i am talking about illegals in this country.no there isnt going to be any amnesty.yes jobs will have to start hiring americans again.no illegals cant stay.yes apartment buildings will start having to pay huge fines.no,stealing is not morally right.yes america will fight back.no,illegals cant steal the american dream.yes we are ready for a long hard battle.no,the economy wont collapse.yes illegal immigration makes americans extremely angry.no americans are not racist.yes i am hispanic -american.no i dont want to be your friend.yes black people are starting to see the disadvantage of having there jobs stolen.no whites dont hate you.yes you hate americans?no,this isnt the united states of mexico.yes you have to speak english,no you dont have to stay.yes america is home of the free.no america is not to be stolen.yes americans built america.no you can not like america without likeing americans.yes america is immigrants.no america is not illegal immigrants.did i leave anything out?
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