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Politics & Government - 12 February 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

This is a randoma nd maybe a silly question, but in the movie "Phone Booth," when Stu calls the police, but can't talk directly to him, they hang up. If one were in a situation where he couldn't talk on the phone to the police, but only dialed him, would they still come out to help or just not come? And they can track a cell phone call, true?


2007-02-12 10:16:41 · 14 answers · asked by Eric 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

For extra credit in my political science class, I'm trying to find the statistics for the top ways in which people are murdered in America. I believe gunfire is #1. Also, how many children are killed by accidental gunfire (such as when playing with a gun). A third part of my question is which states that allow concealed weapons require classes on how to use such weapons.

Thanks for your help, and I will need online references, so please source your answers.

2007-02-12 10:14:39 · 3 answers · asked by Eric 2 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-02-12 10:12:06 · 11 answers · asked by Rachel 410 2 in Government

2007-02-12 10:11:35 · 14 answers · asked by Rachel 410 2 in Government

How come during the so-called "peace" years of the 1990s we had dozens of terrorist attacks on US interests, but after 9/11 we went to war and there have been no new attacks on US soil since?

So much for your "non-violence" theories

2007-02-12 10:11:33 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

i know this is a weird question but i hear people calling them birds is that ok to do?

2007-02-12 10:10:55 · 6 answers · asked by amfr 2 in Military

Obviously, this would require new governance for all countires as the existing ones care NOTHING of their people. So, if all peoples from the U.S./Mexico border to the Panama canal agreed to "replace" all governments with a decent, pro-education, one-child, policy, how many white Americans would volunteer to fight?

Our government wouldn't be able to "officially" involve itself, given Iraq and what may soon come of Iran and N. Korea. So, our foundations would be the most powerful contributors in the world: voluntary donations of United States, private entities and idividuals.

These are our neighboring nations. Illegal immigration will destroy this country and wouldn't even exist if not for the failed economic policies of those countries.

So, I, for one, would be quick to put my life on the line to nip this 'downward spiral' in the bud. It'd be a worthy cause.

Who among you would sign on?

2007-02-12 10:10:34 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

2007-02-12 10:10:22 · 7 answers · asked by boricua_lilly 3 in Politics

name I ARRET I on it?
modern day miracle since most beleived God exist before them. but on scholar said the WORD exist before God and then God came into existance. And every single monarch in the world considered that a threat to their regimes. And the very WORD (when spelled with times new roman font) became God because His name TODD was decreed to be in WORD.
and to real non-beleivers your excuse is the original bible was not in english. so if english is incorrect then it means the universality said to be contained within the bible is a lie.
but these 10 dieties all seem to pertain to Me in some way:
H=God=God of WAR=God named within WAR=Real God=Angel of Death=Angel named within Death=Dead Human=cutoff

thus souvenier searcher can scour winnipeg and calgary newspapers for My obituary circa 1992-95 because some one put it in their even though i still walk the earth. And in times new roman font /ARi TA-D in name in WAR so when the Lamb SLAIN(=Larrib SIL A I IV) get into a WAR it appears to b Me. as TAED(pronounced TODD) is within DEATH.

and perhaps this is the reason they say i am cutoff
f=false god=loser=rebel=don=police=hel... angels

those matematical equation are based upon visual math
ex. God=G+0+D=7+15+4=26=2+6=8=H

winner=b=a DI stitched together (or sealed together but i don't have time to double check.

How's that for validating a writter who said the NAZIS said their was no God, yes the NAZIS were correct at the time of WW2 because I hadn't been born yet. and if bible translations are correct when Hi is pronounce High and L is pronounced el and Lary is pronounced LARRY then the biblically compliant name of "HILLARY" is pronounced HEIL LARRY. And the only reason Germany was said to lose that WAR was because God wanted to Win the world for His People personally.


Allah has Iari within it,
BOG could show CuTODD
DIO could show its IIII I . (D=IIII)
DIEU could show IIII I [iL U (E=[iL)
DIOS could show its IIII I . S\\(S\\=Sil)
DEUS could show its IIII I=US\\
God could show its CuTnucil also CuTod
GOTT could show its CuTnuTiT
SHANGDI could show its S\\HANCuTIIII I
I77I77 (ie Hebrew word for God) could show his birthdate of I7

so basically 10 languages WORD for GOD all appear to describe one single Man. those 1o nations are arabia, poland, italy,frence, spain, portugal, england, germany, china, israel.

thus i conclude saying God appears to be a name pronounced LARRY TODD with a seal appearing IIII I . And when bible said all things to glorify LORD GOD it must have meant it because every one of those 10 words for the supreme being appear to be about Me. so I AM says I AIVI sealed together is the God who equals God Most High because both sum up to H. So it wasn't GodJehovah who put a 1000 year seal(M) on Satan, it was God MOST High

2007-02-12 10:09:36 · 5 answers · asked by I AM=iam 1 in Military

Before U.S. women were polluted with the equal rights lie, the U.S., under the control of U.S. white men, had a minimum of crime, children were raised from birth to be respectful to their elders, and Patriotic to their nation. U.S. white men kept perversions away from their children, and all of society. Because of good character of the U.S. white men, the U.S. was respected around the earth. What do we have now with U.S. women in charge? The U.S. women, naturally, tear down all good that their superior men did for the good of America, for one thing. For another, worth less (naturally) U.S. women stopped participating in their God-given abilities supporting their superior husbands, and taking care of their superior husband's children, and giving birth to more children. The effect? The U.S. is dieing from a lack of children. The effect? We do not have enough people to fight for our protection. And children the U.S. does have are now bastards bcause of their pervert moms. UDCIDE?

2007-02-12 10:09:18 · 3 answers · asked by opendoorforpatriarchs 1 in Politics

If these road tax charges go through, it will make the poll tax riot's seem like a school ground scrap. Are the government stupid enough to think we'll just accept and pay for anything they say?
As if we road users dont get burdend enough with all the other charges we have to fork out. If it carry's on the way it is, the only people who will be able to afford to drive will be lottery winners.
What next?
Pedestrian charges for walking on the pavements????

2007-02-12 10:09:10 · 14 answers · asked by trickyrick32 4 in Law & Ethics

to think about the fact that Bush has sent them on a meaningless mission that doesnt really have anything to do with Americas security (in the case of Iraq) is too much to bear?

Im serious here, I just think its too hard for families to take that their relatives may have died in vain, so in turn they convince themselves this is a legitimate war.

2007-02-12 10:08:47 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

what are these i know about republicans and democrats and the green party but now about these what are there purposes and roles in the political function and why are some of them hated

2007-02-12 10:07:43 · 5 answers · asked by ? 2 in Politics

Prosecution and Imprisonment of Border Patrol Agents? This contains 3 different letters. It will take a few minutes to read.
The prison assault against Agent Ramos is not simply “regrettable” – it is intolerable. BOP is well aware of the inherent risks that federal agents always face when they are themselves sent to prison, and must interact with inmates who may have committed crimes they used to prosecute. And if Yazoo City prison officials allowed its inmate population to see a TV news story that highlighted Mr. Ramos’ case, I do not understand why they were not extra vigilant to ensure Agent Ramos’ safety.

I find these circumstances disturbing, and therefore ask that you provide me with the following information:

Please describe all of the circumstances behind the recent assault against Agent Ramos while in federal custody, including any efforts undertaken to ensure Agent Ramos’ safety.
Please describe and provide all documents relating to the basis for his security classification, his placement at Yazoo City FCC, whether he is in Yazoo’s Low or Medium security facility, and BOP’s rationale and risk-based findings that led to his designation there.
Please describe any warnings and opportunities given to Agent Ramos to accept protective custody, explain whether after his initial refusal he was given any opportunity to reconsider protective custody once incarcerated and aware of added risks, and any security measures taken in recognition of his status as a former federal agent even in the absence of his placement in protective custody.
Please provide copies of any documents relating to the investigation of this incident, including all witness statements, summaries of witness interviews, and any conclusions or reports.
I have asked the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee to investigate this matter, and I therefore ask that you provide me with this requested information as expeditiously as possible.

2007-02-12 10:06:40 · 4 answers · asked by Zoe 3 in Immigration

You would still be getting something in return; it isn't free. Does it constitute generosity?

2007-02-12 10:05:54 · 9 answers · asked by silverleaf90210 3 in Law & Ethics

If the offense is committed in Minnesota and it is in excess of 1000 over a period months. What would be the appropriate disposition in this case?

2007-02-12 10:05:14 · 5 answers · asked by hrmmm 1 in Law & Ethics

We've addressed the facts issue - Libs just make up their own - but this finally gets to the "why" -

Everyone other than a Libertarian divides human endeavor and activity into two areas, one in which he "believes that the government has an interest in intervening" and one in which he "believes that the government has no business intervening."

Can we drop the pretense here?

There are certain things you'd like to do, your friends would like to do, or that you don't personally disapprove of. Those things, particularly the things you want to do, you "believe the government has no business regulating."

Then you have some societal ideals - things you'd like to see society as a whole do but that individuals aren't voluntarily doing. In those areas you "believe the government has an interest in intervening."

Can you admit that this is all subjective, a matter of preferences, and that you'd like the freedom to pursue your own but also to impose yours upon the rest of us?

2007-02-12 10:04:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-02-12 10:04:54 · 1 answers · asked by texasgirl_nascar.freak 1 in Law & Ethics

in terms of financing, policy, etc...

2007-02-12 10:03:35 · 5 answers · asked by OnlyStL 2 in Other - Politics & Government

maybe not the reactors but internation power lines like the one in Manitoba-North Dakota and eventually they should not charge for it once built.

2007-02-12 10:03:10 · 7 answers · asked by I AM=iam 1 in Military

is it:

when will we impeach bush?

why are conservatives so racist?

dont you just hate white people?

basically these all annoy me but what is asked most?

2007-02-12 10:03:10 · 5 answers · asked by Greshymn 3 in Politics


He says that the US voters are not upset by the US troops being in Iraq.
He also says that there should be no set date to deem that Bush's troop surge is success of failure because the insurgents will just lay back and wait for us to leave.

Every time the US talks about a troop increase, the violence in Iraq increases, not decreases. I think that he has gone coo coo for cocoa puffs.

2007-02-12 10:02:26 · 7 answers · asked by ♥ Cassie ♥ 5 in Politics

In this wknds Parade magazine King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia is ranked the 5th worst dictator on earth, ranking ahead of Mugabe, Qaddafi, and Al-Assad.

The Saudis are the best friends of the Bush clan and not long ago George was filmed walking hand-in-hand with one of the princes. And this past Thanskgiving the Saudis SUMMONED Cheney, and he got on the plane just like a good little puppy.

So if George is bent on bringing Democracy to Iraq, how does he rationalize the love of a horrible despot?

2007-02-12 10:01:26 · 13 answers · asked by bettysdad 5 in Other - Politics & Government

In order to balance the budget our fearless leader wants to cut medical care for veterans. Veterans are the ones who at one time, put their fannies on the line for all of us. He is so big and bad in the current situation but what about the past? Even Iraq war vets will have less medical care under the Bush plan. That is a real nice way to thank our vets, George, real nice.

2007-02-12 10:01:22 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

and we are planning our Feb 2008 wedding. I am afraid to plan anything and put deposits down due to the fact that he can be deployed at any time between now and july 2008. I am panicing b/c i only have a year to plan our wedding. If he is deployed, he will not be able to come home for the wedding. I don't know what to do!! Please help! I am also wondering if anyone knows how likely it is for him to be deployed. Are his chances good? He is a light-wheeled vehicle mechanic if that helps. thanks is advance for your help.

2007-02-12 10:00:37 · 12 answers · asked by cutie_1016 2 in Military

2007-02-12 09:59:48 · 17 answers · asked by Jerry 6 in Politics

The responses from liberals and conservatives here seem unreasonable from both sides. Liberals seem to think it's possible to have your cake and eat it too. While conservatives seem to believe a person can succeed in America with little if any outside help.
Both notions are wrong in my opinion.
Placing opportunity in front of those who can grasp it and succeed is what builts a strong America. Tax dollars spent on educating our youth at all levels pays back the economy tenfold. Entitlements to the poor doesn't eliminate poverty, opportunity does.
Tax dollars spent on backing small business loans creates more jobs, raising minimum wage doesn't.
Has this socialist/free enterprise debate caused most people to lose focus on what makes America stronger and more competitive in the global economy?

2007-02-12 09:59:09 · 9 answers · asked by .... . .-.. .-.. --- 4 in Politics

Why do the dem's want it both ways. They say the planet is getting warmer... if that is true the cost to heat your house would go down. That would help out the poor. So why are they complaining so much?

2007-02-12 09:58:51 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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