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Politics & Government - 2 February 2007

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the drivers's license exams in as many as 30 languages? Do you agree with this or disagree?

2007-02-02 07:01:04 · 12 answers · asked by Sparkles 7 in Law & Ethics

There are so many anti-liberal, anti-conservative, democratic, republican insults, debates and arguments. As Americans do we all want the same thing? Is the difference in how we think we can achieve the goals? Is the political hatred really going to accomplish anything except leaving us weak to other countries and terrorist?

2007-02-02 07:00:27 · 32 answers · asked by paula0005 2 in Politics

I am thinking of dating a guy he's 26 and a soldier in Iraq. I am 18 and a soldier. We met at drills. Do you think its a good idea?

2007-02-02 06:59:20 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Patrick Lynch, the president of the New York City Patrolmens Benevolent Association, says that New York Police Deparment starting salaries are too low. Police officers start out at $ 25,000 a year and the top salary is $ 54,000. Do you agree that those salaries are too low, considering how expensive New York City's cost of living is?

2007-02-02 06:54:58 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

My son has a LONG medical history. We have had to move a few times and change Dr.s. Well I am trying to get ALL the Dr.s names so I can have ALL the information sent to one place and review it myself to look for patterns in his health and his current Dr is telling me that I can not look at what the other doctors send him because of HIPAA laws. I can not go to each office, as I am no longer in that area. I read the HIPAA rules and they do not say anything of the kind. Any advice on how I can get my hands on those records. I have both physical and legal custody of my son so why would I be denied the records? All I am looking for is dates, what was wrong, meds prescribed, Dr.s referred to, height and weight. I don't care about anything else in the records. Please help!

2007-02-02 06:54:45 · 3 answers · asked by Diana W 2 in Law & Ethics

G.W. Bush trying to make it on The Apprentice where perfomance is the bench mark, would Donald Trump become hoarse repeating "your fired!" to G.W.Bush over the past 6 years?

2007-02-02 06:53:46 · 11 answers · asked by edubya 5 in Politics

Kerry: "into an American citizen immediately, not waiting."

John Kerry: "I want to say immediately that anyone who has been in this country for five or six years, who's paid their taxes, who has stayed out of trouble ought to be able to translate into an American citizen immediately, not waiting"

Online NewsHour: Democratic Debate Part V: Immigration and Migrant

2007-02-02 06:52:43 · 22 answers · asked by a bush family member 7 in Politics

If the evidence to support man made global warming is so convincing and accurate, then why do the proponents of this theory attack every attempt at critical review of their models so vociferiously?Surely if they can prove their findings there is nothing to fear from outside scientists who seek to discredit their findings because in the end the facts will speak for themselves? Science is now and always has been about answering questions and scientific theories are revised often as new evidence becomes available, but there can be no honesty in science if one side is going to declare themselves to have the only right answer and then attempt to stifle all other debate.

Before you start ranting on this. Let me just say I do support conservation, alternative energy sources, pollution control and other enviromental efforts. However, the global warming debate is about money and control, not saving the environment.

2007-02-02 06:51:50 · 12 answers · asked by Bryan 7 in Other - Politics & Government

And Which group must approve of this choice by a 2/3 vote?

2007-02-02 06:51:36 · 8 answers · asked by Fox 2 in Government

In any circumstance would a " Secret Court " be okay?

2007-02-02 06:50:56 · 11 answers · asked by The Angry Stick Man 6 in Government

Some police departments unofficially require officers to write a certain number of tickets every month. What about your department? Do you have a ticket quota? And what happens if you don't meet your quota?

2007-02-02 06:50:48 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

In a "free" society, shouldn't we have the right to smoke marijuana if we chose to do it, and we aren't harming anyone else?

2007-02-02 06:50:47 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Are liberals so ashamed of their warped values and general unpopularity that they have decided to abandon the tradtional term in favor of a new label so the uninformed won't know what they are?

I'm a proud Conservative, and will happily tell anyone who happens to ask. If the day ever comes when I feel the need to hide that fact, it's time to re-examine my political philosophy. I guess our friends on the left aren't quite that intellectually honest.

2007-02-02 06:48:47 · 13 answers · asked by Rick N 5 in Politics

I had an argument with my roommate last night on the above question. I say it is, she says (and has lived in the Valley all her life) Van Nuys as well as places like North Hollywood and Valley Village are their own cities with their own goverment. I say not, and would like to prove to her that Van Nuys is just an address and a district or neighborhood but is in fact not its own city.

2007-02-02 06:48:05 · 5 answers · asked by Christopher H 1 in Law & Ethics

through the Equal Opportunity Commission (EEOC), to be able to prosecute and punish businesses that require employees to speak English at the workplace?

2007-02-02 06:46:48 · 11 answers · asked by Sparkles 7 in Law & Ethics

the auto industry is the top complainer...and they seemed to have put themselves out of work, thanks to their stupidity

2007-02-02 06:45:59 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-02-02 06:44:33 · 16 answers · asked by Giggly Giraffe 7 in Law & Ethics


2007-02-02 06:42:31 · 8 answers · asked by BushSupporter 2 in Politics

Im suing my landlord because i had broke my arm...because of his negligence. Could he evict me and my family because of that!?...and cant any landlord evict his or her tenants for no reason?

2007-02-02 06:42:15 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

The other day I recieved a speeding ticket for going 40 mph in a 25. With out a doubt, I deserved the ticket. But here is my delima: The speeding took place at 3:48 PM. But when the cop filled out the ticket, he put that it happened at 3:48 AM. Should I plead innocent because of the error, or would this not hold up in court? Thanks in advance for the help.

2007-02-02 06:41:14 · 13 answers · asked by phatpeso 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

Ex-roommate deposted a deposit check from an apartment that we had together without my signature. I've contacted his bank and they aren't willing to do anything about it, because I don't have an account with the bank (Wells Fargo) The only way my ex-roommate could have deposted the check is by signing my name or the bank screwed up. Who should I contact?

2007-02-02 06:39:29 · 9 answers · asked by Need Some Information 1 in Law & Ethics

I am not talking about false intel, I am talking about outright lies.
Please back up your answers.

2007-02-02 06:39:25 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

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