I realize a president must cater to the Zionist while in his first term,or he will not be reelected, but, since Bush could not run a third term don't you think he should have told Israel to shove it and get off their high horse and do as the U,N, and the world has asked, instead of protecting them unconditionally, how can we expect the world to like us or respect us when we condone them killing women, children , the one incident where the 12 year old boy was killed and his dad wounded should be enought to make anyones heart break, they were no where near the kids throwing rocks, yet they were killed by four 50 cal, machine gun fire froma the Isreali tank and how can any one justify killing these kids because they threw rocks at a Israeli tank , they couldn't possible did any harm to the tank or the people inside, but, Israel has committed so many instances of murder I guess they think one more won't even count, but, this time it was filmed, when will the American people say enough?
20 answers
asked by
james w