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Politics & Government - 18 March 2007

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2007-03-18 03:23:54 · 2 answers · asked by WORD UP G 1 in Politics

2007-03-18 03:22:36 · 2 answers · asked by maskmanmikep@verizon.net 1 in Law & Ethics

What is the official rule about wearing flip flops while wearing the PT uniform? Does it say in the FM anywhere? I don't have time to look it up myself. I'm specifically wondering about wearing flip flops outside but on the same living pad.

2007-03-18 03:22:32 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

What's the difference between a 2404 and a 5988? I don't have the ability to look at the forms right now. I thought a 5988 was for PMCSing but last time I did a PMCS it was on a 2404. Did it change or am I confused or what?

2007-03-18 03:20:27 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Do I as a South African with an Italian wife need a visa to visit
Switzerland and Italy for 10 days, we have been married for 2 years and staying in the UK.

2007-03-18 03:20:22 · 6 answers · asked by xavier 1 in Embassies & Consulates

But India is obsessed with the power and might of China.

2007-03-18 03:20:08 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Do you think that, just maybe, this guy had Methodist sermons beat into his head for years that sounded something like, "If you're not with us, you're against us?"

2007-03-18 03:19:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-03-18 03:15:59 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Or does it seem like none of the candidates, Democratic or Republican are worth voting for at this moment? What are your thoughts? Personally, I don't even care about right or left, I just want someone with some values, who doesn't start rises above the "mud slinging."

2007-03-18 03:13:56 · 15 answers · asked by greenbuddha03 3 in Elections

But they hate Pakistan, even though they won 3 wars against them.

2007-03-18 03:12:41 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

to a low income apt. that's handicapped accessable and she thinks she'll be okay but she's not even bathed herself or made her own sandwhich in 6 years. She can't even comb her own hair! She won't listen to reason and stay where she's at which is comfy money wise and caretacker wise. She wants to leave the nursing hom so she can smoke and drink. The nursing home will be glad to see her gone and the apts. don't care, they just want paid. What the hell are we suppose to do when in 2 months she's laying with her foley screwed up, and she needs to go to another home? The one she's leaving won't take her back because she's caused so much trouble. HELP!

2007-03-18 03:12:15 · 10 answers · asked by jacquie 6 in Law & Ethics

With the election coming up and just to increase my awareness of what's going on around me I've been trying to follow world events and politics more closely. All my life I've been pretty indifferent to this stuff, so now when watching the news or trying to even piece together my opinions on things here and there I'm pretty clueless. Are there are any online resources that offer something of a politics for beginners view towards current events - and maybe a site that explains things not only in terms of today but also how they tie back to previous events? Maybe a site that might not necessarily "dumb it down" a bit, but at least does a good job at documenting and highlighting political events of this decade so I can catch up a bit? I'd really like to be able to catch up and keep up, so any sites you could recommend would be greatly appreciated.

2007-03-18 03:11:33 · 3 answers · asked by wtfroflwafl 1 in Politics

I have just about had it with some people in my neighborhood...The crime involves drugs and the police never seem to get lucky enough to catch them in the act....How does a citizens arrest work? Can I arm myself and confront them?

2007-03-18 03:10:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Just name some if you can-and don't say the lowest unemployment crap there are over 36 million that lost their jobs in the last 5 years yeah maybe they work at McD's now but lost a great paying job to Mexico and China!

2007-03-18 03:09:10 · 14 answers · asked by sally sue 6 in Politics

Let's see, religion is all about being irrational and sticking one's head in the sand in the face of perfectly good evidence. It's about pretending that problems don't exist.
Does that sound like something that may have carried over to other areas of policy?

2007-03-18 03:08:59 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-03-18 03:08:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Do you think the Republicans will run a woman, a Hispanic (Bill Richardson of New Mexico) or a black man in your lifetime? Do you wonder why not? Of Congress members that have links to the KKK, how many do you think are Republican and how many Democrat?
Sure, Colin Powell was around for awhile, but he got out after they framed and abused him to promote the war. Maybe they should rename Condy Rice "Token."
I'm a white male, and I still know a bunch of prejudiced, mysoginistic bigots when I see them.

2007-03-18 03:03:13 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

A friend of mine's mother is very ill and living on her own. Her mother is trying to get fin. aid to help with the next round of surgeries she can't afford but MUST go through to continue through the Parkinson's Disease.
Her mother was turned down due to the truck she owns is higher value than what they agree on (The truck was a gift from the mother's mother so she could get around with something reliable). The rep. slyly mentioned that the mother could "gift" the truck to her daughter and let her mother borrow the truck. The plates, registration and title would be in the daughter's name but the insurance policy would be in the mother's alone.
Is this legal?
Right now, the daughter is upset because her mother is upset and so on. It's a big strain and sadly the daughter get guilted alot - but she wants to make sure this is legal.

(Please don't talk of cheating the system either - her mother is not well and she saw enough illegal people in VERY expensive cars getting fin. help)

2007-03-18 03:02:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics


2007-03-18 03:02:02 · 20 answers · asked by WORD UP G 1 in Immigration

the fundamental rights of citizens have been abused by the successive govts.medical care is, at least, one of the costiliest affair in one's life [ it may be less costly than usabut the care is taken by the admn there]. if one is unable to find two succesive meals to live, how can one pay for the medical exegencies. so why not have right to die than to suffer while living empty sromach and having number of illness.

2007-03-18 03:01:43 · 1 answers · asked by Triumph 3 in Law & Ethics

A number of signatures need to be collected in a petition ( http://getactive.peta.org/campaign/seal_hunt07 ) to stop the barbaric seal pup hunt in Canada, before the hunt begins.
How much time do we have?
Will you please help by signing the letter?

2007-03-18 03:00:57 · 9 answers · asked by M 6 in Law & Ethics


Hey, I was wondering:
Who is it that copyrights music. The FBI? Or are there certain companies, like publishing houses? Or does the music get copyrighted by the studios? Also, for videos + movies, why is there always an FBI warning?

2007-03-18 02:59:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I sure as hell don't. And they will get more of it in the future. If they want to continue to support this jerk after all he as done to drive this country into the ground, they are going to get an ear full.

2007-03-18 02:57:04 · 17 answers · asked by Count Acumen 5 in Politics

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