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Politics & Government - 18 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Without giving up my ability to think independently and look at issues on their merit?

2007-03-18 05:06:26 · 16 answers · asked by Blessed 1 in Politics

Bush has created during his Presidency?

2007-03-18 05:06:24 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


Please tell me that it is point gaming and not the level of intelligence in the military section.

2007-03-18 05:05:53 · 6 answers · asked by Mario Savio 6 in Military

Is the war being fought wrongly...?

Why are American soldiers patrolling any part of Iraq...??

Shouldn't the Iraqi military/security forces be taking a more
active role in patrolling their own country/ASAP....????

7 U.S. troops die in Iraq violence
AP - 57 minutes ago
BAGHDAD - The U.S. military on Sunday announced the deaths of seven more troops in Iraq, including four killed by a roadside bomb while patrolling western Baghdad — the latest American casualties in a monthlong security crackdown in the capital.

LONDON (AFP) - The US commander in Iraq said Sunday that there are "encouraging signs" that a sharp increase in American troops will help quell violence in Iraq, according to a BBC interview.

US President George W. Bush had revealed in January that he was sending 21,500 extra troops into Iraq in the coming months, while the arrival of a further 2,400 was announced in March.

General David Petraeus told the BBC that sectarian attacks had fallen in recent weeks, with two of the five extra US brigades now on the ground in Iraq.

Despite the "encouraging signs," Petraeus cautioned that he did not want to get "overly optimistic at all on the basis of several weeks of a reduced sectarian murder rate," according to the BBC.

Petraeus was quoted as saying: "By early June, we should then have everyone roughly in place -- and that will allow us to establish the density in partnership with Iraqi security forces that you need to really get a good grip on the security situation."

2007-03-18 05:04:24 · 16 answers · asked by marnefirstinfantry 5 in Military

Should we reinstitute the draft so that these keyboard warrior Liberals actually have to fight for their country for a change? Or, would most soldiers not want a Liberal beside them because it puts them at risk due to the Lib's inability to Man-Up and fight?

2007-03-18 05:00:17 · 14 answers · asked by Jessica J 1 in Politics

How does this work??

Do they just take out money at certain times ( like if you have a big chunk in there)?

or do they absolutely close down your bank account , where if you deposit ANYTHING it goes to them?

2007-03-18 04:58:07 · 23 answers · asked by Charles R 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-03-18 04:57:22 · 2 answers · asked by Hot Sauce 2 in Law & Ethics

I've been driving for just over a year and if i accumalate six penalty points on my licence i get automatically banned from driving.


well, six months ago I was stopped at a red light when an ambulance with sirens on needed to get by, I had two options, sit there and wait for the light to turn green or sneak throught the red light and let the poor sod in the ambulance get their treatment quicker!!!

Being the caring soul I am, I choose the latter option.

I got three points and a fine for going through a red light.

However, a couple of days ago (at exactly the same traffic lights weirdly), the exact same scenario occured with an ambulance with sirens on needed to get by.

I cant afford to lose my licence. I'm almost ashamed to say...I waited at the red light and held up the poor sod in the ambulance.

my question is...what has happened to this country when a citizen is punished for helping out a fellow citizen, and what would you have done in my situation???ta

2007-03-18 04:57:08 · 32 answers · asked by jah 2 in Law & Ethics

2 months ago, my former friend's dad got in an accident, in which he was no longer able to work. He was no longer to pay the bills and was 2 months behind. I was nice, so I loan my friend 4000 dollars. He promised he would have payed me once he received his income return. 1 month ago, his friend told me he had received his income return. Right after, I tried to get ahold of him, but to no avail. He never answered my calls or was never home. At that time, I had arranged to pay a deposit and first months rent of an apartment my friends and I were getting. I had 3 days left to pay, but I still couldn't get ahold of him. I found out one day that he told his friend that he was never going to pay me. This is when my 4 friends and I decided to break into his house to at least get some stuff of his. One night, we drove to his house. When we got there, we decided not to do it, so my friend just threw 2 rocks at the windows. On the way out of the neighborhood, we got stopped.

2007-03-18 04:51:54 · 3 answers · asked by Hector R 1 in Law & Ethics

please, serious writers only. my time is valuable and I have no patience for those who waste my disk space with meaningless trivia, or false opinions.

thank you.

2007-03-18 04:51:25 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

The military well the Air force anyways can't speak for the rest of the branches is going into this whole privatize housing kick. Where instead of having base housing which I guess cost the government ex amount of dollars they contract it out to a leasing company which in turn builds a housing communitty for military. They take your BAH (housing allowance) completely as rent which they end up making out in the long run because when you BAH goes up guess what so does your rent. Now they are starting to move Section 8 into the housing community is this right? I think not that kind of crowd will bring in undesirable business (ie drugs)

2007-03-18 04:49:12 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Do you know that the USA has no extradition treaty with the United Arab Emirates, of which Dubai is a part? Aside from tax advantages, is protection from extradition for various criminal acts by corporate executives a motivation for the move?


2007-03-18 04:48:47 · 13 answers · asked by In Honor of Moja 4 in Law & Ethics

and Scream " Get Out Iraq " will anyone in Washington listen??

2007-03-18 04:47:52 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Why aren't we doing that in the United States?We are a family of a great nation,yeh we bicker and argue as most families do,but why cant we stand together against those who want to kill us?

2007-03-18 04:46:28 · 13 answers · asked by jnwmom 4 in Politics

The George Bush is the president with the fewest vetoes of spending bills in more than a century.

Bill Clinton vetoed nearly 100 pork spending bill sent to him by the Republican congress. It was Clinton that finally got us out from under the Nation Debt that Bush the first left behind. Now Bush the second has us right back in it, only deeper.

2007-03-18 04:45:59 · 8 answers · asked by Honest Opinion 5 in Other - Politics & Government

yet old people who probably took there test when crank handles where around can drive, we have this person in our town who is a joke, she can hardly see above the wheel, and swerves
it is so funny its not

these people should be stopped from driving once they reach 70

they cut round abouts pull infront of people and dont know their left from their right

2007-03-18 04:42:44 · 25 answers · asked by indiaalexia 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-03-18 04:42:06 · 10 answers · asked by benakaden 1 in Government

I got sent a letter from a collection agency saying that I owe so much money for student loans.
What will happen if somebody shows up at the door with papers to serve me?

Will I have to respond or will they not be able to do anything other than find a default in court and try to attach my bank account or take something?( not much in there, and dont have anything)

2007-03-18 04:41:47 · 14 answers · asked by Charles R 1 in Law & Ethics

Don't answer if you know anyone employed by Halliburton, please.

2007-03-18 04:40:37 · 21 answers · asked by Sleek 7 in Military

Quick story. There is a debate at my college over a campus-wide smoking ban. Those who disagree with the ban cite their right to consume products as they see fit, and proponents of the smoking band have cited their "right" to not inhale second hand smoking. This is all very confusing.

We are defining rights as "legal justification to do whatever I want" (ie "it's my right to drive 20 over the speed limit, it's a free country").

What are rights, and where do they begin and end? What rights do we have, and what rights do we not have?

2007-03-18 04:38:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Tobacco companies are attempting to get laws restructing cigarette advertising abolished using the argument that these laws restrict their "freedom of speech"

2007-03-18 04:37:10 · 6 answers · asked by just_asking 1 in Law & Ethics

President Geoge W. Bush lives in or on a __________.

2007-03-18 04:36:51 · 13 answers · asked by ☼Scientific Athletic♫ 4 in Politics

i'm about to start reading politics and i'm a little unsure of the difference...

2007-03-18 04:35:33 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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