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Politics & Government - 16 December 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

If everone on the intenet chipped in $2 dollars we could build some state of the art hospitals in Dafur and Iraq and make a big impact on world poverty....who wants a passport?

2006-12-16 23:42:13 · 11 answers · asked by ohwiseone 3 in Government

fyi: American Indian tribes have been the only people in our history subject to this and still are without due process of law, as tribal lands are allowed to be reduced, siezed, etc, with apporval of the department of the interior , bureau of Indian affairs approval.

2006-12-16 23:40:13 · 5 answers · asked by paulisfree2004 6 in Politics

i want to invite my friend in states and my dad and brothers are in US Navy how can i help her in giving an invitation letter,and what are the steps that we need to do to be able to invite her here for a weeks.

2006-12-16 23:31:19 · 3 answers · asked by dhanes 1 in Immigration

2006-12-16 23:25:41 · 13 answers · asked by Just a guy 2 in Politics

What's the minium amount of land I need, I suppose I also need a small army....any help would be most appricated.... I'll be building this country inside Ireland, best answer can be my minister for Information or minister for foreign affairs, whichever they like....

I know a guy done it in western australia as he was unhappy with the Australian tax system, he's now got his own currency and is the only country to have a private army inside america....

2006-12-16 23:25:36 · 17 answers · asked by ohwiseone 3 in Government

have question when did the terrorists in Iraq cease to be terrorists and become gunmen. Are they trying to down play the terrorist part or are they trying to equate those that carry to terrorist?
If we were to go by the Old West terms I would be a gunfighter, because I use my tools to fight off the wolves. But in modern terms I would fall under a gunman mainly because I carry. I have never taken anyone hostage, never kidnapped, murdered, or slaughtered anyone. Those of us that carry for the protection of our families are commonly referred to as sheepdogs because we stand between those that want to do evil and those that are oblivious to the danger (or sheeple).
While we are all aware of that those in the media seam to be the least educated people in this country and they do have an agenda in this it's tough to see which angle they are going for, unless they are trying to kill two birds with one stone. Making the monsters not look as vile as they really are?

2006-12-16 23:08:41 · 5 answers · asked by .45 Peacemaker 7 in Military

There must be video.

2006-12-16 23:05:47 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

How effective where they on 911?

2006-12-16 23:05:46 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Can anyone tell me where I can find a list of jobs classed as General Skilled category? This is for possible Australian Immigration?
Thank you

2006-12-16 23:05:09 · 3 answers · asked by davie 2 in Immigration

I think they should aclnowledge the error of their ways and get over it

2006-12-16 23:04:53 · 9 answers · asked by Tracy 2 in Military

For instance the bible.

Not KJV because its public domain.

But If I was to read a section of the NIV,NLV or NASB bible audibly record it and sell it because people liked my voice would that require copyright permission or not?

Merry Christmas

2006-12-16 22:53:24 · 6 answers · asked by imgarysomers 2 in Law & Ethics

2006-12-16 22:49:15 · 7 answers · asked by Ahmed S 1 in Other - Politics & Government

I'm just curious at why people would hate the police. They risk their lives everyday but yet people complain about them constantly..If somone has a gun in your face, whos the first one thats gonna try to stop that person, If you're trapped in your vehicle and it's on fire, who's gonna drag ur booty out of it. I, for one, support the police with all i can, and i have a very gratious respect for what they do. Whos with me and whos against me on this?

2006-12-16 22:48:14 · 15 answers · asked by TJ Fox 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

2006-12-16 22:38:16 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

A while back, my stereo was stolen. A $1000 dvd screen, fairly rare, and a $500 system of 2 12" Memphis, 800 watt Lanzar amp and a high quality box

I was at a party when it was stolen, and a few guys were said to have hauled butt at the time it happened. One of these guys (dirt poor guy) has a dvd screen, and a couple nice speakers, according to word on the street.

I intend to find out if it is my system, since only one other person in town has a dvd screen. Well if its my system, I'm getting it back.

I filed a police report for the system, but I did not have a VIN number for the product, I left a fairly good description on the report, but no #'s.

Either I will get it back legally, through the cops, or I will steal it back myself. What will the cops do if I tell them the situation? They didn't do **** to help me find it the first time. What will they do if I get caught stealing it, (since its mine).

I worked very hard for that money to buy that sound system. Thanks again

2006-12-16 22:38:03 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

what part of my estate when i die do i have to leave my son in scottish law

2006-12-16 22:22:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Ever notice that the Bible's used as a matriarchal whipping tool? what ever helps the matriarchy is put forward as 'fact' and what ever doesn't suit is hidden and even aggressively opposed? Eg: for thousands of years marriage was supported whilst it forced 'husbands' [read slaves] to pay for their wives, drinking is opposed as it's something the matriarchy doesn't need [where-as Solomon advised drinking], and again- marriage is; *now* not needed by the m so it's now ok to divorce; even when the women is a whore [literally]; well the matriarchy doesn't need it; *now*; as the government has turned into substitute husband, gayness is opposed; ok that one may well be actually in the Bible, but it's funny how it suits the matriarchy to bring it up. Anyone believe a single word the matriarchy says?

Any dude's fed up with the m's crud? Well join some of yahoo's men's groups- all the Christian men have gone there for refuge.

Don't get this wrong- God *is* great. But the matriarchy is full of cr*p.

2006-12-16 22:20:41 · 4 answers · asked by Put_ya_mitts_up 4 in Law & Ethics

think its a jack the ripper follow up?, only by strangling the victims, and those of you who knows the story well, 1 of the suffolk killer's victims names, is the same as one of the rippers victims names, coincidence or just plain scary?

2006-12-16 22:19:52 · 3 answers · asked by livinia 4 in Law Enforcement & Police

Globalization has placed corporations in the position of being able to dictate terms to nations with regard to their trade/labor/environmental policies. Has this doomed the nation-state to irrelevance and eventual extinction in favor of a form of corporate feudalism?

2006-12-16 22:14:29 · 6 answers · asked by Dwain 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Why is it that all though we are such a big nation that third world countries such as Spain, Brazil, and Argentina, just to name a few are using methane fuel from corn and other forms of plants to produce fuel fo there vehicles. The cost of fuel in these countries are about 17 to 21 cents per gal. Is our government this corrupt on kickbacks from the large oil producing countries. Think about this. These third world counties have been doing this now for years on end with big success....

2006-12-16 22:10:01 · 5 answers · asked by Victor R 1 in Other - Politics & Government

I am asking about all versions in general.

I do not believe the King James version is but I may be wrong. What other versions do you know about? are they under copyright?

Also, If I was to read a bible verse, record it and sell it publicly would I have to obtain copyright and or other legal lincensure to be able to do so?

Or is there a legal loophole here because its not technically being physically published.

I really need your help.

Thanks ahead of time
Merry Christmas

2006-12-16 22:09:50 · 8 answers · asked by imgarysomers 2 in Law & Ethics

My vehicle was towed and I called the towing company to see if could pick it up. It was 1am when I called and the employee was quite rude. I'm afraid I pissed him off enough that I think he might damage my car and steal items within it. My whole life is in that car, I stored all of my christmas presents for my family in there so that they wouldn't find them. It's so unfortunate to realize that they're missing when I pick up my car.

In the state of California, what should I do if find my car is damaged and see that there are missing items?

Do towing companies have the right to hold your car? I'm not from the area in which it was towed which is in Sacramento. I came from San Jose which it 2 hours away to visit a friend and I need my car to drive back asap.

plenty of info would help.

2006-12-16 22:08:38 · 5 answers · asked by Marshmellie 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

One way or another the issue will end. What do you think will happen?

2006-12-16 22:00:18 · 16 answers · asked by Brad C 3 in Immigration

I also need some dissadvantages but I would prefer advantages.

2006-12-16 21:47:22 · 7 answers · asked by AsiH 3 in Government

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