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Politics & Government - 10 February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government

Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2007-02-10 21:52:34 · 32 answers · asked by Wity 2 in Military

Is mentioning the words 'katrina' , Vietnam , Iraq , quagmire , afgan , etc insulting?? One of my question was ( "where I can watch the videos of iraqis shooting down US copters " - thankfully from the answers I got , I was able to watch it on youtube - otherwise this is not shown on TV while everything else is there to watch , like Saddam's murder etc. ) removed for 'insulting the community' . I would like to know who complained just for the sake of studying their manners in their questions and answers. So that I could learn to be much more polite in forums like this. Oh well , I was cursed , name called etc for that question by some of the answering people who did not answer the question anyway. I am thankful to Yahoo for providing me a chance to give feedback for the removal. I will not bother to do that because anyway I got my question answered . Some of you might have seen that question and you know the truth . Compared to some others I feel like a saint!!

2007-02-10 21:46:53 · 7 answers · asked by jaco 3 in Military


What are your thoughts on Senator Obama Barack joining in the presidential race (2008)?

2007-02-10 21:40:56 · 12 answers · asked by ? 3 in Elections

Also who do you think will be the next President Of The United States?

2007-02-10 21:39:54 · 22 answers · asked by Siu02rk 3 in Government

Will he win the next election? (this year)

2007-02-10 21:39:44 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

other countries don't accept what we do? All these foreigners choking us and pushing it down our throats? Why are we not standing up for our own beliefs and culture? Why all these put downs and heavy loads we face? For God's sake we work 24/7 over here to give those cheap politicians a salary to keep it together and they reward these foreigners with our money and now we have our children over in a war getting killed for their mess they got us into! Why should we have to tolerate any of this crap! Maybe we don't want these people in our lives? So what is this Good Semaritin thing? That I can't stand to hear from these idiots that keep saying this crap about how we Americans are suppose to accept all? No way! Speak for yourselves and when your kids get killed by these fanatics then come back and tell us how sad you are for accepting the monsters here to begin with?
I won't shed a tear for any of them, will you?

2007-02-10 21:35:50 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2007-02-10 21:35:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Indian Muslims should understand the need to integrate in to the mainstream. They have to realise that, we are a nation of 1.2 billon people with more than 180+ million Muslims. Indian Muslims were brain washed by mullahs that a lot of oil rich wealthy Muslim nations are eagerly waiting to embrace them and shower them with gold and diamonds. They have to wakeup and look around to see the dismal human rights record of 56 Islamic nations who have successfully branded Islam as the most hated religion in the world. I have seen a lot of Muslims migrating to western countries for a better life abandoning their Islamic nation and i have never heard of any one migrating to a Muslim nation for a better life and Muslim countries don't even have any such immigration and naturalisation policy in the first place. What a shame?.

Stop talking about your ultimate truth "Islam" and try to understand the real truth. Personally, i believe that religion is the source of all evils against humanity.

2007-02-10 21:27:04 · 6 answers · asked by indiananytime 2 in Politics

Out of Sadaam Hussein and George Bush who is better of two evils.

2007-02-10 21:16:13 · 8 answers · asked by IzzieB 3 in Government

A lot of them say thathe couldn't be any worse than Bush, even though he's a clown!?

2007-02-10 21:07:19 · 8 answers · asked by FaceFullofFashion 6 in Politics

Bomb us back to the stone age.

2007-02-10 21:07:00 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Bush's speech on immigration (wonder why it has been such a big focus issue in the news lately) to discuss the need for quote a "BIOMETRIC TECHNOLOGIC...TECHNOLOGY" for 20 million immigrants. His administration is pushing for human implantable microchips for immigration, to protect us from "terror". Applied Digital Solutions the company that manufactures Verichip openly endorses implanting babies, the elderly, businessmen etc. They stand to make MILLION$ chipping Americans like animals! Presidential speech given on 6-6-6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82L3qU33CwY
http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/10/images/20031029-1_p35207-07-250h.jpg http://www.verichipcorp.com/
Please wake up America do what is right for your family not politicians corporate paymasters or the blood of your childern will be on your hands as well as the Mark of the Beast!
Revelation 13:16-18

2007-02-10 21:06:23 · 6 answers · asked by RON PAUL for President 2008 2 in Government

And the Russians are the Romulans, and the Vulcans are the Chinese?

2007-02-10 21:06:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

our society? Are they going to be the nemesis of all religious beliefs? Some believe that Mohammed is the false prophet that the Judeo/Christian Bible talks about in Revelations?
Are we willing to accept them as a fellow American when they clearly have stated we are the Infidel and to kill us? Really folks tell the truth? Please answer truthfully Americans?

2007-02-10 21:00:36 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

...admit to a bit of ganja puffing. It happened while he was at school (aka...a long time ago), so is he getting it off his chest so the Sun/Mirror/Mail don't turn up with it now and then, as they are wont to do, or is this his way of impressing people who think politics are for 'the other people'...as well as the long supporting Labour voters who have had enough of Mr.Blair, and are wary of Gordon Brown?

2007-02-10 21:00:22 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

today me and my friends at age 15&16 went out to eat at jack in the box at 2:30 in the morning.
the driver (16yrs. old) was circling mc donnalds.
he has a drivers id and all that but it wasnt on him at the time.
storyy short...
the cops pulled us over and made us call our parents to come pick us all up.
me being under and all age and it's "pass my bedtime" ....
what's the worse that can happend?
im already at home.. but are they going to send me a fine or a ticket??

oh and what is it called when your taken away from your parents??
ups?? iss??

2007-02-10 20:59:02 · 4 answers · asked by Jessica. 2 in Law & Ethics

This is something suggested even by the Serbian Liberals who got over 5% of votes during the recent elections in Serbia. Wouldn't that lead to sooner improvement of the situation in this part of the world?

2007-02-10 20:55:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

It has been suggested that by 2010 Canada will be in possession of the largest reserves in two of the worlds most precious natural resources. Fresh water and Oil (Alberta Oil Sands)

Will this change how your countries politics and its outlook on the enviroment.

2007-02-10 20:54:43 · 4 answers · asked by Cherry_Blossom 5 in Politics

With all Labooors talk about encouraging social mobility in the UK, has any one noticed that its really going on - DOWNWARDS.

I feel that for many of us who have studied and worked hard from ordinary backgrounds and "come off the shop floor", we are punished with massive taxation and drops in living standards if we happen to put our meagre money int our house rather than drinking it and going on holiday.

It seems to me that I would have been better off being single and having lots of kids and just sat on my rear. Why does Labooor (and lets be honest the Tories were similar) hate hard working honest people.

Iam not especially political and realise change can be a good thing but this government has treated many very very shabilly whilst it pursues its soviet style social engineering agenda.

No wonder we are leaving in droves.

Any way, educate me in case I've got it wrong and I am slipping in to a kind of middle england paranoia. I would really value your honest opinion

2007-02-10 20:47:48 · 5 answers · asked by I loathe YH answers 3 in Government

Would Bush start a war or cause a bigger terrorist attack in the US, so he can stay in power after his term is legally up?

2007-02-10 20:47:22 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I met a police man and he asked for my number. I just gave my number to him and after talking to him on the phone for 8 times he told me today that he really wants to kiss me and massage my back. I was shocked and changed the subject because I thought we were only friends. I'm not happy with his calls anymore. What should I tell him?

2007-02-10 20:45:26 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I've asked this before, but yay/nay?

2007-02-10 20:45:07 · 28 answers · asked by gokart121 6 in Immigration

Iran, Russian, Iraq, Venezuela, Syria, Korea and more.

Would it end in the world war Bush is pushing for???????????

No matter who wins, if nuclear bombs are used we all lose.

2007-02-10 20:43:21 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

my daughter was molested by her dad, my ex. after interviewing my daughter, a deputy determined that the crime committed against her fell under penal code 288. he has 2 prior felonies, if convicted, will he ever come out? i hope not. i live in california, what happens to people like him here?

2007-02-10 20:42:00 · 3 answers · asked by lady 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

Im looking for Battle Swords, Axes, Clubs, anything that is really old and Was actually used in battle? Where can you buy these?

2007-02-10 20:40:57 · 3 answers · asked by fastfreedombailbonds 4 in Military

Today at the Georgia State Capital we had "Family Day". The average working stiff can go and talk about the issues affecting the family because of our state government policies and procedures.

One hot topic was health care insurance for the poor. Medicaid Peachcare, insurance for the working poor's children (statistically most of the poor work here in Georgia) is going to fall so short-funded, that the state wants to cut 100,000 to 150,000 CHILDREN off the program and stop all new enrollment (approx. 150,000-200,000 are eligible but not enrolled) to save money and bring Medicaid into budget. This is "necessary" because the Federal USA government is declining to fund the difference.

However, one of the issues on the table is that the state of Georgia has decided to spend several Million dollars building Boat Ramps for Fishing to attract better tourism. Yea, you got it ... it's "The Trickle Down Effect". Because Tourism dollars improves any economy.

2007-02-10 20:32:16 · 9 answers · asked by ... 7 in Government

Are they powerful?terrorist?make a comparison between Iran and USA

2007-02-10 20:30:07 · 9 answers · asked by shshram k 1 in Military

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