, but you know the run around they give us. Does any one know the truth? Where can I go to get the actual written % increase rates for Illinois? I've gone to their website and did not fine a number. I want a % number that I can us to determine my actual bill. Help!!!

2007-03-18 01:44:50 · 4 answers · asked by a m 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-03-18 01:43:21 · 19 answers · asked by Kevinrodney D 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

i want to do a court marraige

2007-03-18 01:41:11 · 4 answers · asked by pmb 1 in Law & Ethics

According to my information and the local news ,our electric bill was suppose to go up about 38%. However, my bill has gone up over 100%. Whats the deal. We are getting ripped off or scamed. I tried calling ComEd, but you know the run around they give us. Does any one know the truth? Where can I go to get the actual written % increase rates for Illinois? Help!!!

2007-03-18 01:40:29 · 1 answers · asked by a m 1 in Law & Ethics

the FBI illegal program to scrub the internet has been the
tip of the most invasive, fearful and illegal government of buffoons and liars ever...911 was a god send to the morons.

2007-03-18 01:38:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

fedest.com, questions and answers