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Politics & Government - 5 February 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2007-02-05 05:38:41 · 13 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5 in Politics

or is this out of the government's hands?

2007-02-05 05:36:22 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Do you think an employee of the Education Department (IT) who continually works (4 years) in an unsafe and arogant manner and performs substandard work be sacked. Should the Dept be accountable and liable for not following through with disciplanary action for such behaviour even after reports have been made regarding the work and safety standards??

I have had to resign my position due to concern for the safety of myself, collegues and students have gone ignored.

2007-02-05 05:35:22 · 5 answers · asked by scorpiosa70 2 in Law & Ethics

I have had them do it to me & have seen them right on someone's bumper like they are trying to make them screw up to pull them over. I belive there is a law that states you must be 1 or 2 car lengths apart from another vehicle.

2007-02-05 05:34:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I have to support this side in a highschool debate and i cant find a good website. Please if you know anything that might help i would be very greatful.

2007-02-05 05:34:28 · 5 answers · asked by M.B. 1 in Military

The rich tend to have fewer kids than the rest of us - yet the number and proportion of the country that IS rich is growing. That has to mean that middle class people are becoming rich. Not all of them but more than was the case a generation ago and even a decade ago.

Every income level is better off than either a decade or a generation ago, and for most of us these levels are weigh stations, not a permanent status.

So most of us are moving up, albeit at different rates. Hardly anyone is moving down.

Isn't that better than the alternative?


2007-02-05 05:34:20 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Why demand a higher standard for Ted Kennedy than we apply to Laura Bush?


2007-02-05 05:34:17 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Someone's ex-girlfriend refused to leave the man she was with. The man pointed a gun at them and told them to pray-he was going to shoot. The gun went off and the bullet hit the mans ex-girlfriend's handbag and dress. The man who was not injured, said that he had no fear during the experience. Was the ex-boyfriend guilty of assault and battery against his ex-girlfriend and the man she was with? WHY?

2007-02-05 05:34:09 · 8 answers · asked by circusgirl322 1 in Law & Ethics

(if it makes a difference this is for colorado)........i just need to ask some questions but i am not using a lawyer for my divorce...so are there any that offer you free lawyer advice? Thanks....Serious Answers Only PLEASE

2007-02-05 05:33:47 · 1 answers · asked by partyhardi 1 in Law & Ethics

they have to be animal names

2007-02-05 05:33:28 · 3 answers · asked by kerrie c 1 in Military

We've got stopped for a taillight being out and then he said our load was over weight, they write us up for speeding 45 in a 25MPH. Which wasn't true for we had just made a left hand turn, going uphill and in a 1 ton Dually with a 1/2 a load of metal for scrap. It is impossible to go 45 after you straighten this vehicle out from the turn. It ended up us having to go to court with proof we were not overweight (picture of the load proved that as well as weigh in sheet.) Proof that all lights worked-signed papers from 4 witnesses. Plus we had to take time off work and waste courts time. If they stop you for something that reason should be on the ticket. I wonder how many others are stopped for some reason that isn't true? It's like they go through a list until they find one you can't fight on the spot. Thanks to all the people who had picture taking ability on your phones. Pictures tell a story.
Cops should quit stopping people that have no legitimate reason to be stopped.

2007-02-05 05:29:52 · 6 answers · asked by sandy 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

He was giving a talk in Totnes, Devon last evening. He conveyed his experiece with us, and told how he was the "only" witness to give evidence to the 9/11 comission "behind closed doors"
No press or cameras were allowed. He told us he was in level "B2" (basement) when there was an extremely violent explosion from a lower basement level. (before the aircraft hit the building) He told the comission that there were a further 22 witnesses that could confirm this. The comission refused to allow them to give evidence, and their final report completely ignore his evidence.

My question is WHY?

2007-02-05 05:28:53 · 7 answers · asked by researcher 3 in Government

I first leaned of his case when I heard the author of Heather Has 5 Husbands on the radio. I find it shocking a yound man is in jail for 10 years because he had consensual relation with a classmate.

2007-02-05 05:26:04 · 2 answers · asked by NewJerseyTikiDude 1 in Law & Ethics

If George W Bush is so criticezed, it's probably that he was elected again through corruption,isn't it?.Here in Brazil, although there is very corruption unfortunatelity, it's pratically impossible to happen it during the elections! because since 2000 we use a type of eletronic ballot box.It's easier to vote and more security the poll.For more information enter in: beirut.indymedia.org/ar/2006/10/5741.shtml - 15k
www.binghamtonpmc.org/new swire/display/50/index.php
or search in the google the expressions:"brazil""eletronic ballot box"

2007-02-05 05:24:11 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

North Carolina has a state law that says all used toilert paper must be put in the toilet and flushed. Well duh.

Another law they have is that in order for me to have an NC drivers license, I have to have insurance even though I don't own a car.

What's the weirdest/strangest laws you've ever heard of?

2007-02-05 05:23:15 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Paid women to have more children and NOT be married.

Having a baby lost it's "stigma" and became common to where some people think it's NORMAL.

2007-02-05 05:22:57 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

If George W Bush is so criticezed, it's probably that he was elected again through corruption,isn't it?.Here in Brazil, although there is very corruption unfortunatelity, it's pratically impossible to happen it during the elections! because since 2000 we use a type of eletronic ballot box.It's easier to vote and more security the poll.For more information enter in: beirut.indymedia.org/ar/2006/10/5741.shtml - 15k
www.binghamtonpmc.org/new swire/display/50/index.php
or search in the google the expressions:"brazil""eletronic ballot box"

2007-02-05 05:21:49 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

2007-02-05 05:21:06 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I got called for Jury Duty in my new state where I live now, and I have an outstanding misdemeanor warrant in the state where I used to live. Will this come up in jury duty?

2007-02-05 05:20:54 · 9 answers · asked by Jeff W 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I'm 19 yrs old..In april im going on a cruise to mexico..someone told me the legal drinking age on the ship is 18, is that true? I know there I can drink while in mexico, but what about actually on the ship?

2007-02-05 05:20:16 · 23 answers · asked by KB 2 in Law & Ethics

what legal actions can i take if my water is'nt restored soon

2007-02-05 05:19:32 · 6 answers · asked by bigmike 1 in Law & Ethics

pakistan & india was one but now there is diputes all over india & pakistan

2007-02-05 05:17:25 · 9 answers · asked by palash 1 in Other - Politics & Government

If Hypothetically, i was to open a members only club, of some description, would it be legal to have a background check done on them, to find out there employer, finances, and criminal record?

2007-02-05 05:17:16 · 6 answers · asked by kinglee28 2 in Law & Ethics

Police officers were called to break up an unruly group of people notices a bulge resembling a gun inside a mans jacket. The officer detains the man, frisks him, and finds out that it was a camcorder. Did this officer violate the mans rights by frisking him? What legal issues are involved here? PLEASE HELP

2007-02-05 05:17:06 · 10 answers · asked by circusgirl322 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

How many times have you heard someone talk about SS benefits and it not being around when we reach our "Golden Years"? Iv'e come up with a few thoughts towards our future and that of our SS benefits. Say you are not married, no family, or anything of that nature, and you pass on prior to your benefits being able to be used. Where does that money go? With that thought in mind, why doesn't our Government allows us an option to take care of our own future with our money. One idea was, what would be the big deal if we were able to take a portion of our Social Security each year and invest it on our own. We all get a statement of what our benefits will be when we are ready to retire, seeing how it is our money, we should be able to fill out a form and say, Id like to take "X" amount of % from my SS . You might be lessing your benefits from SS, but at least you have a chance to see your SS money closer to you and its security. Just a thought.

2007-02-05 05:17:00 · 5 answers · asked by ? 3 in Government

ICM polling in october of 2006 shows bush feared by most people more than the current leader in N korea and almost as much as Osama Bin laden.
Here is the main site for ICM research and polls
It is a survey conducted by britain for varies newspaper companies in British.
The survey done and the results
A article printed by the guardian in britian regarding the survey
The ICM polls conducts research and surveys for : The Guardian, News of the world, The scotsman, Sunday telegraph. All huge newspaper companies in Britian.
Only Osama is feared more in Britian every other allied countries citizens mostly considers Bush a greater threat to world peace. This is what happens when we go against the UN and invade Iraq against the worlds will

2007-02-05 05:16:10 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I want to know the root cause please no glib answers.

2007-02-05 05:15:42 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

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