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Politics & Government - 18 December 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

i hate cops and laws and the rest of the sh*t that the government adds to life.

2006-12-18 02:14:49 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Bush senior didn't command an invasion of Iraq for a very good reason. Why didn't Bush jr. just ask his dad about Iraq instead of twisting intelligence to suit the justification of the war? Now Bush jr. will go down in history as the worst president in U.S. history all because he didn't ask his dad why he didn't invade Iraq.

2006-12-18 02:14:28 · 14 answers · asked by Dan 3 in Politics

They obviously don't know how to use it properly-Emily and her bl*oody suffragetes have a lot to answer for-lol!!!

2006-12-18 02:12:35 · 24 answers · asked by CHARLIEDONTSURF 2 in Elections

It's a fantastic and wonderous world out there, filled with many sorts of people of all different ages and races and political affiliations and such... So why do neoconservatives have to resort to bashing liberals? I know a lot of liberals, and they just sit there and take it like men, getting down to the actual root of the problem, while the neoconservatives call them "Bleeding Heart F*ggots" and "baby killers" and "Nancy Drew Stinkfingers"... Well, not so much the last one, but you get the point... So why is it that the majority of neocons still operate under the assumption that the squeeky wheel gets the oil?

2006-12-18 02:11:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Why is it classified as an illegal narcotic? Alcohol is so much worse for a person, physiologically, psychologically, and in the long run, financially, as well. History reports that alcohol prohibitioin was a failure. Isn't it obvious to the law makers that their current prohibition of marijuana is a monumental failure, as well? And if so, why doesn't anyone have the balls to do someting about it before more innocent people are put in jail with murderers and rapists? Maybe the lawmakers are too busy raping their own pages to notice...

2006-12-18 02:09:07 · 15 answers · asked by Stacy Cuccia 3 in Law & Ethics

in addition to your treatment to get rid of incurable problems. with a small disclaimer at the bottom stating: (none of the above products are meant to replace medical practices/practicioners or to diagnose, cure or treat any disease).
is this advertisement legal? is it deceptive? would you let it appear in the newspaper? why or why not?

2006-12-18 02:00:27 · 2 answers · asked by curious 1 in Law & Ethics

I heard from some friends that have loved ones home from Iraq that their next missions were to go to South Korea or Africa. this has been very recent. considering that the brits and italy etc...have already announced troop withdrawel in the spring and with the fact that many say more troops are needed in Iraq to win why would the Iraqi trained soldiers be deploying to these destinations?
wouldn't this be a good exit strategy for Bush to say we are needed elsewhere.

2006-12-18 01:58:28 · 16 answers · asked by Enigma 6 in Military

I think we shouldn't have the death penalty because,
1. Statistically It does not prevent or deter serious crime.
2. We abolished it in this country because we decided the state should not take life. Reintating it would be a cultural step backwards.
3. We can never be 100% guilt. The list of people convicted of crimes that would have had the death penalty that were later found innocent is huge. (Birmingham 6 for example) If we send just one innocent person to there deaths, this would be a travesty.
4. WHY should a killer get away with such a light punishment such as death. A few minutes of suffering while a death sentence is carried out and then "escape" is not an adequate punishment. This is highlighted by Ian Brady's appeal to the court of human rights to be given permission to starve himself to death because he sees it as a better option than life in prison. He was refused.

Whats your view?

2006-12-18 01:58:14 · 27 answers · asked by joe r 2 in Law & Ethics

Have you ever herd of anyone getting high and then driving home and killing someone?How MANY times have you herd of dunk drivers killing someone?

-This does not mean I smoke weed I was just wondering other peoples thoughts.

2006-12-18 01:58:09 · 7 answers · asked by jill@doodle 5 in Law & Ethics

2006-12-18 01:57:13 · 6 answers · asked by bondarul_xxl 1 in Immigration

Do u all consider texting a girl cheating? My bf finally came back from out of town. He is always talking about how she is nice. Everything was good until he kept texting some girl. He said that the girl is like one of the guys. But I don't care. We can't even go shopping and he is texting her. He wished her a happy b-day even when i did not want him to. Everything she does she has to let him know. When I text him he dosen't text me back that much or that fast. When I did that at the beginning of our relationship he did not like that so I stopped completely b/c je did not like it. Now he is saying that it is ok. No, how I see it, it starts with text messaging, phone calls, sneaking around etc, plus the woman is married. They met at their trainning camp, He let me look at the text messaging, But when he got back all this incoming and outgoing text were deleted, what you all think about that? I told him if he text this girl or call her then we are done!!

2006-12-18 01:56:12 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

If an incident occured, and you want to sue someone for it, how much time do you have to open a lawsuit? What if something occured in the past, and you only found out about it recently, would I still be able to sue the guilty party?

2006-12-18 01:56:09 · 6 answers · asked by I scream for ICE CREAM!! 3 in Law & Ethics

over politics than the people in America? and do republicans have more faith in the system than dems?,,,

2006-12-18 01:55:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Or, did the Nazis use a frustrated populace as a resource for raising an amry?

2006-12-18 01:49:49 · 16 answers · asked by Overt Operative 6 in Politics

Can anyone help me find the link at the CA Labor Board site that shows an employees rights as far as breaks and lunches (rest periods are concerned? I would like the actual law code if possible and not something from some lawyers site.
Thank you.

2006-12-18 01:47:47 · 3 answers · asked by JC 7 in Law & Ethics

My fiance and I planned a child and shortly before the wedding we broke up. Im pregnant with a baby due in April, he has given up his £65,000 a year job and sold his house. I have no idea where he is and he say he will not pay child support. Do you think the CSA will catch him? Is there a minimum he has to pay, (Im not sure he would be entitled to benefits), what if he goes abroad?

Should I write to the CSA and tell him this is his intentions or should I just wait and see when the baby comes. It is not the money that is the issue even if he paid £5 a per week it would show they had caught him and he has to acknowledge some degree of responsibility. If he lives of the money of the sale of the house for a while am I entitled to anything, I am under the impression he intends to live of the assests.

2006-12-18 01:44:11 · 6 answers · asked by oceanwaves 2 in Law & Ethics

2006-12-18 01:43:25 · 9 answers · asked by the atomic penguin 2 in Politics

Is it right to respond to terrorism (acts of war) with more terrorism (acts of war)?

Wouldn't this be nothing more than expanding terrism (more acts of war)?

When did two wrongs become a right?

Is Condaleeza Rice scaring you when she threatens you with a mushroom cloud?

What country caused mushroom clouds over Nagasaki and Heroshima?

Was it Iran or Syria?

2006-12-18 01:41:26 · 15 answers · asked by Brotherhood 7 in Politics

i saw this question asked 2 months ago, and the majority chose mccain because they didn't 'like' clinton. no wonder this country has so many problems since we just pick who's nicer. keep in mind that mccain is gung ho about sending up to 50,000 more troops into iraq. i know that clinton isn't against that but she seems to have limits.

2006-12-18 01:40:17 · 18 answers · asked by Kismet 7 in Elections

"Cannon Fodder?"

2006-12-18 01:38:56 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

let's say those are your only two choices. they both have varying agendas and have something against them; they aren't white, christian males. i wonder if our society would rally to pick the 'lesser' of two evils with total disregard to their political stances.

2006-12-18 01:36:31 · 12 answers · asked by Kismet 7 in Elections

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