In 1968 Israel attacked our ship the U,S,S, liberty, they killed about 50 of our men and wounded over 100 more, they admitted it was on purpose, A Israeli Mossad Agent planned and financed the blowing up of the Lockebee plane in scotland,killing a American who they thought was anti semetic, and 180 others, there is evidence they were involved in the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon, killing around 300 of our men,
there is more and more evidence emerging that says they were involved in the W,T,C, bombing, 2 Israeli Zionist gave our Atom bomb secrets to Russia or sold them ? Russia could not have built the bomb with out this info, but, they were executed, "the Rosenburgs", Israel gave our secrets to our silent propeller for our Los Angles class subs, to Russia, then they gave them our secerts on our guided mssiles ( the radar) Russia in turn designed a system to turn back on us any missile we fired,
16 answers
asked by
james w